Monday, October 15, 2012

Amsterdam is a Great City in a Terrific Nation

Amsterdam, NL—This city is probably one of the nicest places you can visit on earth. It’s a place where art and beauty is everywhere. It’s the home of The Dutch Masters, and a friendly society that welcomes visitors with pride. Flowers are everywhere weather permitting. Museums are also everywhere. 

This is a city to see by bicycle and taking a boat ride on the canals is always a treat here. The food is great and the nightlife is first class. 

The Dutch are known for their very Libertarian views on sex and cannabis. This European jewel not suffered for their attitude. This is an example of why our Drug War is such a grand waste. The sex trade in Amsterdam in legendary and you can see quite a show every night in the Red Light District. 

The Dutch have a thriving film industry, with a renowned film festival. Unfortunately I can’t speak Dutch but most everyone here not only speaks English but they do so rather well. 

The Dutch are a freedom loving lot and their brave efforts to resist the tyrannical Nazi occupation are legendary. Many Christian Dutch people lost their lives protecting Jews from persecution during the Third Reich. The Dutch Resistance Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to the efforts of the Dutch Underground and is a must see attraction as is the Anne Frank House. 

When in Europe Amsterdam and nearby places like The Hague will make you want to have a summer home here.


  1. Nice picture!

    I spent some time in Eindhoven and thoroughly enjoyed it in spite of the dreary late fall weather. Nice people, great food, excellent public events.

    In the sauna, some guy gave me a free ticket to a symphonic Mahler performance, his Fifth, as I recall. Lo and behold the "guy" was the guest conductor and my seat was dead center, first row balcony -- with a spot light when I sat down. (Not sure my casual shirt and blue jeans fit in that night.)

  2. Beautiful picture. Reminds me of my visit there back in the 70's. We walked along the canals and ogled the pretty girls. The naked women in the windows in the red light district made for interesting viewing but as is to be expected, that was in the seedier red light section. Back then I believe it was not quite as cosmopolitan as it is today and we were constantly approached by drug peddlers trying to sell us "skag". No thanks, buddy.
    Still, to anyone who visits Amsterdam, it is an interesting place and a canal boat tour is a must. Good times.


    I hope you dont get molested by TSA on the way back.

  4. Try the brownies!!


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