Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Camera Records as a Monster Attacks Young Mother in Home.

Milburn, NJ—A very real monster invaded a quiet home where a young mother was alone and defenseless with her three year-old daughter.
The home had a nanny cam that caught the frightening attack.  What you can see and hear is highly disturbing.  The woman’s little girl watched in horror as the vicious animal savagely beats, kicks, chokes and throws her mother down the basement stairs. 
Needless to say he took her wedding ring and other jewelry during this brutal home invasion.
New Jersey is a place where citizens routinely are denied gun rights and have to submit to such horror.
The man is described as a male, black, 5’11”, 210 with a light salt and pepper beard.  It looks like he may have lots of tattoos on both arms.
I’m sure I’m not alone in my desire to see this crazed savage beheaded by a shotgun blast in some alley.
Please pass this on to every gun rights hater you know.


  1. Yep, you chose to live in a place that violates your rights to defend yourself and you can expect this to happen to you.

    Now, let's kick back and watch the liberals try to defend this animal and justify his actions with stupid things like he didn't have a daddy or he didn't have toys or whatever excuse they can muster to try and explain this away.

  2. Mt Greenwood HillbillyJune 26, 2013 6:07 AM

    I am confident that the offender will be caught, and I pray that he gets a good tune up during the arrest.

    No more excuses for these animals.

  3. A tune up of the double barreled variety would be nice.
    That way there' no need for future service calls.

  4. I bet the vic thinks about getting a heater now and changes her security protocols.


  6. Where is the outrage from the black community? Oh wait, they only care when one of their own is the victim.

  7. When you let farm/zoo animals wander around free . . .

  8. Where is the outrage from the black community? Oh wait, they only care when one of their own is the victim.

    June 28, 2013 10:37 AM

    they're only outraged when:

    1. one of 'their own' is the victim


    2. one of 'their own' is not the offender.

    and their 'outrage' is not about the harm suffered by the victim, only about the offender being not one of 'their own'.

    how dare a non-negro mess with a brother/sister negro?

    no matter what the facts of the event may be.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.