Sunday, September 02, 2012

Mayor Rahm Emanuel Invites the World’s Tourists to Chicago!

Mayor Emanuel has some excitement in store for Chicago's Tourists!

Chicago, IL—The exciting places to visit are the Gold Coast, Oak Street Beach, Trendy Michigan Avenue and The River North Areas.  There are fine hotels, restaurants and cultural diversity is everywhere.  Summertime seems to bring out the best that the Windy City has to offer.
The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office is the finest anywhere but get your reservation in early because soon they will be running out of accomadations.
Below are some of the friendly native Chicagoans that can’t wait to meet you and your families!  


  1. Lawdy Lawdy!..Hey, I live in this new hood version..I see the mobs..they are on my block..don't know how that will go over when I try to dumb my old about change..yep, we got it. This was once a nice place but Rahm is taking orders from Mau Mau Headquarters!

  2. The BANE of Western Civilization...In all fairness, Rahm probably really did not know what he was getting into. Downtown and near north were never like this. Social Media connections has a lot to do with this mess. Most unfortunately, we have accommodated a high crime adversary culture. This culture seems to be unraveling civilization crime by crime.

  3. This started up in 2009, was in 001 trying to get a handle on it. They'd go from 018 into 001 over the bridge. I could see it was going to get real, real bad. I can't believe how bad it is now. Made several arrests early on with the "wildings". You couldn't get me downtown now since I'm retired, even with the pistola. What a horrible situation. Bad enough you would get hit up for money and cigarettes, even in uniform, that never ended well. Couldn't even go on a job without some other interference from scum hustlers. I always said I would like to lock up the suckers that give them money, cause without them, there would be no problems. Citizens being dragged to to cash stations by hustlers to "Help the Homeless". Citizens being taken into 7-11's buying the hustlers, not food, but stuff they could sell, batteries soap, cigarettes and beer. Yeah for dope money. When they were informed they were scammed, they looked at you like you were the bad guy. Such cold police. What Chumps they were! They didn't even realize they were being protected from being a robbery victim for say a half hour of my wasted surveillance time. They would have never signed anyway. It's all lost. God Bless CPD. Miss you 001 guys.
    Retired 2010

  4. What? Kapo Rahm is failing? As head kapo Rahm should know what fate befalls any kapo returned to the ranks.


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