Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Fourth of July Meaning is lost on the American IPhone Generation

Most young Americans don’t really understand the significance of the Fourth of July beyond fireworks and a holiday.  They don’t seem to understand or care that this was the day a brave and emerging nation said no to extortionate taxation, big government and tyranny.
As long as this generation have their IPhones, IPads and filled Starbucks cup life is beautiful.  They are far more concerned with manufactured, no talent celebrities of today’s mindless reality television shows than the heroes that made their comforts possible.
They more than willingly line up at every airport like frightened sheep for the government goons hired by TSA.  The IPhone generation, just don’t see the staggering loss of Liberty anymore than Germany’s population did in1933.  They certainly don’t understand what drove the brave American heroes of 1776 to stand up against tyranny instead of simply cooperating with their government.
The Drug War and the War on Liberty have destroyed our hard won freedom over the last five decades.  We are being taxed at a rate that would be absolutely unimaginable to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 
In the last 236 years, ambitious lawmakers have manufactured every possible kind of exception to our precious Bill of Rights.  Today they are viewed as counter-productive to public safety and security or some relic of history that’s no longer needed. 
Politicians have brainwashed the IPhone Generation into believing that government can make all of their most important personal decisions for them. 
Frankly the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that a complacent population would someday allow liberty and freedom slip away.  They gave us the right to keep and bear arms and free speech.  Our politicians have curbed these rights as dangerous.  Today speech against government is considered Hate Speech.
The second Amendment was intended to be especially dangerous to despotic politicians.   Our founding fathers absolutely intended for the population to replace ballots with bullets whenever liberty was threatened.  
Our founding fathers made sure that every public official would be required take an oath to support, defend and protect the Constitution before they could hold office.   The IPhone Generation simply turns their eyes away when our politicians tamper with liberty.
The IPhone Generation must not care much about their children. 


  1. Great post. What I don't understand is why are politicians required to take an oath of office. They swear allegiance to the Constitution, yet after they take office they continue to violate it. There appears to be no means for enforcing the oath of office.

  2. What I don't understand is why are politicians required to take an oath of office. They swear allegiance to the Constitution, yet after they take office they continue to violate it. There appears to be no means for enforcing the oath of office.

    July 04, 2012 12:31 PM

    look up the word 'treason', first in any common English dictionary, then in Federal Law.

  3. Chris Rock??????????????


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.