Wednesday, June 26, 2013

America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer

Star Prosecution Witness, Rachel Jeantel
Sanford, FL—Yes, the George Zimmerman trial here has thousands of African-Americans getting ready for some serious bloodletting.
I don’t want to make idle and dire predictions but this nation has never been so divided and racially sensitive.  Our African-American President took sides on this case at the very beginning.  That ratified a George Zimmerman guilty verdict in the minds of millions.
There’s just one little problem, and that is the murder case should have never been filed.  It was filed purely for political reasons despite the fact that it was a simple justifiable homicide. 
Zimmerman was on the block watch lookout program and followed a suspicious Trayvon Martin after he used an improper entrance to a gated community.  Zimmerman was acting as the eyes and ears of the Sanford Police Department. Martin did not like being followed and knew that he could easily beat up the out-of-shape Zimmerman and did so.
The force was unequal and Zimmerman was getting his head pounded on the concrete sidewalk.  Zimmerman was fighting for his life when he removed his Kel-Tec pistol and put a round into Martin’s chest.
The Sanford Police Department investigated the shooting and had no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman who regrettably cooperated with them fully.  They made no arrest. 
The Leftist gun rights hating media and African-American agitators could not wait to exploit this sad story.  They used angelic pictures of Martin from his childhood and even broadcast doctored 911 tapes to make Zimmerman appear racist.
The propaganda fairy tale was so simple.  An unarmed youngster was merely skipping along in an apartment complex carrying tea and candy. The lad was suddenly murdered by an armed monster stalking him because of his skin color.   
It was the Seminole County Prosecutor that buckled under the political pressure and brought forward a wrongful prosecution feeding the propaganda.  The case is now on trial and is set to end at the hottest point in our summer season.
The family produced a “star” witness, Rachel Jeantel who was on the phone with Martin at the time of the attack and subsequent shooting.  Jeantel is a very slow-witted girl that was schooled by the Martin family and possibly their civil lawyer on what she should tell authorities. 
The family and prosecutors soon claimed that Jeantel “Connected all the dots to this vicious racially motivated murder.”  Unfortunately for Jeantel the dots all scattered everywhere today in court. 
Jeantel tried her best to pull off the charade but could not keep her lies straight from one moment to the next. Today she had a very painful afternoon on the witness stand not only admitting lies, but she got caught red-handed in a perjury trap. They are far from being through with her yet!  
The media and prosecutors claimed that Zimmerman was a ruthless vigilante that was racially profiling and stalking African-Americans to kill.  They redundantly said he violated orders from the Sanford Police Department employees. 
The problem was when the 911 and police officials were examined under oath in court they really had very little difficulty with Zimmeman’s conduct.
Zimmerman’s prior 911 calls were somehow supposed to show he was out-of-control but he always merely reported suspicious activity as he was told to do. 
The prosecution has been doing terrible and the case is going down in flames, as it should. 
The Martin Family sued the Homeowner’s Association and collected a king’s ransom without any resistance from their insurer.  Frankly they were afraid of the nasty racial overtones and paid the extortion demand out of court.
My Chicago cop friends have a not so kind term for such legal actions, "The Ghetto Lottery."
Today I did a simple name search on Twitter and saw a long list of nasty, seething threats of violence and riots.  Apparently a lot of angry African-Americans see that case is all but over. 
With today’s social media I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades.
If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win.  You will need firearms, fire suppression equipment along with lots of food and water.  Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere. 
America is about to see some combat related population control like we’ve not seen since the Civil War.  Martial Law can’t be far behind complete with major efforts at gun grabbing. 
This may be a turning point in America.  Freedom will either be retaken or lost for our lifetimes and our children's.
Read just a few of the tweets from today:

Here is my post Not Guilty response and thoughts on this issue:


  1. There's violent talk on both sides of this case. More likely this summer will be the lawyers slugging it out over Michael Jackson's bones.

  2. Attention needs to be taken away from the really serious issues at hand. People need to wake up. Yes, race still is a problem here in America, but we can not afford to loose focus on the multitude of other, more pressing matters WE AS HUMAN BEINGS must face. Im so sorry that this has happened. Hopefully justice prevails. God Bless this world!

  3. Mt Greenwood HillbillyJune 26, 2013 7:40 PM

    here's violent talk on both sides of this case

    Yes, there is violent talk on both sides. Their side says there will be violence. My side, says, yes, they're going to commit violence.

    Fucking Moron.

  4. Zimmerman protected his life, a punk was beating his head against the sidewalk, broke his nose. If he had gotten Zimmerman gun, Zimmerman would be dead, and all these people would not saying anything. Stock up on 556/308/12ga

  5. Do they really need a reason to riot? They’ve made themselves a permanent underclass by rejecting civilization and embracing a culture of thugdom. They are motivated by the race hustlers who we shower with money to keep them passive.

    What we should do this time when they burn their homes down is refuse to replace them and let them find shelter with the white liberals who enable their dysfunction. We lack the political will to do anything of the kind but it would put an end to this madness very quickly if we did.

    Big cities run by Democrats should fair the worst because they have all stripped their cities of any effective law enforcement too so their enablers should be expected to learn some real fear of what they created and that won’t be a bad thing either.

    You’re right about the gun grabbing too. Political authorities should be expected to try and strip the law abiding naked in the face of the threat too so everyone should take steps to hide their weapons until needed. Forget about them using any legal process – the rule of law is dead. We have no Constitutional protections and if your weapons are registered you’ve got a target on your back from the state.

    1. Fortunately, in Florida, the authorities are prohibited BY LAW from confiscating firearms in an emergency. Since any attempt to do so is facially an illegal exercise of authority, resistance to such an attempt is justified.

  6. Isn't perjury illegal anymore? Why hasn't this lying Jeantel woman been arrested?

    She should be prosecuted for her lies, and her punishment should take notice of the conflagration she's attempting--at the urging of the race hustlers--to ignite. People need to recognize--and take responsibility for--the consequences of their illegal actions.

  7. Another problem with, not just this case, but the way the civil lawsuit business works, in general, is this "Lottery aspect". Yahoos, smelling a payday, will come out of the woodwork from all directions, with the most outrageous, illogical, unsupported claims of damage. They level all kinds of wild claims of negligence, bias, or whatever other word their trip to the thesaurus has turned up.

    And the respondents, typically insurance companies, will "go along with the gag", roll over without any kind of fight, just to avoid the publicity. That is wrong. It is legally wrong, morally wrong, and sets very bad precedence. This is the moral equivalent of negotiating with terrorists, which all nations realize will only produce more terrorism.

    So, the insurance company that acquiesces to this, has no one to blame but itself. They should also realize that their cowardice emboldens future scamsters, while simultaneously smoothing the road for those future scamsters.

    It is incumbent upon all of us to stand up to this kind of expediency at the cost of what is right. To do otherwise, is to condone it, and to ensure that we see more of it, in the future.

  8. Its a shame that they had to bring race into it, Zimmerman did not, the network had someone alter they tape, between Big All and that jackass in the white house, they are the ones that really pressed it into race. Someone is walking around a housing communities at night in and out, being a communities watcher, he was doing just that, when martin hit George, and was beating his head on the sidewalk, George was calling for help, I believe the judge is pushing for a guilty verdict. They can use Zimmerman old phone called, but they can't show the photos or history of martin, the prosecution keeps showing the photo of the young martin, why don't they show the photo of martin that is more recent, George was getting his ass kicked, and when the kid saw his gun, I think the statement was, your going to die finite. At that point if it had been me, yes I would have shot him to. In a fight with this kid, that wanted to hurt him, Zimmerman was out matched pyshically out matched, remember martin played football.
    That being said, I do think the judge is stacking the deck, Zimmerman is not getting a fair trial, if by chance George is found innocent, I will be willing they are going to riot, I am prepared, plenty of 223/308/44/45,

  9. The home owners ass settled with martins a while back for a in disclosed amount.
    Even if George gets off, they are going to hound him with lawsuit, he won't be able to have a decent living, talk about setup.

  10. She has lied, she is changing her story, martin used racist remarks, I sure hope the jury is not blind, deaf and dumb. How is it, that hearsay is not admissible, but they are using hearsay, and not a real creditable at that?
    If the situation was reversed, I would have pulled the trigger, I hope I never have to be put in that position, but life or death, I will be breathing when its over. When you look at the situation, if someone was beating your head on concret, broke your nose, then he see your gun, and makes the statement, "finite your going to die" what would you have done!

  11. Great post, but the real issue is not poor Zimmerman - an everyday hero to whom my sympathies extend - but the 30 MILLION illegal Mexican aliens the DC traitors are about to shove down our throats (along with 600 MILLION NEW NONWHITE IMMIGRANTS over the next 40 years).

    Yes, this is a race thing. Whites are being dispossessed of our country, and no one ever fights back. I made over 100 phone calls to Senators protesting this giveaway of our precious citizenship to foreigners who have only contempt and hatred for whites and especially conservatives.

    WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE ALLOWED ALL THIS TO HAPPEN. We never should have "embraced diversity" (liberals and misguided Christians did that to us). We never should have tolerated totalitarian racial integration with violent, and heavily evil blacks. We should have rejected "civil rights", nonwhite immigration, and criminal coddling. Instead our fathers and grandfathers embraced liberalism, patted themselves on the back for selling out their own descendants, and now here we are, having to deal with the dysgenic mess they left us.

    It all comes down to this: white Americans have allowed themselves to be racially conquered - and with barely a shot fired in defense of OUR country and OUR way of life. We are a cowardly, despicable race who deserves to go extinct - and we will, in very short order.

  12. Let me add: we middle class white Americans need a political lobbying organization dedicated to defending OUR people and OUR interests. Life will only get worse as time goes by and America goes down. Third World people make Third World countries.

    Blacks have the NAACP, Latinos their MALDEF and other organizations. Who do we have fighting for us?

    Race-realistic white Americans need to begin organizing ourselves into both political groups and ultimately self-protective organizations. We must have lobbyists fighting at the political level, and militias to protect each other "on the ground".

    There is strength and power in numbers and unity. I estimate that there are over 100 million non-liberal/brainwashed white Americans (adults plus their children); that is, whites who want to live and want their children to live as free white persons in a country of dignity and prosperity.

    Right now whites are totally atomized, with only the anonymous internet available to us. We must meet in the real world, form political and defense alliances, and prepare (ourselves, and our children) for future domestic combat.

    Meanwhile, FIGHT THE AMNESTY! Call Republicans in the House and demand they say NO to Amnesty! Tell them they'll be thrown out by primary challengers in 2014 if they betray us.

    Whites are being turned into Nazi-era Jews (ie, a powerless and persecuted minority group) in OUR OWN COUNTRY! We must delay this minoritization as long as possible, while building up white consciousness and arms.

  13. Despite Zimmerman being a self-described "Hispanic" the "race rioters" apparently will only focus on White people.

    1. Good the ill to all minority-people is the mindset that ALL WHITES (or whoever you can rob, rape or murder) is what is propagandized to them here and foreign countries.

  14. The case appears obviously to be self defense but after so many other surprises I have learned that predicting juries is challenging. The government has stacked this case so high and we don't really know the jurors. In a rational world it is cut and dry but this country has turned upside down.

    Mr Haller makes that point. How so many American senators could actually vote to betray the USA regarding immigration. I understand Democrats. They want votes and power, but the GOP? Graham, FLake, McCain, Rubio, Corker and on and on. It is an eye opener for me, once again.

  15. HEAVY MACHINEGUNJune 28, 2013 6:08 AM


  16. Only you can change the world!June 28, 2013 6:14 AM

    Leon Haller said...
    Great post, but the real issue is not poor Zimmerman - an everyday hero to whom my sympathies extend - but the 30 MILLION illegal Mexican aliens the DC traitors are about to shove down our throats (along with 600 MILLION NEW NONWHITE IMMIGRANTS over the next 40 years).

    Yes, this is a race thing. Whites are being dispossessed of our country, and no one ever fights back. I made over 100 phone calls to Senators protesting this giveaway of our precious citizenship to foreigners who have only contempt and hatred for whites and especially conservatives.

    WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE ALLOWED ALL THIS TO HAPPEN. We never should have "embraced diversity" (liberals and misguided Christians did that to us). We never should have tolerated totalitarian racial integration with violent, and heavily evil blacks. We should have rejected "civil rights", nonwhite immigration, and criminal coddling. Instead our fathers and grandfathers embraced liberalism, patted themselves on the back for selling out their own descendants, and now here we are, having to deal with the dysgenic mess they left us.

    It all comes down to this: white Americans have allowed themselves to be racially conquered - and with barely a shot fired in defense of OUR country and OUR way of life. We are a cowardly, despicable race who deserves to go extinct - and we will, in very short order.

    June 28, 2013 1:11 AM

    Rule number one, ACT ALONE tell NOBODY, EVER. Don't say cutesie innuendos at the bar. Plan. Make it quick and decisive. Know the risks. Do it. Shut your mouth. Repeat keep your mouth SHUT. Conscience may bother you on occasion and give you doubt about your actions. Ignore it, it'll pass. Remember you did civilization a solid.

  17. This really makes me angry. I posted yesterday about an incident that happenesd in Texas that was supposedly racist. It wasn't racist, it was police brutality. THe reason why there are racial tensions is because the media lies and stirs it up. They are doing this at the crooked government behest. I advise you fgools not to walk into that set up and get yourselves killed.

  18. If obama had a dawter, she'd be like Jeanette.

    Oh, that right, he does.

  19. The African-American population relies too often on violence and pull with government to get their way.

    Others are getting fed up with their behavior. At the end of the day they are 13% of the population. It doesn't take a war to fix a violent 13%, not even a violent politically-connected 13%.

    I pity the innocents in their community if they riot. It will be one riot too many.

  20. There's another issue here beyond race. How does a concerned resident of a community effectively screen strangers? Unobtrusively, I would say. How does he gauge the motives of the stranger? By talking to that person, I would say, not to the police. This writer is biased and alarmist, but let's say his assertion that TM came in through an "improper entrance" is correct. That's GZ's conversation starter right there: "Hey, guy, are you lost, can I help you?" Even if he get's a finger in reply, he's done well by letting a potential burglar know that somebody's watching, somebody will remember his face. I live in a traditionally low-crime, small-town rural area that is sprouting dense housing developments, many residents being ex-urbanites familiar with breakins. It's the locals passing through, such as farmers bordering the housing, local construction workers, maybe grubby from work, using old paths unknown to the newbies, who get the Zimmerman fisheye. You can tell they're scared, and sometimes they call the cops. Everybody involved is white. We just don't know who raised a hand first in Sarasota, who had who on the ground, but we DO know that GZ created a hostile situation when he didn't need to.

  21. NO! America will NOT see Race Riots!

    If anything, there will be calm Protests and Sit-in, but Americans of all Races and Levels, are TIRED of being lied to, jerked around by tptb....who don't have the benit of THE People in mind, but only the 1%.

    THE People will finally, realize that riots are what the Feds want. That's why they sent a Mandate to ALL the Cops, coungtrywide, to stump on on and even kill us. US, being, both Blacks and Whites.

  22. Stop using the term African-American to describe black people. I was born in South Africa to military marine family. I am a genuine African-American. I am also caucasian. Stop the PC idiocracy!

  23. Recall right after the incident there were several "THIS IS FOR TRAYVON" attacks by groups of African-American males AND females on White elderly people in several states. Of course these sorts of attacks go on EACH AND EVERY DAY and get ZERO media attention, and you have to ask yourself WHY? Why does this case get INTERNATIONAL media play and the thousands of cases each year where White people are raped, tortured and butchered get NO national attention and sometimes LITTLE LOCAL media play. Take the case of Mexicans hunting Whites in Monrovia, California the last 30 years or so, no FBI investigation of that.

    Non-White nations never have these stupid “discussions” about “ethnocentrism” and “racism.” The Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, etc. instinctively know that there’s no reason to allow other races political or numerical power in their countries.

  24. I'm sure there will be some rioting. That's what idiotic dimbulbs do when they don't get their way.

  25. I watched that Rachel testify. What a dimwit idiot she is.

    "Star Witness"?? Don't make me laugh.

    She's done the prosecution no favors, that's for sure.

    As for Blacks and rioting, here's the crux of the problem: Since we have a Black president, the Black underclass in this country thinks it can do whatever the hell it wants and get away with it.

  26. please remember the Boston Watertown DHS Police State test

    this could be manipulated and manufactured to test again

  27. One must understand the defective pathology that exists in the minds of almost all blacks. You see, "young master trayvon felt "disrespected" for being asked what business he

    had in that community. (Any ordinary civilized person would have stated that he had relatives there and would have been on his way). His only possible response (due to his

    defective black pathology) was to pummel and murder Mr. Zimmerman. In this way, he would regain his "respect". If "young master trayvon" had been successful in murdering Mr.

    Zimmerman, it would not even make the evening news. It would definitely not be reported as a "(racial) hate crime".
    Mr. Zimmerman is being railroaded at the behest of the race apologists, poverty pimps, and race hustlers. The prosecutor should be brought up on charges of malfeasance of

    office for charging Mr. Zimmerman. . .without convening a grand jury. . .

  28. yeah we are all real scared, let them riot they may not know it but will find out they are still outnumbered and outgunned. I do not like violence but sometimes when bullys start pushing their weight around its time to get violent, and I look forward to this, but it will not happen, talk is cheap.

  29. This kind of talk is really not a good idea. I think people have some kind of hero image of themselves out there making things right in the world. In reality chaos leads to numerous people being hurt or killed that really don't give a damn about your political agenda. They just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Moreover, there is a huge portion of the population that is sick and tired of things and all they need is a spark. People raising hell in the streets might be all the spark they need. If that happens things will get really ugly for all of us. Don't let yourself be so easily manipulated

  30. No matter how the verdict goes there will be riots. Any excuse to grab some free stuff.

  31. Leon Haller - you are a disgraceful collectivist who has no right calling yourself a conservative due to your making groups out of individuals. Or you are a troll. I am white but my race is the *human race.* I know liberty-loving black and hispanic people. Take your old-time Democratic Party KKK nonsense elsewhere.

    1. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. Yes, there are decent folks of all ethnicities. They are individuals. There are, however, mobs of folks who aren't so decent, who are race- hustling, bloodsucking traitors to the real America. When the time comes compelling you to lock-and-load your .223, you' d better be able to tell the difference. It won't be that hard - they'll be the ones screaming "Kill that white m*therf*cker!"

  32. A certain uncivilized segment of the black community is now threatening violence and rioting against whites if they don't get what they want like they did in the OJ trial.

    Go ahead, you easily-aggravated thugs. The people you will be rioting against are the ones with all the firearms. Sure, a few sideways-aiming pistols and other cheap weapons will be on your side, but they're the ones who know how to make sure that every round finds its mark.

    I don't know what is worse... that some blacks are threatening violence if the fair an impartial trial doesn't go their way, or that the political left feels that they have enough control over a group of people that they can coerce them into committing violence as a means of political leverage.

    Race won't stop being an issue in this country until blacks stop listening to their Democrat plantation lords, and start loving and caring for their children the way white people do. I should know. My black parents did that for me.

  33. There WILL be a HUNG JURY. There is one African on the jury and she WILL NEVER vote to acquit. Deliberations will stall. Then they will stop entirely.

    I believe the FIVE white women (one is apparently "white-Hispanic like Zimmerman) will have the intelligence, honesty, and courage to vote for acquittal.

    If the ratio was reversed, five Africans and one white, a GUILT verdict would be a certainty as the sole white would be bullied into voting for guilt.

    Again, HUNG JURY.

    Stan D. Mute

  34. Staunton Virginia, Come get some.... Might not turn out like you think. Lotsa guns here.

  35. NORDIC CAUCASOIDJune 28, 2013 3:47 PM

    how come the black community is not out for revenge against #81Hernandez the real latino killer of a unarmed black male? crickets anyone?

  36. Black leaders tried to make this case another Tawanie Brawley. They judged, convicted, and sentenced Zimmerman before the blood dried on the Latino's face. Prejudging. Isn't that related to the word prejudice? And isn't prejudice related to the word racist? Those loud ugly voices, calling for the lynching of the Latino if a jury finds him innocent, are the reason why I think the existence of racism today is most prevalent in the form of reverse racism of blacks toward non-blacks.
    And I also think that there is not much philosophical diversity in the black community. Any black person who goes against the authoritarian political dogma of the national black leadership is shown the worst hatred and abuse possible by the black leadership and their sheep.

  37. I see racist black people

  38. Let them riot. There are more than enough armed white people out there to reduce their numbers from 13 percent of the population to something significantly lower. In other words, BRING IT ON!

  39. Remember the last riots in LA? Well the Koreans who protected their property and stores taught the rest of us what it's all about and how to keep the ghetto dwellers away.

    Since then I have armed myself and every member of my family. In addition I have purchased many "THOUSANDS" of rounds, in many many cases stacked and stored in an underground vault at our bug out location, far from our house.

    Now we are facing the race riots that Obama was praying for in 2012 when he began talking about white extremist groups that had threatened him in hopes that blacks would rise up and start the civil unrest Obama direly wanted so he could declare "MARTIAL LAW"! Well I fear he will get his wish this year!

    If the ghetto dwelling Obama supporters want war, I will be more than happy to give it to them and allow them to lay their ignorant uneducated lives down on the alter of their Messiah!

  40. As a mother to 2 little boys, the thought of martial law, riots, etc scares me. But then I look at my husband, and everything we have to protect ourselves, and our escape plans, and I can't help but think: "BRING IT ON".

    SN: my captcha was enewswes liberates. Lol!

  41. Remember the last riots in LA? Well the Koreans who protected their property and stores taught the rest of us what it's all about and how to keep the ghetto dwellers away.

    Since then I have armed myself and every member of my family. In addition I have purchased many "THOUSANDS" of rounds, in many many cases stacked and stored in an underground vault at our bug out location, far from our house.

    Now we are facing the race riots that Obama was praying for in 2012 when he began talking about white extremist groups that had threatened him in hopes that blacks would rise up and start the civil unrest Obama direly wanted so he could declare "MARTIAL LAW"! Well I fear he will get his wish this year!

    If the ghetto dwelling Obama supporters want war, I will be more than happy to give it to them and allow them to lay their ignorant uneducated lives down on the alter of their Messiah!

  42. This was recreated into a race issue so the media can have a field day. None of us know what happened except Zimmerman and Martin...The media needs money and therefore must make every story sensational and cause a ruckus. By giving into violent urges based on something you read or saw on the news you are a sheep to the media which was bought and paid for a long time ago by the upper 1% before anyone alive today was born. What we need to do every time there is a story about this is see what it is they are trying to hide with it. Go see what voting will take place on the day of a "big trial" or anytime a shooting in a school happens to take place the day they are voting on an unrelated issue that is easy to hide when kids are dead. This is another smokescreen story. Yes what happened is aweful and unfortunate but by taking a side when you werent there and have no access to all the evidence makes you a fool. I hope Zimmerman is telling the truth and it was his life or Martin's, but we will never know no matter what the verdict. The same thing happened during the OJ Simpson case. The news channels made a killing, advertisers had a field day...why not be angry at those who profit from the suffering of others? Turn off your TV and figure things out for yourselves.

  43. Good!! Bring it on!!!

  44. Man its all senseless bickering in every direction ...Mexican..African..American ..we all bleed red...we've got it ingrained in us to fight even eachother...violence in everything..t v..our sports heros are losers..s**+ stirring media...what really matters, no one cares about..n that's eachother!!!... no love for the poor..or the needy..just more for the greedy...wake up folks..this is deeper than travon n Zimmerman !!we need to learn to live together ..n love one another..or were all going more breeds only the same..only death knows the end of war!

  45. Most of you all are an embarrassment to me as a white man. You make no sense; only spew stupid ideologies that you've heard from your stupid peers and parents and grandparents. You aren't any different than the exact people you hate- impressionable little puppets of ignorance. This will only get better as we all die. I am a bit less racist than my father and a lot less racist than my grand father; Let's hope the trend continues.

  46. "Fortunately, in Florida, the authorities are prohibited BY LAW from confiscating firearms in an emergency. Since any attempt to do so is facially an illegal exercise of authority, resistance to such an attempt is justified."

    That is a dream world statement. The government and its stormtroopers do not care about the law or the second amendment. They make it up as they see fit, and there are a million examples of this. Us peons must live by the law, they don't have to. They would have no fear (just like in katrina) of confiscating your guns and leaving you defenseless.

    They will violate your 4th amendment, second amendment, and what ever other amendment they wish without even batting an eye lid.

    So leave the land of OZ and come back to earth, circa 2013 a.k.a. 1984.

  47. The inner city folks are tired of looking at 42 inch flat screen TV's and want to move up to 60 inchers. Time to hit the street and head for the appliance stores. Zimmerman...who?

  48. southwestcrackaJune 28, 2013 9:00 PM

    Dis cracka goin be explodin' some heads they come down my way.

  49. Anonymous said...

    Stop using the term African-American to describe black people. I was born in South Africa to military marine family. I am a genuine African-American. I am also caucasian. Stop the PC idiocracy!

    June 28, 2013 8:46 AM

    Agree, my white cousin was born in South Africa...she is a African American..... Actually, DNA history show ALL humans come from Africa....
    Educated blacks abhor the term Afro American, saying most blacks don't know where they are from.

  50. I hate the term african american, I dont call my self a canadian yoguslavian american. WTF. Just an american. The racist blacks keep racism alive in this country so they can get what they want and thats a free ride. You want to riot and murder and not follow the rules, fine. Lets put you all on an island and you can do it to each other. This gov. Has let. Crime get way out of hand. Your die..... period. No more sucking taxpayer money to keep you alive in prison for life after you comitted a violent crime. And as for riots, my gun are locked and loaded. Hmm 243 hits ground hog at 300 yds. This should be easy.

  51. Having lived in Long Beach when the Greater Los angeles County Inter-ethnic My Festival of 1992 went down, I hope to God that the predictions and threats are not realized. Do the threat-belchers realize that the massive increase in sales of semi auto military rifle clones has been in response to the fear of such WROL situations? The rioters/looters will be facing very well armed people who will not just stand down and allow the destruction to proceed. I am glad we live in a semi-rural area far enough out of the nearest urban cesspool to probably be uninvolved in any racial affray, but I am most definitely equipped to protect my home and neighborhood from rioters and looters.

  52. Does anyone remember the "powder keg" analogy about pre-WWI Europe? Well, 21st century America is very much a powder keg today. Conservatives feel increasingly ostracized, abused, marginalized, targeted as more and more peaceful avenues for the preservation of liberty are taken from us. Had the politicians stayed out of this, the case would have been open and shut, a tragedy but nothing worthy of criminal indictments. Making this case political and now threatening riots if it doesn't go your way displays two things: 1) The racists and tyrants are fully populated in the Liberal plantation and 2) They are willing to do anything including ignore and overthrow the rule of law to accomplish their goals. With Conservatives already preparing and many believing revolution is inevitable, what does one suppose will happen if these riots take place? There is a *very* good chance it will lead to civil war and possibly even a race war. Tread lightly, America. These may be your final days.

  53. Black on White interracial violent crime is already out of control.

    Run search on "Knockout Game".

    The "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon" case is just another excuse.

  54. I am a bit less racist than my father and a lot less racist than my grand father; Let's hope the trend continues.

    June 28, 2013 8:20 PM

    so, what you're saying is, you're a shining example of devolution?

  55. This entire farce is a racist race pimp Kabuki play designed to cause "racial" violence.

    Zimmerman is guilty of having a "jewish" surname.

    If his surname had been more traditionally "hispanic" none of this would have happened.

    "Fiat justitia, ruat caelum!"

    Let them riot.

    We are ready.

  56. Racism is running ramped through the US; however, it is no longer the white as the majority showing racism against blacks but blacks as the majority showing racism against whites. I have never had an issue with blacks and have several black friends with whom I get along with just fine. But I have noticed over the last five years that when out in public such as grocery stores, etc., I am treated very rudely by black people who don't even know me. The only thing they have to judge me on is the color of my skin. I have never been anything but kind and respectful to all individuals I meet for the first time no matter what their skin color but on several occasions have been called a racist by a black person simply for disagreeing with an opinion of politics or religion. The tides have turned and the very people who said they wanted equal rights,fair opportunities and not to be judged simply based on their exterior appearance are the ones doing exactly what they claim to have been so against.

  57. Silent RunningJune 29, 2013 1:18 PM

    All you doctrinaire libertarians (the term "collectivist" is your mating call) need to take a good hard look at the African continent and all the nations of Europe which have a significant African minority. You will see the exact same behavior in all of these places as you see here in the former US. While I don't deny that there is propaganda and race-baiting in the media, blacks don't need to be riled up by a third party in order to be violent. Rape, murder, and theft is their default setting.

    All your black friends don't make a whit of difference, especially since they never fully condemn their ghetto bruthas.

    There is no human race; there is a human species. We all bleed red? So do deer and wolves and bears. It's past time for you lot to stop contorting yourselves into pretzels in order to lay 100% of the blame at the feet of the state and accept that this is largely a matter of genetics.

    Culture is an expression of race, not the other way around.

  58. The powers that be should have scheduled the trial so that it would end in the middle of winter. It's always harder to riot during a snow storm.

  59. How soon we forget.

    I remember the fires from the summers of 1968.

    Our congress rushed through the Gun Control Act in that year in response to state legislators crying "do something" at the sight of armed groups of black panther member in uniform carrying guns in Oakland, Chicago, and many other cities. It was copied nearly verbatim from a translation of the German Gun Control Act of 1938 to save time... and over forty years later, despite the threat of violence as demonstrated so well in the riots and burning in nearly every major city in the US that year, and the - literally - tens of trillions of dollars in wealth funneled into the urban, black, communities through headstart, welfare, healthcare, free transportation, food banks, food stamps, perpetual "urban renewal" we are now being asked to allow that demographic carte blanche in beating, raping, murdering all others as the Dept of Justice' new Orwellian controllers won't prosecute blacks for crimes like voter intimidation - among other things.

    There have been innumerable instances of black urban violence in the decades since MLK was killed. Cincinnati, Los Angeles, the annual beach riots in Florida, Carolinas, NJ, NY, OH, and Chicago, and still, the FBI Uniform Crime Reports tell us that over half of all violent crime in the US comes from the black demographic.

    We've been blackmailed long enough. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton were small time operators compared to the extortion that Holder and Pres. Obeyme have managed to eke out of businesses large and small alike.

    I do hope and pray that George Zimmerman gets true justice here. Assaulted as he was, overpowered by a - quite possibly drugged - 17 year old male who jumped him and could have killed him, he used his civil, natural, constitutional, human right to keep and bear arms to defend himself. He shouldn't be on trial. He should be home, sleeping peacefully at night without the media and new black panther party threats of violence.

    If the "race war" is going to happen, if we're going to have "martial law" then bring it. Let's just get it over with. I'm tired of the threats, the intimidation, the redistribution of wealth, the violence.

    Let's do this thing already.

  60. What concerns me is Obama got elected then re-elected. Interpretation; It seems logical to many but it might go either way.

  61. If the "race war" is going to happen, if we're going to have "martial law" then bring it. Let's just get it over with. I'm tired of the threats, the intimidation, the redistribution of wealth, the violence.

    Let's do this thing already.

    June 30, 2013 5:50 AM

    never put off until tomorrow what you can get done today.


  62. The powers that be should have scheduled the trial so that it would end in the middle of winter. It's always harder to riot during a snow storm.

    June 29, 2013 9:45 PM

    spoken like a true northerner.

  63. So..all these riot threats if he's matter if it TRULY was self defense or not? REALLY?? What is this, a world of slow wits?? Not to mention that if the threats to "lynch cr****s" DO come to bear, how do you know you're picking one who is NOT ARMED!! If you are so willing to beat up / "lynch" someone as to take a chance you will lose your OWN life due to their act of self defense, then YOU, my friend, are the slow witted idiot!! Leave your children father/motherless?? that's terrible!! I am a disabled, small, not-strong female so i'll give you a hint..If I were you guys,I wouldn't pick on the "easy targets"..most of us are armed BECAUSE we are viewed as "easy targets"!!

  64. The posters who are saying that the knee-grows are all "individuals" and that you can't "group" them ------are simply wrong.

    You see - there there is thing thing call "Genetics".

    Genetics imply "groups".

    I'd wager that the idiots defending the useless, worthless, congenital unerachievers - are:

    a) a congenital underachiever themself, or
    b) A bolshevik jewish agitator.

    Listen up you bolshevik "Dual Citizens"..we know that you're inciting the yutes to riot against us.

    Guess what? You're going to pay the price for this.

  65. The black race in America is dying out. 2.6 abortions for every baby that cheated the abortionist. No one knows who the daddies are because mom banged an average of 17 different pee pees while watching Oprah, eating chips and drinking a coke all on food stamps. too bad that the one sperm that hit did not run down her legs with the others. terrible language but the truth. Black America is self imploding into the liberals dream of extinction. Read the democrats agenda from the 50's. Ridding America of blacks and ruining schools so communism could be introduced under the name of progressiveness. Sad but true. Obama hates blacks as much as whites and only wants the riots to come and be bloody.

  66. The media will be to blame for it has formented a riot by suggesting there is a prosecutable case here. As the prosecutor's case worsens and worsens, they won't let go of what has become delusionary. Everytime the case is mentioned on television, they play the police phone call. It's so irresponsible, it's scary. What other inference can be drawn except that the media WANTS rioting. It could not be clearer.

  67. BlackConservativeChristianJuly 08, 2013 6:27 PM

    Obama voters in the media are egging on Obama voters in the street to riot due to a, purportedly, unpopular legal decision most likely rendered by people not smart enough to get out of jury duty, again, likely Obama voters. They are doing this as agent provacateurs to get we conservative blacks, whites and Asians to vigorously defend ourselves from the mayhem caused by rioters. They will then use these results to try to disarm us in the future.
    I think the problem comes down to corruption in the democrat party. Time to pray for them and then to starve them. Fire any democrats who work for you. Do not shop in their stores, purchase no goods made by firms supporting the dems, boycot products supporting dem TV and dem newspapers. We conservative have buying power which we must withdraw in order to stop financing our enemies, democrats of all colors. They are truly evil, corrupt, violent marxists(blasck, white, yellow) who think the fruit of your labor belongs to them. they want to force their vile idea of life on you and your family. They want your kids to have gay sex,bi-sex, and whatever, get stoned, have abortions and spit on the flag.
    We don't need to shoot dems, only boycott them. They clearly do not have the capability to manufacture products, make fuel, manage farms, or fish, etc. They are only capable of making indecent movies, spitting on God & country and getting high. Don't spend another nickel on a democrat, ever!

  68. Anyone who riots in our neighborhood and shows signs of intent to do immediate bodily and/or property harm will find the instant response to be rather unpleasant.

    A bad day shall ensue for all aggressors -- even if there are 50 or 100 of them.

  69. Watts, Martin Luther King Riots, LA in '91 with Rodney King. If they want to really go thru with civil unrest, looting and mayhem, I think with should revist the words of Hizzoner, "I have conferred with the superintendent of police this morning and I gave him the following instructions, which I thought were instructions on the night of the fifth that were not carried out. I said to him very emphatically and very definitely that [he should issue an order] immediately and under his signature to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand in Chicago because they're potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple any arsonists and looters--arsonists to kill and looters to maim and detain."

    Richard J. Daley 14 April 1968

  70. Did I hear riot? Bring it on !!!

  71. Commenting on the article and not the comments, you seemed to be quite wrong. I noticed there were no riots. Why did you think there would be? I also heard something interesting that might make you reconsider your attitude toward young Rachel's intelligence. Do you know that she speaks 3 Languages? How about that she'd been talking to the defense attorneys for 4 months before the trial and knew them well. They also knew her--and that she spoke English. What you saw in court was a sneak attack that left a trusting young girl shaken and confused about why she was being attacked.

    One question for people here: Since we all know that Trayvon Martin did belong in the neighborhood and was much closer to his home where he was killed than George Zimmerman was to his, did not Trayvon have a right to defend himself against Zimmerman, who we all know was an armed aggressor? Why would a just turned 17 year-old kid attack a grown man who weighed 100lbs more than him? Answer: he didn't. Trayvon Martin was profiled wrongly, reported as being suspicious wrongly, stalked wrongly, confronted, attacked and killed wrongly.

    Want to know how the convo would have gone if proper? "Hey, I'm George with neighborhood watch, I've never seen you. Do you live here?" "Yeah, I live right there." "Oh, okay, nice to meet you. What's your name?" "I'm Trayvon Martin. Tracy Martin's son." "Oh, great. What address?" "This one, here." "Oh, ok, gotta keep an eye on the neighborhood. Sorry to bother you, Trayvon. Have a good day." "Okay, you too."
    Or let's pretend Trayvon was some crazy ruffian, as folk here seem determined to believe. Here's the convo then: "Hey, I'm with neighborhood watch." "I don't care who you are, quit following me, pervert before I kick your ass." "Listen, I'M ARMED. I just want to know who you are. There have been some break-ins." "Hey, I don't want any trouble. I'm just going home. Leave me alone." "You live here?" "yeah, right up there, now leave me alone." See--no death either way. Only in a really twisted mind does someone imagine a 17 year old child responding any other way. I worked with gang kids in Chicago who actually carried guns and shot people, and even they wouldn't respond like Zimmerman said Martin did. Only a sick mind imagines an American boy (born and raised) can't hold a rational conversation.

  72. Block Watch program police administrators specifically tell the block watch people not to engage suspects with any conversation or confrontation. Having a conversation may appear to be reasonable however it is specifically discouraged. That is what the police are supposed to do. Zimmerman is merrily there to watch and report what he sees. As the officers and 911 operator testified in court he did his job the way he was supposed to do it...

  73. Color of skin & gay a problem for some

  74. In Aug 2013 - Oprah Winfrey said that in her mind, the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till are the “same thing.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.