Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chicago’s Media has Become the Public Relations Arm of Local Government

Chicago, IL—I’m going to single out WLS-TV 7, however this applies to every major news organization in the Windy City.
I want to begin with a quote from a late and great writer.  You should always keep this quote in mind when reading news stories: 
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
There has been a racist war on white people primarily on Chicago’s North Loop and Gold Coast areas.  Those engaged in ongoing mob violence are exclusively young African-Americans.  The victims are exclusively white, affluent residents, visitors and tourists. 
These are the facts and the Chicago’s administration officials along with the media are well-aware of this but they are engaged in a conspiracy to hide the truth from the public.  The facts are frightening and the public should be warned.  White people need to be warned to avoid young African-Americans because their very lives depend on it.
Call them Hate Crimes or a crime trend.  Call this whatever you like but it’s real and it’s news and should be reported.  City officials and the news organizations are convinced that Chicagoans can’t handle the truth.  The media simply avoids the issue and refer to the African-America thugs as teens and teenagers even though many are adults.  It seems as if they are describing ordinary children out having fun. 
The motivation for these racial attacks is far more than theft.  This is wanton cruelty, sexual assault and worse.   These are hate crimes by blacks targeting white people.
Michelle Gallardo
I contacted two WLS-TV reporters, Evelyn Holmes and Michelle Gallardo, responsible for reporting half-truths about two of these recent attacks.  They responded back to me defending their failure.  Gallardo called informing the public about the race issues, “counter-productive.” Wow! Imagine that!
I put a call into the News Director, Jennifer Graves of WLS-TV and she has refused to return calls or comment. 
We cannot ever begin to deal with this race war without acknowledging that it even exists.  We can pretend as visitors are invited to come to the Gold Coast of an evening of good food, entertainment and fine hotels.  What they are finding is sheer horror and life saving trips to hospital emergency rooms or worse.
The police department is undermanned, demoralized and outgunned.  They can’t begin to guarantee safety for their own officers.  They can’t protect the public under present conditions.
As for Chicago’s media they have been doing a great job of public relations for Chicago’s mayors, police superintendents and assorted officials.  I understand that the news business is in trouble and the only place to go for laid off reporters is to the ranks of public information officers.  The reporters are simply too afraid to make Chicago politicians angry. 
Illinois needs to allow citizens their constitutionally protected activity to bear arms in self-defense.   People should never be denied meaningful self-help when it comes to protecting their own lives.  The police can only do so much and thugs avoid their dreadful conduct when the cops are on the scene.  As always in Chicago, there’s never a cop around when you need one.

And the WLS-TVcoverup continues with censored reports about new black mob attacks on white physicians near hospitals.


  1. So true Paul. It is much worse here than I've ever seen in my 60 yrs. as a Chicago Resident and City of Chicago Employee. I urge all your readers to keep out of here, spend their money elsewhere. Chi-Town is nothing anymore but a gang, drug, corruption infested, out of control bizarro world. Cops cant handle barking dog calls and routine disturbance calls correctly, and yet the Sheeple here expect them to save their asses from real criminal danger ? LOL! It AIN'T hapenin. Stay safe, and stay the "F" out of obamaland. Take my word for it, it is Out-Of-Control.

  2. This is unfortunately very true! There are now numerous homicides occurring in 016. There was a homicide last night during a double shooting, in what has always been a quiet area until lately.

    Nowhere in Chicago is safe anymore!

  3. Nobody listens or believes the lies from the media!

    Truth in journalism no longer exists and they wonder why nobody buys newspapers or watches the news anymore?

  4. You never see the police on patrol anymore, things are bad.

  5. Its absolutely ridiculous. The other day when the black mob attack news broke, they said they had caught 7 teens and were seeking something like 15 more. Yet they didn't even give a description of the people they were seeking!

    The media here is useless. You have it exactly right, they are the PR machine for the city. I have started my own local news blog because of it...

  6. Paul, I appreciate your fairness in your writing style, especially compared to the Shaved blog site. However, there is no race war the war is over and has been won by the black people (in some respects). The government has acknowledged the racist views of whites towards blacks and the centuries of disparity between the two groups. The civil rights movement and laws it created helps decrease the racist actions of white people towards people of other races.

    There is a natural backlash of black feelings towards the continuance of white oppression. I am a black man and I am active in the advancement of black people. We do have a lot problems in our community, like every other race has problems. There is no excuse for youth of any race to attack people for no reason. The media has long been active in ignoring the cause behind black crime. Our problems as a people exist because of the lack of jobs and opportunity. The true skills in obtaining meaningful jobs is not provided to us. The education system in all of OUR communities is broken, especially in the black community. The government recently has finally acknowledged some of the problems and have been trying to right the wrong by providing more government assistance in education and work programs. It is my belief that black leaders need to get back to encouraging strong family values with in the black community.

    Paul while I understand your argument, I disagree with your view of why. Once again there is no race war, there is just a struggle with in the black youth to find there place and hope in this country. It's simple more jobs less crime / less jobs more crime.

  7. Good article Paul. Please allow me to share another good Orwell quote:

    “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
    Author George Orwell

    You’re a rebel Paul.

  8. "Gallardo called informing the public about the race issues, “counter-productive.”

    They have the exact opposite opinion when it's a white attacker vs black victim.

  9. I couldn't agree with you more Paul. One of the commentators however.

    "The education system in all of OUR communities is broken, especially in the black community."

    I don't believe that it is the education system that is necessarily broke here. The problems with the schools is the fact that these same thugs that go downtown to beat and rob people are the same ones that are disrupting the learning environment for the actual decent kids in the black community. If it was the basic school system then the problem would be throughout the entire city, but it appears that it is based in the lower socioeconomic areas. This problem isn't education, but a thug lifestyle that rapes every community it touches.

  10. Breaking news this morning:

    Drew Peterson’s judge on Thursday said he will order the divorce attorney for Peterson’s late third wife to testify about a conversation Kathleen Savio allegedly had with a prosecutor before she died when Peterson stands trial for murder next month.

  11. To 9:43pm..

    The thugs that run the streets, do drugs, beat up people, black boys/men who spread their seed whenever they want, while black women, who should be setting the tone in their conduct with black men, instead get pregnant, and use that baby as a ticket to free stuff from the govt., free housing, etc....these people do what they do by CHOICE..they love the drama, the easy money, no restrictions, and the working taxspayers pay the bills.

    No married parents, no morals, no sense of right and wrong, no discipline, no self-control..who cares! if it feels good. Revruns who do not teach the Ten Commandments in their churches, who do not EXPLAIN what each commandment means, and that it is a set of rules on how to conduct yourself in a civilized society, based on time-proven results. It's just the same old, same old way of doing business....babies making babies, thugs, drugs, booze, generational welfare and mayhem 'cause it feels good, and nobody cares to brake the chains that bind them, and get off the plantation that is deomocratic/socialist/marxist politics in Chicago, and stand up on their own. Remember, it's education, a job, marriage, then that order...because it is a stable beginning on the road to your future. Blacks refuse to assimilate, and suffer the results of their aimless, moral-free, disipline-free lives accordingly.

    Go to school...don't tell me you can't learn. Mothers and fathers, get behind your kids and MAKE SURE they have the necessary tools to go to school...DISIPLINE them when they refuse to behave in school, make sure they do their homework, involve yourselves wih the school.

    Keep your knees together and your pants zipped up, and map out a plan of action for your future instead. Don't listen to that old
    mantra that you can be anything you want to be...YOU HAVE to have an education FIRST, and a plan! THEN you can pursue your goals for the future.

    Step up, 9:43PM, and start instructing black boys and girls, men and women...give them the basics and rules of the road in a civil society. Demand that your reverands step up and be men and women of God and preach the guidance that men and women need, which can be found in the basics of the Ten Commandments. Demand that the insanity stop in black homes, neighborhoods. Working taxpayers who pay the bills no longer want to hear how the black man is "disinfranchised". Get up and get out and make your way in this world like the rest of us, using the tools that have been given to you. Stop singing the blues and start going to school. Stop being lazy and looking for the easy way out. Stop voting for the democratic/socialist/communist/marxist goons that run for office...they offer you the Chicago plantation lifestyle of subsidizing a cradle to grave mentality, because they know you will fall for it, in exchange for your votes.

    It will take work and the cooperation of everyone....are you up to it? God help you and the black race if the answer is no.

  12. "Our problems as a people exist because of the lack of jobs and opportunity. Paul while I understand your argument, I disagree with your view of why. Once again there is no race war, there is just a struggle with in the black youth to find there place and hope in this country. It's simple more jobs less crime / less jobs more crime."

    June 13, 2012 9:43 PM

    Sorry 9:43pm, I couldn't disagree more with your conclusions. The problems in the black community, as well as the Hispanic community, started with the Great Society programs of President Lyndon Johnson. While he meant well, what he actually created was a welfare dependent underclass who lost the drive to work as well as their shame at taking handouts. Why get up and go to work when the government will send you a free check? Corrupt politicians who vote for more government handouts are continually supported by those on the welfare rolls who keep them in office perpetually. The thug black man nowadays act as sperm donors and then leave the pregnant female to raise the unwanted child on her own. There are no father figures any more so these children grow up with no one to show them right from wrong, provide loving discipline or encourage them. Once they reach school age it's too late to expect teachers to be able to control these kids who have no boundaries at home. What is even worse is the fact that these child bearing females get more free money every time they bear another unwanted child. The cycle will never stop unless we stop giving free rides to people who refuse to work. It's the fault of the liberal and their social experiments. It's time to rethink the entire welfare system.

  13. " Our problems as a people exist because of the lack of jobs and opportunity. The true skills in obtaining meaningful jobs is not provided to us. The education system in all of OUR communities is broken, especially in the black community. The government recently has finally acknowledged some of the problems and have been trying to right the wrong by providing more government assistance in education and work programs. It is my belief that black leaders need to get back to encouraging strong family values with in the black community. "

    Black leaders only get involved with race baiting, and help the community when it helps their agenda/bank account.

    It doesn't have to do with lack of jobs, there are plenty of jobs out there. But some kid would rather join a gang, as their parents, at least one of them, is long gone. Fast money, drugs, and becoming a rapper, are more of an allure than a legal lifestyle. If anything, the black community receives an overabundance of financing from the government.

    This isn't a financial issue, its a sociological issue, in that the nuclear black family has failed themselves, as well as society. This isn't a new occurrence, and has been going on for over 50 years. Do you think every white family is handed gold on a weekly basis, gets free schools, Link cards, free medical? All the gangs are black and hispanic, but those are because of the white man?

    Put the blame where it needs to be, and stop pointing fingers. It hasn't gotten blacks anywhere in over half a century. You know what that is? Insanity.

  14. I think it’s appropriate to tell WLS and the others engaged in the whitewash of the racial attacks what’s needed from the media. It must begin with the truth, the whole truth.

    This is not really that difficult. They simply need to put out adequate information that potential victims need to use caution and avoid young African-Americans especially in groups. The media should track down talking heads to address the whys and wherefores and potential solutions. They can even blame George Bush if they like.

    For decades he media only seems to care what certain very Liberal handpicked officials and leaders have to say. The reality is that the city’s politicians, bureaucrats and the vocal reverends have had their control over public policy and failed miserably to check the violence and bloodshed. They all carp and whine like a broken record about gun control as they demand more, free money. Chicago’s taxpayers have paid far too much extortion to the African-American community and things only have gotten worse.

    I will never forget how these public policy Socialist geniuses handed well over a $1million taxpayer dollars to Chicago’s ruthless and deadly El Rukin criminal enterprise. Soon the government had to spend millions more to investigate, prosecute and imprison Jeff Fort and many of his fellow African-American gangsters.

    It’s time for the media to get input from other sources. Instead of asking the Chicago Police Department, they should ask the Fraternal Order of Police that speak for the rank and file cops. Perhaps it’s time to get the opinions from the official spokesmen of the Illinois State Rifle Association and the NRA.

    I’m happy to publically debate anyone, anytime in any forum on Chicago’s unique crime problems. However finding someone with the courage to debate me won’t be easy.

  15. I work for ABC7 and want you to know that you have got everyone talking here. The Liberals are massively upset and angry. I’ve seen your page on everyone’s computer here and it’s not all negative. Some of us agree with you.

    Michelle is angrier than a wet hen! She’s been trying to dig up any dirt she can on you!

    They are biased in favor of the anything on the Left. That hate guns and when they do gun stories their idea of getting the other side is to find the most shabbily dressed, toothless, rednecks willing to make fools out of themselves.

    I have to hold my nose around here when fellow reporters and producers do stories about crime, race, poverty, or the government’s inability to give everyone an Iphone, plasma TV, and a new Escalade.

    They pine for the undocumented aliens as Mexico send us every drug dealer or unemployable and needy body they have.

    They hate you, and the other police bloggers. Their first amendment rights are important but the want to see the police department shut you guys down. Please, keep up the good work.

  16. Michelle Gallardo is an incompetent, leftist hack. She is no reporter or journalist by any stretch of the imagination. All she is is a mouthpiece for the left. She's a gun hating, criminal appeasing liberal. She fails to realize that the public has a right to know all of the facts, especially if the story being covered is a public safety issue like the flash mobs that are made up exclusively by young blacks. If that fact offends her or some black viewers, that's too bad. Sometimes the truth hurts. She is one of the reasons that I no longer watch ABC7 or most other Chicago TV newscasts. Why waste your time when all you hear is leftist spin and misinformation. She'd be a perfect candidate for the position of spokesperson for the Obama campaign, where lies and damn lies are the norm. I'd be willing to bet that she even thinks of Che Guevara as a hero. Am I right Michelle?

  17. There is no thought process when formatting the local news. Gas prices up? Interview people complaining at the BP station just north of the Loop. Gun violence? Go to Operation Push on a Saturday morning. Slow sports day? Interview Bears players at a charity bowling event where an oversized check is presented so everyone feels happy. Throw out the old Rolodexes and find smarter people. And one last thing; Stop the I.A.A.; "Interview Any Axx Hxxx." It's too painful to watch.

  18. These media douchbags wonder why we won't give them information when they come around begging.

  19. To the black man making excuses for the unprovoked violence committed by his people against whites:

    Black racial identity and a loathing of white people is drummed into the minds of blacks from the time they are brought into this world. Working a regular job and being a good, law abiding family man is sneered at and derided as "acting white" or selling out to whitey. It seems there is much peer pressure in the black community to despise white people and commit mindless acts of violence and savagery against them.

    This nation has bankrupted itself trying to improve the lot of black people and to no avail. There are more black millionaires and more blacks in the middle class than in 1965, yet race relations are at an all time low and still getting worse to the point of all out racial warfare.

    Black and white cannot and never will live peacefully side by side. It's time you and the rest of the black community look in the mirror and solve your own problems.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Paul, I appreciate your fairness in your writing style, especially compared to the Shaved blog site. However, there is no race war the war is over and has been won by the black people (in some respects). The government has acknowledged the racist views of whites towards blacks and the centuries of disparity between the two groups. The civil rights movement and laws it created helps decrease the racist actions of white people towards people of other races.

    Thank you for your view, and I'm glad that you voiced a black-perspective here.

    I do disagree with your view on joblessness and a feeling of hopelessness; which is usually attached to that.

    As a white, father of three, I know (and so do most of Chicagoan's) that these kids come from broken homes, with no or little parenting skills.
    And that this is the origin of these issues.

    The only problem I have with your view is that blacks in Chicago seem be in denial of these attacks, and that alone infuriates white, blue collar folks who live with you or amongst you.

    Stand publicly against hate, rap culture, and the thug life mentality as we do.

    I have never seen such public rude behavior and self disrespect as we see now.

    I think we could all agree on that.

    I also believe that African Americans need scholars and professionals as role models, if their parents refuse to do their job.

    We don't need to devide anymore, but we do need to talk.

  21. So Paul, what you are telling us is that the newsmedia is admitting that there is no reason to publish the race of the offenders in these attacks because it goes without saying that they are black? Because it is the blacks and only the blacks that behave like this. You don't see the Norweigians, the Irish ,the Polish, the Chinese, the Scandanavians or any other white ethic group behaving like this. Only the blacks. Hell, even th Puerto Ricans don't act like this. Only the blacks. Now I understand. Maybe they are right. Why publish the race? It's a given that he offenders are black.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.