Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Chicago’s African-American Youth is on the verge of Total Anarchy

Chicago, IL—They are calling them “Wildings”, the latest fad for idle young Blacks. They use texting and social networks to form large groups to take control of stores, businesses and now beaches. The plan is simple, to rob, beat and molest as many non-Blacks as they can.

Police resources are very slim and the thugs have easy and cheap transportation to the areas they have victimized. Make no mistake these are serious and violent hate crimes. Intended victims are justified in using deadly force to end attacks involving multiple offenders.

White Chicagoans should stay away from the Gold Coast, beaches, or other entertainment spots for the entire summer. The police can’t do much but write reports after the violence.

The news media and city officials are in a conspiracy of silence about this perhaps to avoid the fiscal ramifications a boycott would bring. They laughably shut the two most popular beaches claiming the heat injuries made them too dangerous. Nobody’s buying that propaganda. It was the African-American Wilding that made the beaches dangerous. Now the media has been forced to begin letting the truth escape the embargo.

The only real protection is provided by bad weather. The thugs don’t operate so well in the cold, wind and rain. If the weather’s nice take a trip to Lake Geneva, WI or perhaps, Ottawa, Illinois because these areas are generally safe. Skip the near North discos and such.

If you must work or live near the Gold Cost by all means arm yourself. That’s no different than wearing a seatbelt when you drive. If you have to, shoot and then scoot to a criminal lawyer. Skip calling 911 and a barrage of questions you should never answer. If they catch up to you say only four words, “I want a lawyer.”

The social problems created by Chicago’s reckless politicians that taxed industry and needed jobs out of Chicago and Illinois cannot be cured. Taxpayers will vote with their feet until freedom and liberty is returned or the Socialists build walls to keep them enslaved.


  1. ". . . Skip calling 911 and a barrage of questions you should never answer. If they catch up to you say only four words, “I want a lawyer.”

    I agree 100%.

  2. This is the truth. It is really unbelieveable how the media has not mentioned the words black teen throughout the past month they have poorly reported these crimes. Non black tourists and citizens must be warned of the danger they face. The savage behavior has escaped the ghetto. Jesse Jackson...silent. The ACLU, greedy lawyers, pandering politicians, revrunds, and liberals have made excuses for these savages. They feel sorry for them...if they cared about them, they would be hard on them. It was predicted in the 80's that crack would produce super predator criminal kids. Any cop and most school teachers would tell you these bastards are souless. There is nothing behind their eyes except emptiness. The greedy law firms like Lovey and Lovey are just salivating..waiting for the police department...especially white police to stop these thugs. The lawsuits will be a flying. Ruin another cop's career in the name of justice. The police have contained this savagery in the ghetto and now..since the police have been deballed, it has come to the liberal's front door. I lost respect for Superintendent McCarthy today after he lied to the media about the reason for closing North Avenue Beach. It is obvious our mayor, police department, and media are all liars. How can this be? Isn't the media independent of the government? Thank you liberals. Now you will see what police, teachers, nurses, and firemen see everyday. The black middle and upperclass do not accept this behavior however, they will be forced to defend the behavior in order to show their blackness. Race war is coming. I'm not supporting...I'm predicting it.

  3. Paul,
    You and I have butted heads a few times on Shaved,but this is a problem of epidemic proportions. Yes I agree whole heartedly that people should arm themselves when going into the Jungle Zone,oops I mean downtown.
    Why should good innocent hardworking people in Chicago have to change how and where they enjoy themselves because of the Savages? It is the savages that are the problem. You know just like I do how they ran rampant in public housing and now that Obama is seated in the White house they feel untouchable. It may sound a little harsh but I say its time we touch them so that they understand this conduct will not be tolerated. Is CCW the answer? Partially. The rest of the dynamic is complex. I would entertain ideas as to how to complete this solution.

    A friendly adversary.

  4. The rest of the dynamic is complex. I would entertain ideas as to how to complete this solution.

    A friendly adversary.

    June 01, 2011 10:52 PM

    it's not rocket science.


  5. The greedy law firms like Lovey and Lovey are just salivating..waiting for the police department...especially white police to stop these thugs. The lawsuits will be a flying. Ruin another cop's career in the name of justice.
    They sue you, you sue them back.

  6. Understandable for Chicago. But Oklahoma City?:

  7. Stay away from Chicago's lakefront this summer? Go to Lake Geneva?

    What happens when the blacks overrun Lake Geneva because we did nothing?
    Run to the North Woods? To Canada?

    I live about a mile from the lake and I'm staying right here. Running away from the problem is not the solution. Let the blacks leave.

  8. The "ghetto mindset" is deeply entrenched in the black community. Violence, drug use, criminal behaviors, theft, and illegitimacy are rampant and accepted as "average" behavior.

    Conceal and carry is pretty much your only option: unless you like being beaten, and watching your G/F fondled or worse ...

    The police are handcuffed by Liberal lawyers, media hacks and activist judges.

    Great post Paul - and well said.

  9. The silence of the black middle class, the regular working folks whose silence and refusal to call out the animals is what kills me. Until the black community says enough, it will continue.

  10. If the City of Crookago is boycotted by the law-abiding Public, the powers to be will soon change their ways, due to their Greed. Boycotting is the only, and SAFEST Way. STAY OUT OF CROOKAGO, IL. PEOPLE, GO ELSEWHERE. It is unsafe for the average persons and families. Go elsewhere to enjoy your Summer Fun. Please Heed My WARNING.....


  11. You know i've been in public school and i've been called white boy and all that and hassled around a bunch and teachers don't do shit, but the 1'st time i call this asshole a nigger he calls me a racist and everyone is on his side!!! What the fuck??? i wanted to shoot the bastard.

  12. This is nothing new. Three summers ago, the whole 4 block stretch of Madison Street between Hamlin Avenue and Pulaski Road was shut down on several consecutive nights by rampaging blacks. Luckily for me and my family, they were in a celebratory mood (who knows why) and did nothing more threatening than make a lot of noise, hang out the windows and doors of their cars and take up space. But it was a stunning display of power and contempt, and a graphic demonstration of how little the police care about the law abiding people and their property they are supposed to protect. There was not a word about it in any local media. Yet little leeching gossip-mongers like Mary Schmich, Mark Brown and Michael Sneed all had their useless columns next day, about who was screwing who and who was in, out, up, down, etc.


  14. Luckily for me and my family, they were in a celebratory mood (who knows why) and did nothing more threatening than make a lot of noise, hang out the windows and doors of their cars and take up space. But it was a stunning display of power and contempt, and a graphic demonstration of how little the police care about the law abiding people and their property they are supposed to protect.

    June 04, 2011 3:06 PM

    you're an idiot.

    in case you doubt my assessment, here's why:

    1. "....and did nothing more threatening than make a lot of noise, hang out the windows and doors of their cars and take up space."

    so, what, exactly, got you peeing your panties, then?

    2. "But it was a stunning display of power and contempt..."

    stunning? really? knuckleheads blocking traffic and acting the fool stuns you? and impresses you as powerful and contemptuous? what a sheltered little life you must lead.

    3. "...and a graphic demonstration of how little the police care about the law abiding people and their property they are supposed to protect."

    i'm supposed to care about the very things you don't care enough about to get off of your whining ass and work to elect people who will back me up, when i do the very necessary things to protect us all from the miscreants whom you got your panties in a bunch over?

    bite me.

  15. "The silence of the black middle class, the regular working folks whose silence and refusal to call out the animals is what kills me. Until the black community says enough, it will continue."

    I agree 100% It makes me angry that Jesse Jackson and other "so called leaders" in the Black community haven't spoke out publicly or called a news conference to condemn these wretched and cowardly acts of violence. In fact, I'm going to email these "leaders" and ask them why are they so silent on this subject. It'll be interesting to hear what they have to say. Let's see what happens.

  16. Attacking innocent people minding their own business. For what? Then when someone fights back and either runs these fuckers down with a car or shoots them they blame the victims.

  17. OK, "Anonymous",

    I was about to begin work on a collection of stories I'm thinking of titling "13 Girls I
    Should Have Married", and now I have to take time away from reliving my days of deflowering virgins to answer your ignorant rant. That's bad enough, but what's really depressing is the thought that they give a badge and a gun to people like you.

    I'm assuming you have an I.Q. somewhere south of my resting heart rate, so I'll try to keep it simple (hint: I'm extremely fit for my age, so the resting pulse is really low).

    What I said was "the whole 4 block stretch of Madison Street between Hamlin Avenue and Pulaski Road was shut down on several consecutive nights...". This is several orders of magnitude (that means really, really a lot) more serious than some "knuckleheads blocking traffic". Two of the West Side's most vital arteries, plus their link to the expressway, are totally impassible - a parking lot - for two hours. No emergency vehicles, no police, nothing could get through. What happens if a fire starts? If the celebrators have a change of mood? It would have been me against a mob of several hundred, not a few "knuckleheads". It wasn't a display of power and contempt? Then what kept you and your buddies out, while they took over what is supposed to be your turf? They totally bitch-slapped you! (But then, that's nothing new to today's cop, used to taking orders from bull-dyke sergeants and brass in dresses.)

    I'm sure you would have welcomed them into your safe little cop enclave up in the northwest or southwest side, right? No, of course not!

    Can't have that where the special people live, only where we "idiots" live - that would be the ones who didn't run away like your parents and grandparents did, but stayed and defended what was ours. And you talk about pissing in pants! Your people shit themselves before the first darkies even moved in!

    Sheltered life? How many patrols did you walk in Nam, sonny? I walked plenty - as a volunteer, when I could have stayed behind in the relative safety of the artillery firebase I was stationed at. For that matter, how many times have you even walked down an all black street, alone and unarmed? I do it all the time. How many riots have you lived through, punk? I've lived through 2: the '65, and the Chicago bulls riot of the early 90's. Both times, the Africans had total control of the street right in front of my door. Nothing but me and an old 16 gauge for the first 24 hours in '65, til the National Guard showed up the next day. And nothing, period, in '91 or '92; nothing but me and them until they got tired and went home. In '68, I was in Nam and my 61 year old mother stood guard over the house til my 67 year old dad got home, dodging snipers on his way down Madison street. You couldn't carry his, or my, jockstrap, you puke!

    "....get off your whining ass and work to elect people who will back me up..."

    How about you getting out from behind your union and stop demanding so much that no government can afford to hire enough of you? Number one problem on the streets of Chicago - not enough manpower - and I do mean MAN power - caused mostly by exorbitant demands of the police union. But also caused by the kind of people who run for office, who have no stomach for bucking unions or for telling the truth to the people about what is needed to retake control of the streets - assuming they even know the truth. I've imposed on the website owner's hospitality enough - class is over for today.

  18. Well said. I had an incident the other day in my local public library where 5 African Americans surrounded her spitting profanities and chest bumbing her. To my amzement no one did a damn thing to help besides myself. I stood up an told them they need to leave now. Their response was to call me cracker and shoot several obscentities at me. When the police arrived they said that I could file a citizens arrest but then they left and came back shortly later and said that the DA would look at the video surveilance and decide if he wanted to pursue the case. The big problem is that the majority of African Americans are raised by dysfunctional parent who in turn give birth to dysfunctional offspring. My wife and I are so freaking tired of heraing that this country is the best one in the world wehn in fact we have the highest crime rate in the world. Suffice it to say we are getting the heck out of this country as soon as we finish our PhDs. Seems like you have to move farther and farther away from urban areas in order to escape all this bullshit. Unfortunately, I have to deal with the ass backward racist beliefs of white Americans as well. This country is so damn divisive that the benefits of living here are far outweighed by opportunities.

    Disabled combat veteran

  19. Devil's BrigadeJune 16, 2011 10:59 AM

    This is nothing new. Three summers ago, the whole 4 block stretch of Madison Street between Hamlin Avenue and Pulaski Road was shut down on several consecutive nights by rampaging blacks. Luckily for me and my family, they were in a celebratory mood (who knows why) and did nothing more threatening than make a lot of noise, hang out the windows and doors of their cars and take up space. But it was a stunning display of power and contempt, and a graphic demonstration of how little the police care about the law abiding people and their property they are supposed to protect. There was not a word about it in any local media. Yet little leeching gossip-mongers like Mary Schmich, Mark Brown and Michael Sneed all had their useless columns next day, about who was screwing who and who was in, out, up, down, etc.

    June 04, 2011 3:06 PM

    Let me get this're white, an ex-Vietnam vet, and you live there? Are you retarded? Go back to writing that crappy book you'll never sell. If your old man wasn't bright enough to move after ducking sniper fire then you guys all come from a deficient gene pool where you lack common sense.

  20. Combat Vet,

    Thank you. And well done, standing up to that crew. Sorry to see the good ones like you and your wife leave, though.

  21. To whoever called me and my father retarded:

    If you are a cop, you are a disgrace to the uniform.

    Of course, today, apparently, your attitude is no longer considered disgraceful by most other cops. You are typical of today's cop, who has abandoned the noble calling of protecting the weak, keeping the peace, and commanding respect for society's laws and mores.

    Like the firemen who looked askance at me and my then 90-year old mother, as we stood outside on Madison Street after evacuating our house because the house next door was on fire, you consider us to be nothing more than obstacles, something that complicates your job. Why did we have to be there, when they could have just let both old houses burn, baby, burn? Why am I still there, insisting that you do your job, when what you really want to do is get back to your Facebook page and just let the pavement apes and retards kill each other off? Then, when the smoke clears, you can buy my property for nothing and start a coll little hipster community for yourselves, right?

  22. I carry, shoot to kill - then shoot em again.

  23. I have a question that begs an answer, why is the African Community so angry?

  24. Look up Civil War II.

    It's happening right in front of us, and we don't even see it.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.