Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Pay Big $$$ to get Frisked, Fondled and Insulted by TSA Thugs?

TSA Worker
Chicago, IL— In my early adulthood going to a Bears game at Chicago’s Solider Field with girlfriends included a small bottle of brandy and a blanket.  The blanket was used to keep warm while concealing certain enjoyable other mischief during the game.
Back then going to a major sporting event was a lot of fun.  However in recent decades sports teams and certain venues have begun an effort to frisk patrons. 
I hate this despicable effort frankly we’ve fought wars so we’d never have to submit to this kind of crap.   The majority of patrons are too young and just don’t understand the serious implications of what they are willingly accepting.
At first this was about bringing alcohol into the venue but quickly expanded looking for snacks and finally for concealed weapons.  Private security guards who avoided being too invasive or authoritarian did the searches.  Frankly it was more about revenue for their food service contractors than anything else.
I have little interest in going to sports events because of the cost, miserable traffic, and parking issues.  Technology has come to my rescue!  My terrific big screen high definition LED flat panel television allows me to see the games at the best possible vantage point. 
My snacks at home are better, a lot cheaper and don’t involve standing in concession lines.  Frankly I take great delight in staying home and avoiding all of the negatives involved while I lounge on my own very comfortable furniture.
Now the TSA with their cancer like spread over our everyday lives is trying to take over sporting and concert event security.  Even the sheep that have been brainwashed into believing the TSA has some anti-terrorist value are personally uncomfortable near the TSA’s dim-witted and snotty workers.  
Seeing TSA workers at airports is bad enough but tolerating these otherwise unemployable douchebags at an entertainment venue simply kills my enjoyment and spirit.   Who needs a skunk invading their picnic?
I simply won’t attend any event or fly where submitting to searches like a criminal is required unless I have no other options.   Nearly every airline has been put into bankruptcy by the TSA because people have avoided TSA tyranny.
The entire tourism industry has taken a huge financial hit from the Gestapo like TSA and now we have an additional 500 traffic deaths every year because of people like me that refuse to fly when traveling lass than 500 miles.
As Americans we need to draw a line in the sand where our personal liberty is concerned.   We have the power to vote with our wallets and purses.   We can simply stop attending any event where the indignity of frisking is involved.


  1. Already done. I have not flown since 1999 and will avoid flying until the TSA is abolished and airline service increases to that of 1955 Aeroflot Airlines.

  2. I also refuse to fly within the "heimat". It's a disgusting spectacle through and through. That these vermin would spread out to entertainment venues should send shock waves through people. What in the hell is going on here? Have you seen planes flying into stadiums lately? When have they ever caught anyone doing anything that didn't appear staged? And they have the cajones to now want to stop us on the freeways! When I ask you will the new American Declaration of Independence speak up and fling off these totalitarians?

  3. The simple fact is that Americans have devolved from an adventuresome freedom-loving people to a nation of frightened wimps imagining bomb-wielding terrorists everywhere, willing to tolerate the grossest indignities and invasions of privacy from TSA morons and cops at all levels. The entire nation could be shut down by a few high-school students calling in bomb scares every few hours.

  4. When my brother died I actually decided to drive from Connecticut to Alabama. I was afraid I might get arrested if the goons bothered my family or me. I would have a tough time not saying something.

  5. When my brother died I actually decided to drive from Connecticut to Alabama. I was afraid I might get arrested if the goons bothered my family or me. I would have a tough time not saying something.

  6. Just yesterday looking to buy tickets to Radio City Music Hall, an EDM event.

    Ticketmaster points out that entry includes the use of metal detecting hand wands.
    A first for me, and those tickets staid with TM of course.

    The event will surely sell out (Avicii), as did the other of his two nights there, but screw them, enough is enough.

    Also, why are you using the same, incredibly annoying image-word thing as Ticketmaster? TM stinks, there are other ones out there...
    (5 attempts already)

  7. Ron Paul, his wife and a granddaughter were stopped by the TSA from boarding their private plane. The pilots were vetted, plane searched. Mrs. Paul has a pacemaker and refused to have any device used in her direction. TSA finally let them go because they observed and aide filming them.

  8. I used to spend 5000 a year on airline flights. Today, it's zero. The reason is the TSA.

  9. Returned from a vacation in Italy few weeks ago, flew into O'hare. Flight was over 8 hours which is torture, then it took almost 45 minutes from the time the door opened till we stepped off the plane. Just outsde the door was a tsa agent who barely spoke English checking passports. Was it necessary to keep everyone trapped on the plane for that additional time? How many times do they have to check passports?

  10. I also loved travel but have refused to fly since the scanners and patdowns were put into place. I have a terrible feeling that I will be grounded for the rest of my life.

  11. TSA are treasonous worms that sold their country out for maybe $20k a year. Scum.

    They will work hard to be the nationalized police force aka gestapo we were promised by der fuhrer.

    When in thee hell will enough of the clueless morons in this country say ENOUGH!

    I though it would be when the TSA was molesting children and old people at the airport. But I was wrong.

    America has failed because so many people have become greedy, fat, dumb and lazy. It only took less that 1 generation for us to completely screw the pooch. Now that's pathetic.

    Who needs Hitler and Stalin when we'll just surrender without a fight.

    We're worse than the French. At least they had a foreign enemy. We lost to ourselves.

  12. 16 billion have flown over the USA since the day I can't remember, TSA has not caught one terrorist during their frisking, mugging and fondling. Logic, statistics and the constitution say TSA efforts are flawed and worthless. The fed.gov is poorest run institution in the universe; cut off their funding.


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