Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lessons Learned From the Trayvon Martin Shooting

Sanford, FL—The shooting and mass demonstrations connected with the self-defense shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman left us all with some real lessons.

The short of it is the importance of avoiding conflict and should you have to employ deadly force avoid calling 911 or giving any cooperation with police.

George Zimmerman volunteered to be a Block Watch busybody. Unfortunately many neighborhoods are loaded with dangerous predators and block watches have become a reality. That’s especially true in jurisdictions that have been dumping prisoners from prisons and that have undermanned police departments. Confine any watch activities to protecting your own home, family and close friends.

Calling 911 has become an exercise in futility because they are slow to answer the phone, those untrained civilians give loads of bad advice and the cops can never arrive in time to prevent rapes, robberies or murders. They can however arrange for a cleanup of a bloody mess and to remove the dead and wounded from the scene.

Be aware of your surroundings and the behavior of others around you, your car or home. Be prepared with sufficient training, weapons and ammunition needed to face multiple armed criminals. Criminals seldom work alone.

If you are the subject of intimidation, bullying or attack respond as your life depends on it because it does. Use your weapon to end the assault and in all but a few scenarios the cowardly criminals will flee without you having to fire a shot.

If on the other hand you fire shots do so with accuracy and a sufficient number of shots to stop the attack cold. Instant one-shot stops are rare except on television.

Once you shoot, it’s time to scoot! Get the Hell away from the danger, accomplices and friends of the person/s you’ve shot.

In Zimmerman’s case, Martin was an athletic six-foot-two-inch tall football player that had him on his back pounding on him. Martin got what he deserved.

You’ve got an absolute Constitutional right not to incriminate yourself. That means you cannot be forced to report to 911 on yourself! You should always as a matter of sound legal advice not to communicate with the police beyond asking them for a lawyer. Save the, “I was in fear of my life” confession for the courtroom and chances are you’ll never see a courtroom.

George Zimmerman should have left the do-gooder block watch duties to anyone else. If that failed he should have resorted to the principal of, shoot, scoot and keep your mouth shut. Doing the Block Watch duties placed Zimmerman in harms way with both criminals and 911 operators.

Today Zimmerman is now the target of a massive racially motivated hate campaign by mobs all over this nation. Zimmerman is now in danger wherever he goes since his published picture and name has given made him as recognizable as any celebrity. Zimmerman has a price on his head and a racist U.S. Attorney General that will do everything possible to persecute him. Zimmerman probably will not survive what’s in store for him.

Someone please tell me the value of cooperating with police under these circumstances. Every 911 call Zimmerman ever made will now be used against him.

Zimmerman’s unpaid Block Watch gig was a really stupid an idea. Always leave police work to the cops.

So when you forced to defend yourself or family the words of the day are SHOOT and SCOOT!


  1. Do blacks get a free pass when it comes to threatening someone?

    Why aren’t NBPP members arrested for threatening Zimmerman and putting up wanted posters?

    Spike Lee sends multiple “tweets” with George Zimmerman’s home address.

  2. For JUST that reason, I've stopped carrying my Glock and started carrying my revolver. No brass on the ground...

    ...and I'm a retired cop.

  3. Why are the Black panthers allowed to put out a Contract on Zimmerman, who is, by Law, Innocent until PROVEN Guilty ? Why has nothing been said or done by Authorities ? America , = on the verge of Collapse. One more Term for obama will do it.

  4. Mark12A said...

    For JUST that reason, I've stopped carrying my Glock and started carrying my revolver. No brass on the ground...

    ...and I'm a retired cop.

    March 26, 2012 8:04 AM

    carry two.

    snubbies with +P, pachmyer grips and a pair of speed loaders.

  5. I like the way you think.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Do blacks get a free pass when it comes to threatening someone?

    Why aren’t NBPP members arrested for threatening Zimmerman and putting up wanted posters?

    Spike Lee sends multiple “tweets” with George Zimmerman’s home address.

    March 25, 2012 9:55 PM


    Eric Holder is AG thats why.

    Spike Lee is a known racist.

  7. what trayvon was doing in that area

  8. Let me get this straight, Trayvon Martin who was walking back to his fathers home from a convenient store is stalked,confronted, and then murdered. He got what he deserved? A person deserves to be shot for going home? A person, who has not done anything wrong should be killed? That's absurd. I hope someone makes sure Zimmerman gets what he deserves.

  9. I'd want more information before judging one way or another. Zimmerman claimed he got attacked, but video footage showed no blood and no broken nose so now his story is suspect. I'm not saying Martin did or didn't attack him, I'm just saying the shooting could have been justified or it could have just been that Zimmerman wasn't stable enough to be carrying a gun or escalated the situation - we don't know.

    Also, leaving the scene of a shooting is about the dumbest advice you could possible give. Even if your an ex cop, if they catch you on a survailence camera or something and you left the scene, you're going to be spending a long time in jail. Better idea is to have a lawyer's number in your wallet, and let him know you carry and might need to call him some night for help. Only call him after you call 911 and try to render first aid to the person you shot though, or they will hold that against you. If you go into it with a punk attitude like some people on this list are saying, you might end up a criminal yourself and never able to carry a weapon again!

  10. The NBPP is just like the phony "Reverends" Jackson and Sharpton: race-baiting bigots and con-men. They find an incident, go in and fan the flames, and then ask the local fools for donations to help them keep up the "fight". It's all a scam by the leaders of these groups. Most of the followers of the clowns are true believers so that these groups look legitimate, but the leaders are in it for the money. They're all talk and no walk.

  11. Radical new view Mr Heubl. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective with us sheeple. Did you know the photo of Trayvon you used was lightened and photoshopped to make him look kinder and gentler? There are pix out of Trayvon flashing gang signs, I don't know if they are authentic but no chatter on them at all? And why is the ONLY pic of Zimmerman ever shown his mugshot? Are there NO family happy pix of him?

  12. Army Vet '68-'71March 30, 2012 9:45 AM

    #1. On the Zimmerman video: What does a broken nose look like? Mine has been broken twice and after the bleeding stopped and before the bruising set in, you couldn't tell it was ever hit. He was taken to a hospital and treated, until those hospital records are made public, we don't know what damage was sustained. #2. For all those people screaming for Zimmerman to be arrested, HE WAS! You saw him in handcuffs in that video. Since he was also released without being charged, there had to be insufficient evidence at the time to hold him.
    #3. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, judged by his peers or he admits guilt. He is NOT judged by the media, by rabid people spouting hatred or any other group.

  13. The problem with all this publicity is that it will be almost impossible for Zimmerman to get a fair trial anywhere in the USA.

  14. "Let me get this straight, Trayvon Martin who was walking back to his fathers home from a convenient store is stalked,confronted, and then murdered. He got what he deserved?"

    If I choose to follow you from a distance, call the police on my cellphone, and do not attempt to personally contact or detain you..

    you have no legal right to do ANYTHING about it. Martin had no grounds to approach or attack Zimmerman for simply walking in his vicinity, watching him and calling the police.

    "Stalking" is a nonsense word, that really means nothing unless the act is taking place outside a private home or residence. When you are in a public walkway or street, someone watching you and calling the police about you is not "Stalking".

    You can sue them later, civilly, but you cannot attack them physically.

    If you do attack them physically, then they can use force to defend themselves. Every indication is that this is what took place.

    If George Zimmermans name had been Paco Gonzalez no one would have ever heard of this case at all.. This is a dispute between a negro and a brown man, that a deceptive propaganda media has deliberately pumped into a vehicle about 'white' people, none of whom were involved in this dispute.

  15. Much of what is said here is fairly good, but how do you know that Martin was on Zimmerman's back?

    There is nothing I've seen reported that leads me to believe anything except that Martin was killed. I don't know if murdered. The videos tell me nothing. A funeral director isn't forensics and Obama wasn't there but neither were you or I.

    Speculation on either side of it is dangerous.

    A "fair trial"? How about if Zimmerman were guilty and later released on appeal because as you say "how can he get a fair trial",how could you get a proper outcome to stick? Obama is a lawyer why would he do that; stick his nose in it? He's not stupid, so it must be a political distraction to cover up something else. Perhaps take our minds off of healthcare?

  16. I'm a little mystified (as a non-American) about how this turned into some sort of media frenzy about white persecution of blacks, when Zimmerman is clearly latino. (For the record, I'm technically latino myself). It's a shame that anyone had to die, but the whole race relations disaster emanating from this incident is decisively unfair.

    If anything, it should serve as a case in point of the growing tension between african-americans and latino americans. Instead, it has become 'hate whitey' hour. Very odd. I don't understand americans at all.

  17. @Anonymous, re: "I'm a little mystified"...

    African-Americans will seek any excuse to blame anything at all on white people. Even if the shooter was Hispanic. That's all you need to understand African-Americans. Understanding other Americans is even easier--they just want to live apart from African-Americans. We don't wish them harm, we just want to live somewhere else.

  18. Most of you people need to wake up. There are differences, but hate is being promoted. Where ever there is an "us agin' dem" is someone pushing the differences to cause problems and harm, so they later can come back to be the authority to straighten the problem intentionally magnified or created. You'll elect and pay them to fix what they don't really want fixed.

    It's good that someone is pointing out that the man is Latino and "why the color hate?" It's another thing to say "African Americans are hating whites" even if true because the problem or the lie is stirred or started to make sides to war.

    Wake up! In general people can just be plain hateful period. Race and color do not discriminate even against their own community or culture. I'm Irish white looking (also Hispanic but it doesn't show)but I've been hurt far more by white people because there are just more white people in my world; proportionally no difference to other races outside of my world as to mischief caused me personally.

    But all of us have been hurt by people exerting unlawful power whether by the filthy rich money makers or their court systems, which you allow them to use against us after they either made the problems worse or started new problems.

    Wake up! Didn't the press and Obama make this a racial issue? They've made it stick as a "white black" issue. Just like the man said here, "He's Latino". Obama is no more a representation of common people of color then I am a representation of Latinos.

    Every problem experienced has not been started even by mischief makers, but the mischief makers sure know how to make you feel like someone did. "There's an all day sucker born every day."

  19. Army Vet guy I'd like to say what you said, but you already said what you said.

    I would also add the Obama is not the judge either.

  20. I can't believe that you, a retired public servant of all people, say that we should respond to evil by further withdrawal from our fellow man.

    (See Roger G.'s comment at end.)

  21. Rather then be a block watch busybody or snitch he would have been better off becoming a reserve police officer. Then he would be insured and protected by the governments and respected by the public. Zimmerman also would have gotten some legitimate training.

  22. Paul, as far as being a reserve...I know that my old department will only take retired cops into the reserve program. It was just down the road from Sanford.

  23. The most important aspect of this story is that it wouldn't be a big, national controversy without the virtually criminal malfeasance of the big national news media, primarily NBC. At the heart of it is the “Today” show, which quoted Zimmerman as saying the following:

    Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

    Yet the transcript of that portion of the call reads as follows:

    Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

    Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

    Zimmerman: He looks black.

    With obvious malicious intent, NBC turned Zimmerman into a racist. The rest of the major news media have joined the Zimmerman lynch mob. See "Washington Post Distorts Trayvon Martin News" at .

  24. Brass or no brass- when cleaning my .40 cal. I always use gloves even when loading the ammo into the magaizines. Shoot and move to a safe area. Call your attorney as soon as possible. Don't stick around the scene and "try and clear things up", just let the cops do what they need to do, you don't need to be there. If and when the conntact you, don't say anything to them, they are not there to "help" you. First words out of your mouth must be a request for a lawyer-Period.

  25. First Zimmerman spotted the kid and then followed, and then confronted him (per the media version of events) none of which is illegal, perhaps stupid, but not illegal. The law was broken when Martin assaulted Zimmerman and there is no court in the United States that will rule that if you are being beaten while armed and you are not sure if the individual will take your weapon and kill you then you must defend your life at that point. Had Martin not attacked Zimmerman then we would not be having this discussion. Zimmerman made stupid mistakes, none of which were criminal in nature, and if Martin attacked him he was well within his rights of self defense to shoot. What we have found is the media stirring the race pot to bring forth violence, so to take their word as to the events of that evening is futile, but it will come out and I would dare say all charges against Zimmerman will be dropped, because being stupid is not a crime, yet...

  26. Ha....just in case NBC misquotes me, im calling my attorney before I call 911. Maybe he'll call for me.

  27. It's often very hard to convict someone if they keep their mouth shut. In British Columbia we recently had a public outcry concerning a motorcyclist who posted a youtube video of driving through traffic at an insane rate of speed. They found the guy they believe to be the cyclist but so far he hasn't talked to the police, and they likely have no way of putting him on the bike.

    If the police show up to question you, you're within your rights to tell them to get off your property. If they arrest you, keep quiet except to ask for a lawyer.

  28. This is just a thought. The statute of limitations is near running out for the banksters and mortgage fraudsters who looted more money from the American people in the last ten years than the Mafia did in the their entire history - or all blacks since the formation of the United States. None of them have been charged with crimes - none. Suddenly the news is overwhelmed with a silly, but in the big picture nickle and dime scandal about a GSA party in Las Vegas, an embarrassing but probably harmless scandal involving the Secret Service in Colombia, and the likely no one will ever be sure what went down issue of Zimmerman and Martin.
    I say deliberate miss direction.

  29. "shoot, scoot and keep your mouth shut" is a bit long. How about something more concise and memorable, like

    "shoot, scoot and mute"?

  30. Geoff-UK said...
    "Understanding other Americans is even easier--they just want to live apart from African-Americans."

    You are going to have to speak just for yourself. You CANNOT speak for me.

    I will happily live in voluntary association and cooperation with anyone who is willing to live by non-aggression and mind their own business.

    And that includes any sentient being anywhere in the universe. It also includes those who defend themselves and go the extra mile to defend their neighbors.

    I don't know if Mr. Zimmerman made mistakes, or even if he is guilty of murder... and neither does anyone else right now. I pray he can get a fair trial and that ALL of the bigots and fear mongers will get out of the picture.

    I own my life, and I am the only one responsible for it and my safety. That's why I carry a gun.

  31. Eric Holder is not just AG, he is OG...


  32. The cops have killed way more blacks than civilian white hispanics. This is a distraction for stupid people to get caught up in.

  33. Just one case: the '07 Knoxville murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian. The difference in media coverage is glaring.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.