Monday, March 25, 2013

The Gift of Friends

On a plane from Geneva or Amsterdam a few years ago I sat next to a man and we struck up a conversation.  We seemed to hit it off well and exchanged business cards and went on our way.
Later this man’s family became involved in multi-million dollar litigation.  I got a call from his attorney and this fellow I remembered from the plane.  They needed some serious investigation. 
Soon I was sent out of state to get the skinny on the adverse party and spent a week or more doing just that.  I searched far and wide for something resembling a smoking gun for use in the courtroom.   My client’s lawyer really put a tight leash on me somewhat obstructing my areas of inquiry.   In these kinds of things the lawyer is the boss. I held my nose and obeyed him.
I turned up a bunch of things but nothing seemingly particularly exciting.  I called in my information from the field and forwarded my report later.
I was disappointed that I found nothing seemingly spectacular.  I felt they did not get the bang for the buck.  Boy was I wrong!  The documents showed that the adverse party committed perjury and the winds of fortune changed dramatically for my client.
My new client was a rare one.  He’s sane, sober, hard working and shared many of my interests.  Now my client has become a great friend and that’s the real bonus for that job.  The gift of friends is a true blessing in life. 
My new friend found at least one more friend through my friends.  Friendship is contagious.  I must say I like how this turned out. 


  1. Gosh, Paul, no bodies, no thugs, no gloom and doom. Actually a happy blog! I hardly know what to say – except good for you and your new friend. You certainly deserve it and here's hoping you find more.

  2. And hopefully u enjoyed that bonus u got from those greatful friends...

  3. Hopefully you didn't blow the bonus in Amsterdam......


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