Washington, DC—Before the early-1970s most Americans did not have a photo ID. Pictures were not on driver’s licenses. You could board airplanes without ID and you along with your luggage were never searched. You could travel the roads unmolested without those sobriety checkpoints. Cops were never searching bags in city subways.
Taxes and bogus fines did not rise to the level of slavery like they do today. There were no photo radar and red light cameras generating millions for private contractors that kick back cash to politicians campaigns.
Entrances into government buildings did not have security checkpoints. There were no surveillance cameras and cellphones that kept a total history of every call you ever sent or received. There were no black boxes in your car to tell government agents about your driving habits.
If police stopped anyone it was painfully slow for cops to even get driving or criminal histories. Now they have instant digital access. Stores did not have shopper’s cards recording every cash purchase you make. Credit cards were not often used and there was no such thing as a debit card.
The military was precluded since the Civil War from engaging in law enforcement practices against Americans on our own soil. You could not be detained by government without probable cause that you committed a crime and even then you had a right to bail, lawyers and Due Process of law.
There were many fewer search and seizure exceptions allowed by court decisions. The failed Drug War was little more than a lame excuse to steal liberty and privacy.
Today we have the Patriot Act that brings additional draconian provisions every time Congress meets.
Some people say the threat terrorism changed all of that. That’s simply a bold face lie! We have had a Civil War and two World Wars and never suspended civil rights. Okay our Communist President, Franklin D. Roosevelt allowed the roundup and detention of Japanese and some German Americans during World War Two. That was beyond disgraceful and un-American. But of course Roosevelt became a curse on America and fundamental freedom.
Now, a new Berlin Wall of sorts is being erected to prevent Americans that owe taxes from travel outside of the USA. I guess jailing and shooting anyone trying to leave is next.
Since the 1970’s we have surrendered so many civil rights and our privacy to our despotic politicians. The judges they appointed have not done their job of protecting Americans from utter tyranny.
Folks we are in a full-blown police state complete with Gulags and non-stop construction of yet more places to detain yet more Americans. If you think this is somehow necessary you’ve either been brainwashed or you are incredibly stupid.
What will it take for Americans to stand up and reject this horror? We have become a nation of cowards and fools. It’s only a matter of time before this nightmare invites a holocaust of biblical proportions. We must do something while we still can.
Paul, you're so right about the rampant ignorance of Americans that don't know or care to protect our rights
When you add up all the things government has piled on us it is very frightening. They did this at a slow pace but now they are moving faster than ever. We are doomed.
There are new fools being born every minute.
And the history of the world keeps repeating itself. With the power hungry - jailing everyone whether with bars or with transparent as well as hidden laws!!!
And people are scared to stand up to the government because how can they -
I am talking about North America in 2012.
Just in OT:
George Zimmermans bond hearing today,he took stand and stated he was sorry to Mr/mrs trayvon for the loss of their son.Judge shut down State cross of him.
Lead detective blew hole in States case.He ststed to defense that he had NO evidence as to who started the fight or who the aggressor was.
Picture released of George Zimmermans head(back).Lots of blood and TWO clear lacerations to scalp bleeding profusely.
Zimmerman granted $150k bail.
WI issues 100k CCW permits:
"The only justice in the halls of justice is in the halls" Lenny Bruce
I suggest "After America" by Mark Steyn to your readers. It supports eveything you are saying. Go read the reviews on Amazon.
Front page Drudge Report:
Chicago Riots Warned
May 18-22,2012
Standing military orders that no military personel shall be in military uniform within the confines of South/34th St to North/North Ave and from West/I90/94 East to East/Lake Michigan.
What is going to occur is anyone's guess; but they are now depoloying 500 ISP Troopers at the last minute.
Last week Blackhawks, Minibirds and commandos flying and on the ground in numerous downtown locations.
One correction to the article ; Abe Lincoln, who is often referred to as the "Benevolent Dictator " by historians, should be remembered for having suspended habeas corpus with the support of the Republican congress, mind you. He did more to destroy our liberty and the Constitutional Republic than most Americans are aware.
My only criticism of this article is this: Habeus Corpus was suspended during the civil war, under Lincoln. Lincoln was notorious for stomping on civil liberties. I suggest you read Thomas DiLorenzo's "The Real Lincoln," and "Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe."
Good ol' "honest Abe" was not only not honest, but he was a terrorizing man.
Also, I would refrain from referring to FDR as a communist. In reality, he was more in line with fascist policies, and ideology. Mussolini adored FDR, and so did the left, as they initially admired Hitler, until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Ever since, the left has tried to frame Hitler as a man of the right. Simply not true: He was indeed a man of the left, as was Mussolini.
Other than those examples, your article is dead (no pun intended) on.
A friend went to the Alaska Mat-Su borough offices to pay his taxes and they had thick glass in front of the clerk. He asked why they had put up the thick glass and the clerk said it was for their protection. He told her if they were afraid of the people why not get rid of the laws that the people hate. She didn't answer him.
I guess we should be very careful when using the expression "Oh just shoot me" since if there is a government agent (aka cop, FBI, CIA, and so many other three/four letter agencies) they might just take us up on the offer. The problem is it isn't going to get better no matter who is running the country (thinking politically here). I think out form of government is fundamentally sound but the people in power abuse their position. If WE Americans don't start demanding our "leaders" be held to a higher standard than the average person then we doom ourselves. A person who wishes to wield great power MUST be held to a higher standard or they will abuse those they claim to lead. This is our fault as much as it is theirs. WE Failed our country and now our posterity will pay the price.
I guess we should be very careful when using the expression "Oh just shoot me" since if there is a government agent (aka cop, FBI, CIA, and so many other three/four letter agencies) they might just take us up on the offer. The problem is it isn't going to get better no matter who is running the country (thinking politically here). I think out form of government is fundamentally sound but the people in power abuse their position. If WE Americans don't start demanding our "leaders" be held to a higher standard than the average person then we doom ourselves. A person who wishes to wield great power MUST be held to a higher standard or they will abuse those they claim to lead. This is our fault as much as it is theirs. WE Failed our country and now our posterity will pay the price.
I lately had occasion to walk into the police station in the county seat (town of about 15K; it's pretty rural here). I heard a voice as I entered the main door that instructed me to look to the right. I saw a huge black reflecting wall, like a monster TV screen or a blackened bay window. I was told to state my business. This was one of those two-way glass walls, probably bulletproof, where the officer inside could see me but I couldn't see him. I stammered a bit because I couldn't see who I was talking to. I could just hear the disembodied voice. Very disconcerting.
This in a small town where criminal activity is mostly run of the mill, so to speak. Nothing to do with terrorism or political unrest and, fortunately, few, if any, violent crimes. When the authorities are afraid of the people, as they must be to institute a measure like this, the people have reason to fear the authorities.
I lately had occasion to walk into the police station in the county seat (town of about 15K; it's pretty rural here). I heard a voice as I entered the main door that instructed me to look to the right. I saw a huge black reflecting wall, like a monster TV screen or a blackened bay window. I was told to state my business. This was one of those two-way glass walls, probably bulletproof, where the officer inside could see me but I couldn't see him. I stammered a bit because I couldn't see who I was talking to. I could just hear the disembodied voice. Very disconcerting.
This in a small town where criminal activity is mostly run of the mill, so to speak. Nothing to do with terrorism or political unrest and, fortunately, few, if any, violent crimes. When the authorities are afraid of the people, as they must be to institute a measure like this, the people have reason to fear the authorities.
What Anonymous April 26, 2012 12:57 AM Said!
The relevant part left out of the excellent article was what to do about the situation. I suggest two very simple strategies. One is to first liberate yourself, by becoming aware and by withdrawing your consent. The government is not MY government and does what it does without my consent. Second is to talk to friends and neighbors, co-workers and anyone else who will listen, about the developing nightmare. And then link up with others who are doing something about the situation . There are any number of very effective organizations, from the Fully Informed Jury Association to the Ludwig von Mises Institute to Project Project. The only thing we CANNOT do is sit idly by on the sidelines while the titanic battle between Liberty and slavery is fought by others. If you want to find a way to advance the cause of Liberty, Divine Intelligence will show you a unique contribution that only you can make.
"A person who wishes to wield great power MUST be held to a higher standard "
If some people are given power over other people... just who is going to hold them accountable? Who sets the "standard?"
The people over whom they have the power? How does that work?
When some people are given power over other people, tyranny is the inevitable result.
Self ownership, personal responsibility and the law of non-aggression are the alternatives that seem to offer the best hope.
You ask: What will it take for Americans to stand up and reject this horror?
A Ron Paul, that's what! Spreading the message of Liberty and Freedom and Constitutional government.
There is hope. Ron Paul 2012.
Is there anyone here, or anywhere else, who has stood up for their inalienable rights? How and what did you do.
I have and was jailed, 8 days in solitary, for "wiggling my fingers and upholding my right to remain silent in court".
What are you going to do when they come for you? Kiss butt?
Time to walk the talk! But, the question remains... what do we do? Short of offing the bastards?
Local police!
A couple of years ago, my neighbor was taken out by the DEA. When the house was finally auctioned off, a Haitian family moved in. At least, we all thought it was a family at first. But one day, a truck pulled up and unloaded about twenty mattresses. And the neighborhood noticed that there were usually a couple of dozen people hanging out in the front yard.
But while I don't want to be a collaborator or a snitch... maybe some things aren't snitching. When my other neighbor - also Haitian - told me that the Creole he heard them speaking wasn't standard Creole, but a dialect one might hear up in the hill country, and speculated that they had been brought in by a trafficking organization, I decided that it would be appropriate to tell the authorities.
Of course, I have myself had a history that makes me a little anxious about dealing with police. So I walk in to the local PD. A cop come out to talk to me face-to-face. I tell him the story, and was certainly agitated. But then he asks me:
"Are you being treated by a psychiatrist? Are you on any drugs?"
And this REAALLY pissed me off, as years ago I did go through the mental health gulag, and recovered from their drugs at very great personal cost. So I simply tell him:
And his response: "Hey, see where we are? This is the POLICE STATION. You're in MY HOUSE, and I'll ask the questions."
Well, see, I was born in this town, and have lived in it most of my life, and have been a property owner in it for many years. Moreover, I'm old enough to remember when (most) cops were polite, and would take citizen complaints with some degree of seriousness.
So I tell him: "Actually, the fact that this is a public building, and that I have paid a lot of taxes to this town, makes this... MY house. Which would make YOU... MY servant."
(I was going through a difficult time, and had figured that getting arrested would maybe get me the hell away from my soon-to-be-ex-wife.)
But he didn't arrest me. He immediately and swiftly reached and unholstered his gun. I couldn't believe it, I nearly jumped - but he stopped himself, leaned right into my face, and said in a low voice: "Just get the hell out of here. RIGHT now."
Which I did.
I can't imagine any circumstance in which I would call upon these despicable, cowardly, stupid, evil, parasitic, criminal thugs for anything at all. Period. They have negative social utility, and this has been obvious for a long time now. From now on, if something needs handling, I'm just going to have to handle it. And no, that isn't what I want.
I never imagined I could say this but I no longer want to live here!
But our new society is made up of: American'ts: Blind and no heart beat, literally and willing obedient slaves to their masters,
to be sexually and morally raped in public to fly, by a stranger. Then have the appalling gall to celebrate, the 4th of July on cue, if they are free? oxymoron hypocrites through and through. Ignorance is Patriotism and freedom is slavery.
As Frantz Fanon wrote, the power of cognitive dissonance is extreme. It keeps people comfortable and safe from threatening information. Most Americans find the government’s lies preferable to the truth. They don’t want to be unplugged from the Matrix. The truth is too uncomfortable for emotionally and mentally weak Americans.
Im having to fight a DUI were the cop pulled me over i was going 25 in a 45 because my transmission was going out the cop assumed i was drunk. I was as sober as you could be took the Breathalyzer blew zero zero when the cop saw this he cuffed me and told me i was high and took me to jail in the police report said my eyes were dilated which is bogus...they can get you for anything now day avoid Bowling Green Kentucky like the plague the police there are corrupt and WKU is a bad school.
Eric Blair (George Orwell) sat in on the meetings that is how he knew what the future would hold.
Outstanding article. True, and directly to the heart of the matter. Also others who posted responses show a very high degree of intelligence and civility, a very welcome change.
But to return on topic, I can see no political solution to what is happening in our nation. It seems that bad cops are replacing good cops at a steady rate. This also seems to be an intelligence problem, with good cops seeming to have a much higher IQ and the bad ones having a "us versus them" attitude. There seems to be no way to communicate with the bad ones and it is the norm for them to either grab a Taser or a billy club at the slightest provocation, as witnessed by "anonymous" at April 26, 2012 9:17 AM. I have small doubt that I will die in one of those non-extant FEMA camps, beat to death, or perhaps simply shot for not bowing down/submitting to my "betters".
I used to think Alex Jones was a nutcase, when years ago he ranted about the coming police state. I have changed my mind about him since. He is still screaming the warning.
It was said that Ron Paul can't win. It was not a prediction, it was an order. If he were to win by some miracle, he would never be allowed to take office. This is the nation that we have become. Very sad indeed.
Al Sledge
Key West
I fear there will be blood if citizens start responding in a violent manner when government officials pour bleach on their home grown food served at a community picnic or when some inspector infringes on someones personal property rights or when law enforcement unnecessarily tazers someone just because they can or when a TSA employee touches someones private parts because they get a kick out of it and so on and so on-you get the point? There will be blood when people draw a line and are unwilling to back down and are willing to pay the ultimate price. There will be blood
This is the way to get around these days. Safety in numbers.
Thanks for your cogent analysis.
You're right on describing the problem.
Can I suggest part of the solution as we have seen it ?
I believe that loving & living in Liberty requires that we walk in Truth - as did the Founding Fathers.
As does a wise man & Statesman like Ron Paul.
He (and the Founders) didn't expect Caesar to be a "god" running the lives of humanist men.
Modern Americans have been lied to so long about their orgin, thinking they've decended from apes (thus, not having the imprint of the Divine upon our lives, or the Rights He would grant...)
My point is; Orwell dreamed such a nightmare because he tried to imagine a universe only inhabited by men, but not ruled by a benevolent, loving, merciful yet perfect God, as the our American Christian Heritage assures us He is.
Thus, a shift in the philosophy undergirding the assumptions that form our worldview has taken place, like a subtle 'coup' !
Thus have our individual, God granted & defined Rights been traded in for 'state granted' group / collectivist priviledges. And what the 'State granteth, the State taketh away'.
In short, only a return to Biblical asumptions & Truth will set us free again...yet I'm not taking of phony Neo-Con religio-conservatism that has served as a conterfeit to the original.
I mean the roubust, bold Christian courage that motivated men as diverse as St. Augustine, William Wallace, Sir Thomas Moore, Patrick Henry and Davy Crockett.
In this philosophy, this worldview, the Strong sacrifice to deliver the weak, then men protect the women and children (never hide behind the, abuse them, or send them off to war in their place...) and we who now can, purpose to stand for Liberty & Truth, no matter the cost, so that our children & grandchildren yet unborn may live in peace !
"Search for the old paths, the old ways and walk in them, and ye shall find rest for your souls"....
Thanks to blogs like this, the Truth can be expressed & discussed.
Many thanks for doing your part.
As John Quincy Adams remarked:
"Duty is ours, the results are God's"
Ron Paul 2012 !!
Now you see why they made fun of history lessons and worked so hard to "Dumb down" America. SPORTS are all that matter. Be a "FAN", get fat on BRATS, and worry about dandelions in your front lawn. FAT, CASTRATED, and PROUD of being STUPID, the "average" Amurkicin.
Was a time when the role of the police was similar to that of sheep dogs - i.e, keep people from straying too far by barking at them.
No longer - that trait has been bred out of them by the PTB, they are now slavering wolves that hunt in packs with a lust for power and all too often blood.
We must fear our Out of Control, Corrupt Government, on every level.
I wonder if Huxley's Brave New World better describes the current nightmare through which we are living.
"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us." - Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death
Hey Crimefile...thanks for this great site full of interesting information. As ex-LEO myself I know of the terrible invasion of our liberties and freedoms since the 70's. Only one comment on the statement that "the majority of Americans do not know about Orwell." In my study and writing I have interacted with many and the conversations have shown that many know of the book, but most of them are from the 70's or early 80's when it was removed from mandatory reading lists of many schools. I have my original copy, purchased in my Junior High days (I am 58 now), and have loaned it out to a dozen or so in the last few months! Keep up the investigation, good work takes time until you can shake loose the one straw that breaks the whole thing!
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