Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chicago Cop Blogger Under Fire For Exposing the Truth

Chicago, IL—The subtle genius behind the name of the blog, Detective Shaved Longcock made it nearly impossible for the mainstream media to publicly talk about.   It’s the blog with an unrepeatable name that tactically made media criticism incredibly difficult. 
For the last several years DSLC has been authored by an anonymous, faceless and alleged Chicago cop.  He’s a Chicago cop all right with loads of inside departmental information and a mindset that could only be shaped by working the mean streets of the Windy City.
I’ve talked with DSLC but will never remove his mask or describe his current duty assignment.  I can say that I have sufficient information to report he’s not posting material while on duty. 
DSLC is as edgy as any writer can be as he walks the tightrope between legitimate controversy and what our society deems unacceptable.  DSLC’s reasoning is more than for sheer sensationalism.   He’s desperately trying to give his readers a window into a major life-threatening crisis that the media and city officials simply refuse to face.
Chicago's Better Government Association has gone after DSLC in a not so subtle chilling investigative effort to silence him and his criticism of our failed political leadership.  Along the way the BGA labeled his blog as racist. 
DSLC is far from a racist.  He recognizes the grave threat to public safety in Chicago that we have today and simply demands real solutions. 
In the early 1960s, poor, ignorant and idle African-Americans migrated by the millions from the Deep South.  This was just after the U.S. Supreme (Warren) Court invalidated the one-year residency requirement to collect Illinois’ generous welfare entitlements.
The Southern states offered these African-American economic refugees free one-way bus tickets and $5 to leave.  They found it much cheaper to export this group rather than to continue supporting them.
Communists, Marxists and Socialists operating under the flag of the Democratic Party controlled America’s large Northern cities. They engineered and programed their new migrants to become totally dependent, helpless, ignorant and eventually dangerously violent.

Today some five generations later the Marxists have deliberately created as a new culture of people with zero self-reliance, self-respect or respect for any human life.
Marxism can only work with a huge ignorant poor population living under the boot of a police state.
Today, African-Americans commit nearly all of Chicago’s murders, rapes and robberies.  It’s not about skin color, genes or some biological failure, it’s about a bankrupt, vile culture that’s tolerated, facilitated and enabled.  It’s nothing less than a very real form of genocide.   How many more dangerous human monsters are we going to create?
Until we admit we’ve created this class of destroyed lives and lost souls we can’t begin to find treatment or cures.  It’s not about money.   It’s about self-reliance, self-respect and the will to be productive.  Link cards, food stamps and free housing destroy the human spirit.  
We must turn the Chicago Public Schools into educational facilities rather than the free day care it has been providing.  We must snuff out the culture we created by inspiring children into becoming role models instead of gangsters and whores.  We need to instill manners, etiquette and simple politeness to every child from day one. 
We must force African-Americans to speak English and to prepare themselves for professional responsibilities.  They must learn how to raise children in two-parent homes and follow the Golden Rule.  
If we can somehow return Chicago’s African-Americans to the human race they can survive and prosper.  Right now our politicians will only try anything as long as it wastes millions and does not work.
In the mean time all law-abiding citizens need to be able to defend themselves and the African-American combat zones must be tamed and reclaimed.
As for DSLC, he’s never once suggested that African-Americans are inferior or don’t deserve equal protection under law.  He has simply done all he could to expose what our city administration and media wants covered up.  If we can’t even talk about it how can we find the remedies we need? 
We must be prepared to vigorously and aggressively protect DSLC from anyone who’d dare silence him.   If we don’t protect his freedom of thought, speech or the right to publish, who will protect ours?


  1. DSLC blog was the equivalent of the Darwin awards. If you did something stupid that caught his attention he would post it regardless of who you are. Illegals, stupid politicians, thugs (of all shades), crooked cops, etc all had a reason to fear him. Some of the commentators deliberately inflamed the survivors of terminal stupidity (attacking a police officer is terminal stupidity) by mocking/humiliating the recently departed.

    DSLC did most of his postings either late at night or early in the morning.

    9 1/2 fingers probably had his head explode several times over comments at DSLC. Too bad 9.5 fingers wasn't willing to clean up his act.

  2. i would have shared it with the masses, but not with a big graphic shaved LONG COCK graphic.

  3. Are you saying that Detective Shaved is shut down?

  4. I still don't understand why he didn't just give the BGA the finger and carry on

    Shaved pissed off the Powers to Be mainly, by exposing the fact that Chicago IS a Communist Owned and Operated City, for forever and a Day. He exposed exactly what this political strongarm Dictatorship has done, and how it has led to the Star Spangled Banana Republic it now is. Intelligent people everywhere know that the Chicago Thugocracy Oligarcy WILL go National under another Obama term. Ball-less Chicagoan Chumbalones, long numbed to the drone of Democrat Rhetoric, have finally awakened and said Enough is Enough, thanks to people like Shaved and his Blogger Contributors. No Doubt, under a second Obama Term, the Internet, and its Freedom of speech, will be heavily policed, and this anti-free speech against Shaved is only the beginning. Our Countries Politicians hate to be called on the carpet for incompetence, corruption, and behind the curtain chiccanery, and the American people know this has gone on for far too long. People are tired. The la-za-faire appathy is over. Now it's time for real change, not the skulduggary and rhetoric that's been going on the last 4 years. Americans will NOT be bullied, the Chicago Democrat Machine Way, and soon this style of government will even be driven out of Chicago. The American people have awakened from the Shell Game of Chicago-Style Democommunist Politics.

  6. The Internet treats censorship as damage, and routes information around it. The truth will still get out. Anyone who supports BGA, or the Tribune or Scum Times for that matter, is a co-conspirator in the assault on free speech.

  7. Great article.



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