Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TSA Tyranny Has Cost More American Lives Than the 9/11 Attack!

Washington, DC—Make no mistake what American has unleashed upon itself is tyranny in its purest form.  Our reaction to the airplane hijacking of the 1970s and the massive property damage and lost lives of 9/11 has left our liberty and freedom in a shambles.
We once had a Fourth Amendment that guaranteed protection against unreasonable search and seizure.  They created a “voluntary” method of getting Americans to waive these rights.  They argue that you could choose not to travel or enter government buildings and avoid the indignity and privacy invasion.
Suggesting this waiver is somehow voluntary is beyond bogus.   Because of our absolute need for gainful employment many of us must fly or take trains.  We are forced to enter government buildings responding to tax audits, court subpoenas and other matters that the government demands.  There is no practical method to avoid the TSA except that shorter travel within our borders can be accomplished by driving. 
Now, here is the big rub.  We are learning that because of the TSA tyranny Americans have avoided spending billions on air travel and that has put nearly every airline in bankruptcy.   The hospitality and tourism business has suffered enormous losses significantly contributing to the general decline in our economy.
In addition to the huge cost to businesses, taxpayers have to support untold billions in TSA costs.   We pay big money to be insulted, abused and sexually groped by the creepiest people ever masquerading in law enforcement uniforms.  Our property is being stolen and our privacy is gets invaded daily by the TSA thugs.
Now the human lives being lost are finally coming to light.  Officials are now saying that there are about 500 additional highway deaths every year attributed to people avoiding air travel.  Of course for every death there are many more crippled for life in these TSA avoidance accidents.  We cannot ignore the massive property damage to the automobiles either.
At this rate we kill 3,000 Americans every six years.  That’s no different than having a 9/11 style attack twice per decade.
Had we simply trained and armed every pilot and taken steps to keep illegal aliens or people with passports from unfriendly nations off our planes we’d face very little in the way of threats to our air travel.  Instead we waged war on American travelers and made air and now train travel unnecessarily miserable.
We would be far better off to scrap the TSA entirely but for a force of armed air marshals.  American travelers are much more observant and absolutely every attempt to disrupt travel has been dealt with by fellow passengers without any TSA assistance.
We must stop the TSA from killing us.  It is abundantly clear now that the threat, death and destruction from the TSA exceed that of terrorism.


  1. TSA - what a joke. Unfortunately they are a part of security industrial complex - another scam going on everyday. Billions of tax dollars are spent on this idiotic agency. Every week there are reports of theft, abuse, pedophilia etc. Now they are expanding and can be seen at bus stations, train stations and highways. They have yet to catch a "terrorist". Most of these people can't even read but they feel powerful in the blue uniform. I stopped flying because of them and I can't even think of being touched by some fat weirdo. I will never go through the microwave scanner either. I can't go on exotic vacation anymore but at least I feel proud of myself for not letting the tyrants use me for their slave training.

  2. Oh heck if we offered space A travel free of charge to every cop but requiewd then to fly armed, we would not need TSA or any thing.
    We screen the police, train them to high standards, require monthly qualification, and we don't allow them on planes with their carry.
    I'm not an automatic fan of police officers. Too many of the ones I knew when I was a cop and later a judge were on power trips.
    Power trip or not, I still trust em to use common sense, be courageous, and do the right thing. When all is said and done they are still American boys and girls who love this nation.

  3. P.O. Randy Stevens, Dist. 018August 01, 2012 8:10 PM

    Several years ago, at Midway airport, I was randomly selected for a hand-held metal detector search. Not that age or race or gender matters, but after the older black-male finished his search, he (in his own sick mind) said to me, "Do you want me to finish you off?", which is a filthy reference to him masturbating me, like some unreputable massage practitioners supposedly do for their customers. I was indignant, but I also knew 2 things: (1) if I wanted to get his name, etc. and file an official complaint, I would miss my flight, and (2) I knew in my heart that the TSA would really do NOTHING to punish this creature that they had hired.

    I use air travel ONLY when the destination is so far away, that air travel is still the best option. If the trip is 800 miles or less, I use the car, to avoid the evil that is known as "TSA."

  4. TSA is not about security. It's about control. I've said that for years.

  5. Paul,

    This will answer alot of questions and it positively proves what you have been saying..


  6. P.O. Randy Stevens, Dist. 018 said...
    Several years ago, at Midway airport, I was randomly selected for a hand-held metal detector search. Not that age or race or gender matters, but after the older black-male finished his search, he (in his own sick mind) said to me, "Do you want me to finish you off?", which is a filthy reference to him masturbating me, like some unreputable massage practitioners supposedly do for their customers. I was indignant, but I also knew 2 things: (1) if I wanted to get his name, etc. and file an official complaint, I would miss my flight, and (2) I knew in my heart that the TSA would really do NOTHING to punish this creature that they had hired.

    I use air travel ONLY when the destination is so far away, that air travel is still the best option. If the trip is 800 miles or less, I use the car, to avoid the evil that is known as "TSA."

    August 01, 2012 8:10 PM

    What a sick POS. I wish you had filed a complaint and a civil rights violation against that savage.


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