Friday, December 28, 2012

The Whitney Houston Homicide

Beverly Hills, CAWhitney Houston’s scalded and battered remains were found in a bathtub at the local Hilton Hotel.  Despite the first "accidental death" findings by authorities serious and undeniable signs of foul play linger on.  Nobody’s buying the accident story, especially not me or the working cops.
Despite the publicized findings, the investigation was not going away anytime soon.  In fact the investigation is heating up.  Those responsible for the singer’s death know only too well about the loose ends that will soon snare them.   It turns out that Ms. Houston had a guardian angel that is now demanding justice.

As in every case involving multiple offenders the first one that breaks ranks and runs to the prosecutor gets a free ride even in death penalty qualified cases!  There will be no jail, no criminal record and even an all expense paid relocation for one lucky conspirator. 
Despite physical and photographic evidence prosecutors always want inside information and never fail to use the tools provided by immunity from prosecution. 
Who will win this race to guaranteed freedom?  I have my bet on one particular person who just may be smart enough to come forward and win the prize. 
Upon request, I will provide safe passage to the District Attorney for the lucky one that contacts me. 


  1. Way to go Paul ! Real (Chicago) Police get it right, while LAPD Detectives Fu** Up another one, ala O.J., Robery Blake, Roman Polanski, Marilyn Moneoe, and hundreds of unknowns. The Famous But Incompetent FBI will now steal all the thunder, but we know who the REAL Dets. are, and it ain't them. Perhaps Fox News will wise up and get Paul as a Commentator, and dump the completely incompetent buffoon LAPD pretty-boy Mark Fuhrman, and replace him with a competent retired police Investigator.

  2. God bless you for all your work. Ms. Houston deserves justice. "God don't like ugly" Those who do ugly cannot hide in the shadows forever

  3. THIS will be something. they know more then what they are saying, and i pray everyday justice is served!!!.justice will be served!!! that angel she had was a camera and before you know it we all will see them and whom ever sent them.

  4. THANK you jesus that angel she had was a camera.them and who sent them is on the way to big trouble.i knew everyone should of knew this would not go unsolved

  5. I don't believe she was murdered and I would be willing to bet that nothing comes of this "investigation." She died of a simple drug overdose because she couldn't stop using. Sad but true.

  6. Thanks for digging into her death....however, I don't buy into the entire "drug debt" story. It's much bigger than anything of that nature. Never in my life have I heard of a drug lord letting anyone reach such extensive debt to begin with. Secondly, if Whitney wrote a $2 million check just a couple of months before she passed to complete production for Sparkle, how is it she couldn't pay said debt, if at all true? Why would they wait for her to come to LA to kill her, when they could've easily went to her home and done such? Anytime Whitney's name is mentioned, drugs are also, and I don't think it's fair that her name is still being tarnished because of her past. She said it best though, "they make you to break you!" Sad but true. "They" knew that if they concocted a story of her death being blamed on drugs, that the people would go for it and never doubt. I'm not one of those people. There has been too many holes in the entire situation and I don't think the "entire truth" will ever surface, simply because the Elite always win. Sad, sad, sad.

  7. Yes...

    plus the inside info on California is that someone will often cover up sexual abuses or murder in institutions or fancy hotels - to perpetuate any given city's good name thus guaranteeing business as usual,

    but this disgusting practice - covering up murder or sexual assault -

    simultaneously re-victimizes the victim, the victim's family and the world

    and ALSO robs them of the truth.

    A cover up by the perpetrators of a crime- and/or the government to protect local business or institutions - is most certainly synonymous with injustice.

  8. Why does Society believe so much BS, but won't believe that there are professional Assassins experienced in killing people and making it look like an accident or suicide. Happens all the time.

  9. thanks and congratulations for his work on Mrs. Houston I also tried to draw attention to this blog that it is impossible to have died accidentally in particular the automatic reflexes against asfisia and burns also work with high doses of drugs Whitney was found with the body down and in boiling water if you do not want to reopen the case only with its evidence to prove to point out that even then the water out of the tub was too much was due to the wiggling of the body as you say here I wrote on page 65 details

  10. i believe she was murdered from the beginning. She had a staff of over 15 with her, where were they? How was someone allowed in a hotel where multiple A list celebrities were and not run in to security? no pass? Why was whitney at the bev hilton? Not that classy of a hotel. She always stayed at the Bev Hills Hotel or Four Seasons like the rest of the guests of the party. Sounds like a set up to me.

    WHy was this swept under the rug? There was so much evidence pointing to a homicide. Whitney also didnt take baths in hotels. I am sick. Cocaine in more then 1 spot of the room? Body in the room for 11 hours after she was pronounced dead. More than 1 meal in the room. Heniken, Champagne. Why werent the tapes researched before? Why did an officer who didnt know her personally identify the body? Why not family?

    If this were any other superstar, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Madonna, Lil Wayne, Celine Dion, Elton John, Jay Z....etc random people would not be able to enter the floor or wing of the hotel where the person was staying. FUCK RAY WATSON. HE NEEDS TO BE THE FIRST ARRESTED. Hes security right? where the fuck was he?

  11. December 28, 2012 8:12 PM, thank you for common sense, logic and probably the truth.

  12. Paul said " Ms. Houston had a guardian angel that is now demanding justice."

    Who's the guardian angel demanding justice - Paul?

    Perchance a bodyguard - like Kevin Costner?

    Kevin Costner would be perfect casting - being one of the few - who is spiritually linked, who loved Whitney and who still loves her.

    He might want a private investigation into his friend's untimely death at the Beverley Hills Hilton Hotel in 2012.

  13. Via free will, Whitney chose illegal drug usage.

    Either Whitney sent her entourage home or gave them the day off.

    Most likely, if she avoided drugs, she'd still be alive.

  14. There is no free will when there is a gun or some other force pointed at you!

  15. January 05, 2013 6:09 PM, yes that's true, but that would have been avoided, if Whitney had never used illegal drugs.

  16. In this case, one can avoid a free will gun pointed at them, if one refrains from all illegal drug usage.

  17. Many are still alive - who did not refrain from illegal drug useage. Charlie Sheen is one. Drugs are not the problem in this case - because if it is murder - debt is the problem!!!!

    One should refrain from debt!!!!

    Or be very careful who the lender is -

    This Could Also Be Some Advice Today for America.

    Anonymous said...

    "In this case, one can avoid a free will gun pointed at them, if one refrains from all illegal drug usage."

  18. If Whitney hadn't bought and done illegal drugs, then she wouldn't have been in debt and would still be alive.

    Yes, Sheen is alive. Will he be murdered too?

  19. Anonymous - January 11th
    wants to blame the possible murder victim Whitney Houston & misses the point of Crime file's article because -

    a) many people take illegal substances
    b) and/or are in debt

    but are not murdered.

    c) In addition there is another possible crime - since the government and Beverly Hilton hotel may be hiding and covering up Whitney Houston's homicide in Beverly Hills, in order for good business as usual - whether it be hotel patronage, drugs or otherwise.

    Anonymous said...

    "If Whitney hadn't bought and done illegal drugs, then she wouldn't have been in debt and would still be alive.

  20. I don't think Sheen will be murdered for hanging out with the LA Mayor and partying with hot chicks in Cabo.

  21. Anonymous - January 12, 3:10 AM and most posters want to absolve Whitney Houston of any blame for her drug abuse, possibly because of celebrity status.

    If Whitney was a "regular person" who resided in Chicago's Englewood community, her (drug related) death would barely make the 10 PM news.

  22. Re:Anonynous Jan 12 2013 -
    10: 35 AM

    In this world not all people are equal - although Anonymous would like that to be...

    Whitney Houston was not a regular person because she had a gift - her singing voice, & the beauty of her being. She also had some addictions as many of us do - in various ways.

    It is not fair for Anonymous to give Crime file posters here a bad rap!

    No one wants anyone to be murdered regardless of whether they are famous or not, drugs or not, in a dangerous relationship or not.

    We just want to know what happened to Whitney Houston was she murdered or not, and if so by whom?

    Anonymous seems to want to blame the victim Whitney Houston for being murdered - that is if it is true the crime of murder has been perpetrated upon Whitney Houston and covered up.

    It is known that often people blame a victim to make it right in their mind that no such victimization could happen to them. They do this so they can think they are superior and above such victimization. This fallacy is called the just world fallacy!!!!!!!!!!

    But this is NOT a just world...and Anonymous is missing the point to hang on to the fallacy that people deserve what bad happens to them, with the delusion that it could never happen to them.

    Anon of January 12th 10.35 am stated

    "Anonymous - January 12, 3:10 AM and most posters want to absolve Whitney Houston of any blame for her drug abuse, possibly because of celebrity status."

  23. Re: January 12, 2013 6:10 PM

    I didn't give any poster a bad rap. In fact, January 12, 2013 3:10 AM mentioned me first!

    I don't subscribe to justworld, nor do I feel I am superior.

    You, others and I can be murdered at any time. Most likely, you and others, like me aren't buying and/or selling illegal drugs.

    Unless one is born a baby on drugs, illegal drug usage is a choice. One can avoid illegal drug addiction, by not simply not engaging in such drugs to begin with.

    Making excuses, for celebrities who engage in illegal behavior, isn't going to return them to us.

    Re: January 12, 2013 6:10 PM

    I didn't give any poster a bad rap. In fact, January 12, 2013 3:10 AM mentioned me first!

    I don't subscribe to justworld, nor do I feel I am superior.

    You, others and I can be murdered at any time. Most likely, you and others, like me aren't buying and/or selling illegal drugs.

    Unless one is born a baby on drugs, illegal drug usage is a choice. One can avoid illegal drug addiction, by not simply not engaging in such drugs to begin with.

    Making excuses, for celebrities who engage in illegal behavior, isn't going to return them to us.

    If "we" make excuses for Whitney, then the same courtesy should be extended to the "regular people" in Englewood.

  24. Re: January 12, 2013 6:10 PM

    In this Earthly world, "we" are alive for a short time, where celebrity status usually matters. Under the US Constitution, aren't "...all men [and women] created equal"?

    However, in the Kingdom world, where we'll eventually reside "forever", celebrity, political stature, wealth, etc. doesn't matter.

    While we are on Earth, God's laws and man-made laws expressly forbid illegal drug usage, which leads to either self-inflicted (free will addiction) murder or as many here suggest, a foul play murder.

    I don't subscribe to a just world, because that will not occur until Jesus returns.

    Whiling awaiting Jesus' return, I don't believe I'm superior to Whitney or anyone, nor do I give anyone a bad rap. Only God is superior.

    Via Adam and Eve, evil (via free will) choice, any one of can be murdered.

    The delusion stems from some celebrities and "regular people" thinking the illegal drug usage will not occur with consequence(s).

  25. There is a changing in Los Angeles Coroner report as far as one famous death.

    Not Whitney Houston's!

    Instead a beautiful and talented - actress who died 30 years ago - yes Natalie Wood, who starred in "Westside Story"

    The Los Angeles Coroner should have got the report right at the time, not 30 years later -

    With errors like this by the Los Angeles Coroner - what hope is there for the death of Whitney Houston or the death of anybody else for that matter?

    But I suppose if there are errors to be corrected that the mistake or possible coverup is admitted is better late than never!,0,6854742.story?track=rss

  26. The point of this article is to make a statement about a homicide NOT to blame a person for their death because they took drugs.

    Some people want this take on it

    Whitney Houston took drugs

    Whitney Houston was murdered

    Whitney Houston was murdered because she took drugs? But this is not true!!!!

    And this is why it is not true - If Whitney Houston was murdered it was because of DEBT- NOT DRUGS.

    ON THE OTHER HAND - If Whitney Houston was NOT murdered - then possibly her drug usage contributed to her early death.

    There is the distinction - and the clarity.

  27. If Whitney had refrained from illegal drugs, she wouldn't have been involved in debt.

  28. True to some extent, but she could have been in debt through other expenditures apart from drugs. And not everyone is murdered through being in debt for drugs or anything else for that matter.

    If Whitney Houston was murdered - then drugs are not the cause of her death but instead only one link in a chain - & not the direct link -

    the cause of murder would be the people she was involved with - who murdered her, in retaliation for her not paying her debt.

    Drugs would only be the cause of Whitney Houston's death if her death was due to too many drugs in her system, with no murder involved.

  29. What are they doing with the info?how long does it take to put it together? I dream whitney said there was counterfeit money in the room.i hope something is solved and soon so many people miss her. They should of let her live.

  30. The drugs and debt are mutually exclusive.


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