Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Technology and the American Summer Insurrection of 2013

Sanford, FL—Okay I said it.  I just don’t see this any other way.  I really hope I’m somehow wrong.  Unfortunately, history supports all of my fears.  What’s past is prologue, always.  
Our nation has never been so racially divided or hypersensitive.  The George Zimmerman prosecution has not been able to deliver to the jury the venom and hype the media and the Whitehouse promised.  The allegations of a race based stalking style murder of an innocent lad have been exposed in court as pure baloney.
That Martin/Zimmerman case was a simple instance of justifiable homicide resulting from the use of very necessary deadly force to stop an attack by an athletic young thug. 
It is now more than clear that Trayvon Martin used a sidewalk as a deadly weapon in his effort to murder George Zimmerman by bashing out his brains.    Zimmerman will be finally cleared shortly.  The ignorant masses are not watching the trial, just the verdict.
That case is really as much or more incendiary than even the Rodney King case.  The big difference is today’s Information Age.  Barack Obama convinced and inflamed millions of African-Americans that Zimmerman was guilty.  The Internet has spread this vile poison far and wide.
Accordingly Florida brought a seriously flawed criminal case forward that they knew would never survive in court.  It happened because of raw and malicious political pressure.  That has put millions of African-Americans on edge.   If the many thousands of tweets and other Social Media threats are any indication, America’s big cities are going to see a major bloodbath.
The police will quickly lose any hope of control because they have lost their edge.  It past riots and insurrections police has always had exclusive use of portable communications devices.  They could easily coordinate tactical peacekeeping efforts via two-way radios. 
The police have virtually no experience dealing with rioters with absolute communications parity.  The thought of this is really frightening.  I know that police academies have not really found a way to teach cops how to tactically or otherwise effectively  deal with hostile groups armed with relatively new communications empowerment. 
The game has been changed by millions of cheap, smart phones and the Internet.  Those taking part in violence will quickly outnumber police and coordinate ambushes with gasoline and paint thinner bombs that will defeat even the best police body armor.  Even young children will be texting the positions of police, their numbers and their vehicles.
Police will have little choice but to quickly retreat and it will be civilians fighting for their lives and property without significant law-enforcement resources.  
If you live in or near a large city it would be best to make plans to vacation or otherwise stay away from home as the Zimmerman trial winds down in the coming week or ten days.  At least try and remove your children to safer areas if you can.
If you must stay in the city you will need plenty water, food, fuel, batteries, fire suppression equipment along with firearms and ammunition.  A set of cheap family services radios, will come in handy for when the cell phones are cut off.   You can expect to see the utilities shut down almost immediately. 
I know there will be those people that suggest my advice is crazy and that this will never happen.   I say that recurring insurrections and wars come with the human territory.  We eternally have periods of peace and that of war. 
We cannot forget the massive holocausts that have plagued this earth as long as humans have.   Don’t think for a second that we have evolved. 
It is abundantly obvious we are heading directly into the perfect storm of a despotic police state that will be popular with promises of security at the expense of freedom.
I gave you some guidance but you and your, families, neighbors and friends better quickly have some kind of emergency plans in place.  God help us all.


  1. The media keeps calling Zimmerman a "white man", well he ISN'T a White man. His dad is a Jewish fellow but his mother is a Peruvian with black ancestry as well as Indian(Peruvian Indian) and other ethnicities. And Zimmerman does not LOOK white either, yet the media tell the public that he is, and so that is why elderly Whites in various states, last year, were group attacked as the thugs and thugettes shouted, "This is for Trayvon"

    I would suggest that readers take the author's advice and follow it. Unless you have seen what can happen, in an instant, you have no idea what it is like.

    I do think as Whites become a minority in the USA it will become a very, very uncomfortable situation.

  2. In Mexico, Mr. Zimmerman would be a Mestito (mixed race), which is a kind of person heralded as the future of Mexico. This kind of propaganda is designed to resist the kind of racial separations that are obvious in the USA. People of European descent, who are Spanish-speaking Mexican Citizens, actually run Mexico and own most of it.

    See for yourself what the Mexican culture idealizes on Telemundo TV: Blonde women who are tall, who might as well be imported from Sweden, and in real-life are imported from Sweden to act as spouses and mothers for the wealthiest and most aggressive Mexicans.

    The Zimmerman-Martin case is not about race in law, but it's only about race in the media. Who benefits from rioting blacks? Not white Americans, that's for sure. Police and militarized agencies will certainly find themselves increasing in power/budgets/staff as well as flexibility to act independently to achieve the objectives designated by the POTUS.

  3. Whites becoming a minority is not the same as blacks becoming a majority...though the blacks have allowed democrat race-baiters tell them this is so.

    The black community have worked hard to alienate all the other minorities as well. At the end of the day blacks have simply made themselves the most visible 13% of the population.

    Organized rioting among that 13% will not end well for the 13%.

  4. Even if the blacks riot, their leaders will limit them to amount killing and damage they.

    Their leaders know it is impossible to win a race war. Not only are blacks greatly outnumbered and, even though blacks excel in athletic ability, and the type of intelligence required in communication skills, and individual fighting tactics, whites excel in the type of intelligence required in large scale wars.

  5. If anything the WWW has spread the truth to the masses. Big time.

    Practically everywhere I go on the WWW, the comments are 90% for Zimmerman's case of self defense.

    The M$M, especially NBC, should be worried that their falling rates are going to fall even more when Zimmerman's lawsuit against NBC takes off. It will be very interesting and hopefully, antiseptic.

    What NBC did amounted to a M$M lynching of Zimmerman. A perversion of justice in plain sight for the world to see. Framing Zimmerman right in front of God and everyone!

  6. So why did Martin attack Zimmerman? What happened to set the kid off? There are two parts to this self-defense argument and I want to hear both of them.2

  7. I bet Pres Obama is hoping this will be his opportunity to declare martial law and confiscate weapons. That's what it has to be, an excuse for a door to door gun grab.

  8. No question that Martin was a burglar on the prowl, he was even found with the tools of his trade, a fanny pack with a screwdriver, and the fanny pack even had in it stolen jewelry. I, myself, have been burglarized and the sheriff who came to look for fingerprints explained that all the kid who did it needed was a screwdriver to break in. He said that a screwdriver (and socks to use as gloves) in a fanny pack are the typical tools of drug addict burglars, looking to trade goods for crack. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person and had every right to make a police call against Martin. When Martin understood that he had been fingered, he attacked Zimmerman and attempted to kill him. If people of Martin's race riot, they will be putting themselves into some very serious danger, especially if, as you say, the police can't quickly contain them. They are a distinct minority against the combination of whites AND latinos. This would be a war like Hitler trying to fight both the west AND Russia. We all know how that one turned out.

  9. Barack Obama convinced and inflamed millions of African-Americans that Zimmerman was guilty. The Internet has spread this vile poison far and wide....
    well,maybe you meant the MSM (mainstream media)that doctored 911-tapes and made it appear racist.I'd say that he'd have been lynched by now if the internet had not exposed the truth and kept it before the public so Jorge wasn't railroaded.

  10. Larry, it would seem the only person able to answer that question is the 'can't read cursive' girl on the phone with Martin at the time.

    She knows but what are you gonna do? Put a lie detector on her in court?

    She already gets a couple free passes on the perjury, etc., etc..

    Her amusement and matter of fact shrug as to 'creepy as cracker' is testimony in itself.

    She knows though. The prosecutors, judge and families know too.

    How could they not?

  11. The "prosecution" (read "kangaroo court") is doing it's damndest to convict Zimmerman. . .that being said . . .
    One must understand the defective pathology that exists in the minds of almost all urban underclass blacks. You see, "young master trayvon felt "disrespected" for being asked what business he had in that community. (Any ordinary civilized person would have stated that he had relatives there and would have been on his way). His only possible response (due to his defective black pathology) was to pummel and murder Mr. Zimmerman. In this way, he would regain his "respect". If "young master trayvon" had been successful in murdering Mr. Zimmerman, it would not even make the evening news. It would definitely not be reported as a "(racial) hate crime".
    Mr. Zimmerman is being railroaded at the behest of the race apologists, poverty pimps, and race hustlers. The prosecutor should be brought up on charges of malfeasance of office for charging Mr. Zimmerman. . .without convening a grand jury. . .

    Why is the so-called "news media" so intent on persecuting George Zimmerman?? It is evident that Zimmerman was "jumped" while heading back to his car and that the "thug" trayvon got what he deserved . . . the urban black "underclass" has a disdain for education, finds "disrespect" under every rock, does not know what REAL "respect" is, and is generally a "menace to society". The sad part is that the few "decent" blacks out there make "excuses" for the feral black "underclass". trayvon was "casing houses" NOT going to the store to buy "skittles". Trayvon was walking between houses, not on the sidewalk . . . he was "up to no good". Any civilized person would have answered the neighborhood watch guy that he had been visiting relatives, but not trayvon. . . trayvon's feral underclass upbringing led to his demise . . .

    Here is a message for all you racial "apologists" for minority "bad behavior" . . .
    It is apparent that you have never lived around or experienced the typical urban feral black. I hope you never have to as they would "eat you alive".
    The black "underclass" is REAL.

    If you want to "expand your horizons" and experience "authentic black culture", travel the mean streets of Detroit, South Chicago, Gary Indiana, Atlanta or other "refuges" of "authentic black culture", preferably at night. I would prefer that you go unarmed, as this will add to the excitement of your "adventure" . . .
    Your outlook on what you now consider "racist" will change in a hurry. You will find that minorities (especially blacks) are "racist to the core".

    "saint" trayvon was a thug, casing houses, looking for trouble. Looks like his feral black upbringing did him in. Look at that whole trayvon "family" . . . human garbage at its finest. . .they already hit the "racial lottery" with a million-dollar "settlement" from the "homeowner's association". How many people are unaware that they did not report their "son" missing for three days?? I am sure that his "family" was aware of "young master trayvon's" criminal activity, probably benefiting from it themselves.

  12. The "prosecution" (read "kangaroo court") is doing it's damndest to convict Zimmerman. . .that being said . . .
    One must understand the defective pathology that exists in the minds of almost all urban underclass blacks. You see, "young master trayvon felt "disrespected" for being asked what business he had in that community. (Any ordinary civilized person would have stated that he had relatives there and would have been on his way). His only possible response (due to his defective black pathology) was to pummel and murder Mr. Zimmerman. In this way, he would regain his "respect". If "young master trayvon" had been successful in murdering Mr. Zimmerman, it would not even make the evening news. It would definitely not be reported as a "(racial) hate crime".
    Mr. Zimmerman is being railroaded at the behest of the race apologists, poverty pimps, and race hustlers. The prosecutor should be brought up on charges of malfeasance of office for charging Mr. Zimmerman. . .without convening a grand jury. . .

    Why is the so-called "news media" so intent on persecuting George Zimmerman?? It is evident that Zimmerman was "jumped" while heading back to his car and that the "thug" trayvon got what he deserved . . . the urban black "underclass" has a disdain for education, finds "disrespect" under every rock, does not know what REAL "respect" is, and is generally a "menace to society". The sad part is that the few "decent" blacks out there make "excuses" for the feral black "underclass". trayvon was "casing houses" NOT going to the store to buy "skittles". Trayvon was walking between houses, not on the sidewalk . . . he was "up to no good". Any civilized person would have answered the neighborhood watch guy that he had been visiting relatives, but not trayvon. . . trayvon's feral underclass upbringing led to his demise . . .

    Here is a message for all you racial "apologists" for minority "bad behavior" . . .
    It is apparent that you have never lived around or experienced the typical urban feral black. I hope you never have to as they would "eat you alive".
    The black "underclass" is REAL.

    If you want to "expand your horizons" and experience "authentic black culture", travel the mean streets of Detroit, South Chicago, Gary Indiana, Atlanta or other "refuges" of "authentic black culture", preferably at night. I would prefer that you go unarmed, as this will add to the excitement of your "adventure" . . .
    Your outlook on what you now consider "racist" will change in a hurry. You will find that minorities (especially blacks) are "racist to the core".

    "saint" trayvon was a thug, casing houses, looking for trouble. Looks like his feral black upbringing did him in. Look at that whole trayvon "family" . . . human garbage at its finest. . .they already hit the "racial lottery" with a million-dollar "settlement" from the "homeowner's association". How many people are unaware that they did not report their "son" missing for three days?? I am sure that his "family" was aware of "young master trayvon's" criminal activity, probably benefiting from it themselves.

  13. In the 1950s (so the story goes), a Japanese officer in their naval Self Defense Force was interacting with his counterparts in the U.S. Navy, and in the course of conversation, the subject of a Japanese invasion of the continental United States during early 1942 had come up.

    The Japanese officer had held senior rank in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War Two, and it was an appropriate question. The condition of coastal defenses along the Pacific during the months immediately following the Pearl Harbor Attack could only be described as "feeble."

    The Japanese officer simply shook his head. "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

    With regard to the White and Hispanic population against whom the Blacks intend to rise had best bear this in mind.

    If the conditions are such that the police cannot provide protection, there will exist a state of war, and the Blacks themselves will have no protection against the defensive retaliatory use of deadly force by their intended victims.

    Inter armes, silent leges.

  14. Seems to me it would be a good thing if people would post far and wide that Zimmerman's mother is a Peruvian with black ancestry.

    Not that such would stop idiots. But it's something positive.

  15. Chet: "His dad is a Jewish fellow..."

    His father is Catholic. Zimmerman is not a Jewish name, but a German name. The only Jewish Zimmerman I'm familiar with was Bob Dylan, who was born a Jew, but converted to Christianity. (I know he's still alive.)


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.