Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Illinois Politicians wants to add a Special Sin Tax To Ammunition

Springfield, IL—Gun rights hating State Rep. Kelly Cassidy and her Chicago cronies want to punish gun owners any way they can. They are pushing for an additional tax on firearm ammunition.

The keeping and bearing of arms is not a right if you must pay the government for the privilege to exercise it. This is no different than the Poll Taxes of the deep-South that were outlawed by the Supreme Court long ago.

In Illinois you can defend yourself and family only if you can afford it so of course this will create a hardship for lower income people.

What the Chicago despots also overlooked is that gun owners will be unable to have reasonable shooting skills because they won’t be able to afford needed regular practice.

The real and very grave unintended consequences are that innocent people will be endangered anytime justifiable shots are fired. They also forgot to exempt cops and security workers from the tax furthering this horrible public policy.

Rep. Cassidy speak well for the kind of politicians running the dysfunctional City of Chicago. It's in their world that defending your spouse and children is a sin.

Frankly I’d not loose sleep if someone used an untaxed Louisville Slugger to rearrange Cassidy's bones somewhat.


Det. Shaved Longcock said...

Indiana is 15 minutes away.

Let them raise the shit out of the ammo tax so they can lose everything when we all go to Indiana to purchase our ammo.

Anonymous said...

If we ban guns we'll have magic unicorns in chocolate fountains and rainbows every where. The libturds have wanted to make ammunition cost as much as a gun costs for years. Man I feel sorry for the people of Illinois stuck with communist turds when the world is littered with the examples of communist fail.

Anonymous said...

Buy your ammunition online. Its a lot more convenient.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess FELON-ois will lose even MORE revenue thanks to the DEMOCRATS, and Indiana and all surrounding states, [Wisconsin,Ohio,Kentucky] will again profit, but what the heck, so we loose millions more in Revenue here in the most corrupt {Semocrat] State in the U.SS.A; it's "For the Children" right ???

Anonymous said...

They want to punish others who don't think like them!They know what is good for us....yeah,right!Sounds like Hitler to me!

Anonymous said...

Buying online would only be temporary until they banned the sale to Illinois like Kalifornia did,including reloading componants.

Anonymous said...

She looks like another Crook County illinois Dyke, Commie politician, for sure..

Mark12A said...

She looks more useless than a buttered turd.

Anonymous said...

All gun regulations are deeply rooted in corruption. To think that getting rid of guns or even making it harder to buy one is very ignoramus. Because these democRATS know there is a second amendment but deliberately disobey it, they are not worthy to live in this nation.

Anonymous said...

Another Crook-County Commie. Stupid ideas that waste Middle-Class Taxpayer Dollars that could be being put to much better use. Everyone will just go to Indiana, kentucky, Missouri, or Michigan, Stupid Incompetent, Disfunctional Dyke -o-crat. Get out of Politicas and quit wasting our Tax-Dollars with your moronic ideas, pervert.