Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicago’s African-Americans are Murdering Each Other at an Alarming Rate

Chicago, IL—In just over 12 hours 25 people have been shot including a six year-old girl.   Cold-blooded murder appears to be the favorite hobby of Chicago’s Black population.  Is this racist?  Perhaps they are hate crimes?  It is genocide but on a much greater scale than the Ku Klux Klan ever pulled off.
This is happening because of our polite society’s fear of being labeled racist, intolerant or bigoted.  We simply tolerate this carnage and refuse to identify and condemn the cultural phenomenon behind this urban terror.  Toleration of a bankrupt and vile culture is the root of the problem.  Until we face this fact we can never begin to bring any positive change.
Until we stand up and make war on ghetto thugs we can expect this horror every day.     
The politicians have blamed American gun rights for Chicago’s killing fields.   That assessment is absolutely correct!  But these ignorant politicians just have it all backwards.
It’s the unconstitutional gun laws that have disarmed all but society’s most dangerous criminals.   The two-legged sewer rats are protected from law-abiding folks and any meaningful ability to defend themselves and families.  The thugs of course are prohibited by federal, state and local laws from possessing firearms because of felony convictions, probation, parole or their drug habits.  The thugs are always well armed. 
Despite Supreme Court rulings to the contrary, Chicago still has a virtual gun ban and Illinois has a broken state Firearm Owner’s Identification Card system that can’t (or won’t) seem to provide the permits.   The law abiding are forced by local and state government to sit helplessly and wait their turn to be murdered.  
The social engineering of Chicago has been a massive, frightening and deadly failure.  Instead of correcting anything the politicians here give everyone more of the same but in spades.

UPDATE!  The bloody Memorial Day weekend brought over 40 reported shootings and ten murders.  That does not count the cases where shot were fired and nobody was hit.  Thankfully the ghetto rats don't learn marksmanship any better than they do reading, writing or arithmetic. 



  1. 29 shot and 5 murdered as of 1800hrs today

  2. Guns aren't the root cause of the problems in communities.The news media and politicians love to keep reporting how many people were shot during a specified period of time.They don't report baseball bats,knives,fists,and other means of violence that is perpetuated.They refuse to report the true root causes of problems in the affected communities.It's easier for them to go after the gun and blame this inanimate object alone as the cause of these problems.There are many communities across the U.S. that are well armed that don't have these problems.Why doesn't the media address issues like broken households,generational substance abuse,government over-dependency,Etc.It's easy to blame guns,education,jobs,etc.,but they don't ever bring up the concept of personal responsibility.Looking to the government to help you mature and develop as a community is like asking for your tax money back.Politicians love to keep people dependent on them because they depend on your vote! They stay away from the mess in the affected communities pontificating( from their own comfortable spots) on how they are going to "help"you.While they send "their kids to better schools"they get indignant when you ask for the same opportunities that they give their children.They have said a village raises a child.From what I have seen,it's better to be raised by your parents first! The angry kids that result because of lack of parenting wasn't caused by guns.Guns just happen to be a tool that is popular to express this anger.But,the politicians and news media doesn't want to bring up the real root causes because it doesn't get them votes,viewers,or readers.And they don't want to offend the very same people that are in misery.After all,in their arrogance,they will claim to be the voice of the people!Jail guards,judges,lawyers,etc.all need prisoners.Without them,they would have to close down!The politicians and the news media need the misery of people to keep their "prison"open.They have the need to be needed.And not always in our best interests!!!

  3. although it is truely a dismal situation, Chicagoans only have themselves to blame, for voting for the abysmal leadership of the Democrat party for so many decades. They are the feeders of this violence, and day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, their incompetence continues, with their only proposed solutions, to violate the rights of the law-abiding, as to not disturb their power base, or to offend them. Since their power base insists on continuing to vote for them, despite their abysmal career records, it is only the natural course of the City to continue on a downhill freefall of utter failure. Many young people will die, because their parents and relatives fall for the free Government Cheese, Entitlement Mentality, from the comical Democrat Political Leadership, who feeds upon them like the parasitic cancer cells do to a once healthy human body, until the destruction becomes fatal..
    One cannot change things by continuing to do the same thing over and over again, in this case, falling for the same old, tired, Democratic Machine rhetoric and false promises.

  4. 11 DOA and 43 spot per MSM, it must be worse. This figure does not include aggravated batteries bh3 other means or homicides by other means, only guns.

    You think there is an agenda and intentional concealment of material facts by Chicago journalists?

    Chicago it's ravaged by ghetto violence,Obama's adopted hometown.

  5. 52 shot and 10 murderd over the holiday weekend.Iraq and Afghanistan are safer.

  6. 52 shot and 10 murderd over the holiday weekend.Iraq and Afghanistan are safer.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.