Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trial By Smear, Biography Channel Convicts Drew Peterson

Joliet, IL—Behind bars is an American citizen whose been there for nearly one and one-half years. He is innocent having never been convicted of so much as littering in his life. With paper thin evidence, bail for this man has been set at $20 million.

Honorably retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson stands accused having been indicted for murder on mere hearsay evidence. This is the very kind of evidence that the Fifth and Sixth Amendment to our sacred Bill of Rights has precluded from trials for 234 years. Illinois politicians have created a new law to lower the bar of justice to mirror The People’s Court of Germany in 1943.

Peterson has by all accounts been a great father to his children and at the same time a lousy husband throughout four marriages. Being a lousy husband does not make a killer.

One estranged wife died apparently in the safety her, locked home in her own bathtub. That death was investigated and determined to be an accident by the coroner and police. Three years later the case was reopened and somehow re-determined to be a murder.

Peterson’s fourth wife disappeared in 2007 after telling a friend that she planned to do just that because she was unhappy with Drew Peterson. She has not been found and police can only speculate on her whereabouts.

The case has become a True Crime aficionado’s wet dream. It has been taken up by bloggers, and all manner of media as the story went international.

The Biography Channel took up the story last night. Don’t confuse this show as news programming because there was no effort to do more than smear Drew Peterson.

The story tellers for this television smear were primarily a blogger and local print reporter with an ex-wife and another old girlfriend of Peterson.They have done little more that to collect and or disseminate unreliable gossip about this case. Their sources are the near do well relatives of the dead and missing wives that have left no stones unturned in their zeal to profit from this tragic situation.

The smear show was a non-stop effort to deprive Peterson of an objective jury pool. They made no attempt to contact bloggers or writers that would criticize the gossip that has been disguised as evidence.

We as Americans have filled cemeteries all over the world with our fallen patriots sent into battle so we could enjoy the Bill of Rights.

This Biography Channel hit piece is a symptom of the shift this country has taken to shed itself of freedom and liberty. We are being taken into a police state of the worst kind. We can either fight to keep our freedom or we may well find ourselves fighting for our own lives from some jail cell on the strength of gossip.

If you will tolerate this kind of treatment of Drew Peterson don’t whine when it’s you or someone you love get’s put in the sights of a politically ambitious prosecutor like Will County’s James Glasgow.


  1. The media for the most part are slime.They will distort and twist your words like a schmuck attorney.Do not talk to the press.

    I saw the same program and it is typical of todays thirst for blood society that thinks if you are arrested you are guilty.

    Seems like someone/group? is prepping the stage.

  2. Once again you are right on the money Paul.

  3. I don't like Drew Peterson. That said, I can also add that I have a gut feeling that he was involved in the death of his second wife and the dissapearance of his third.
    My gut feelings are not evidence!!
    We have, or should have rule of law in this country.
    The new law allowing heresay evidence was passed specifically for the Drew Peterson case, is unconstitutional, and ultimately will be overturned.
    With no evidence this man should be released immediately. NO bail at all. As a matter of fact he should never have been arrested.
    The death of his second wife, even if the coroner determined it were true that she was murdered still dosn't connect Peterson to her murder.
    News media coverage of this event has done everything possible to make Paterson appear guilty literally from the beginning.
    From what I know of this case if I were on the jury I would have to vote Not Guilty.
    The Attorney general better come up with some real evidence before trial.
    Paul in Texas

  4. "The smear show was a non-stop effort to deprive Peterson of an objective jury pool. They made no attempt to contact bloggers or writers that would criticize the gossip that has been disguised as evidence."

    Fair is fair, Mr. Huebel. Dr. Dan, now Dr. Dan Investigative Reporter, counseled Drew and his children after Stacy's disappearance. He is the one responsible for advising Drew that his children be told mom went on a vacation and he didn't know when she'd be back. He was on extensively in the Bio Channel piece. Doesn't he count as being someone who could "criticize the gossip that has been disguised as evidence?"

    Why no objections from you on your blog when the Chicago Sun Times, being as generous as they are (Sneed) in reprinting letters and opinions directly from Drew, are run? They run the pieces without criticism, and without contacting someone who can counter those letters and opinions of his. He and his attorney are given free rein to say and opinionate whatever they want, without interruption.

    You are not a fair minded and accurate blogger, Mr. Huebl. Yes, Drew Peterson has not been convicted of anything as of this date. He's admitted to many of the things that were said of him in last night's piece. His third wife is dead, and his fourth wife has stopped all contact with everyone since she was last seen in October, 2007. Those are facts. To call the piece a "smear" campaign because Peterson didn't come through as a man who most would see as a hero, let alone a respectable man, isn't anyone's fault but his--it is the way he lead his life.

    Did you see the young woman, Margaret, who eulogized her murdered father, Officer Flisk, during his televised funeral? That was an honorable man, a decent human being, a man whose children looked up to. A man who instilled values in his children, by giving his daughter the courage to speak on his behalf at his funeral.

    They don't appear to have been nurtured to help out their dad by hiding his beloved guns before they might be taken in a search warrant.

    This will never make it on your blog, I know, but if you have any decency left in you, you KNOW this is the real deal.

  5. Mr. Huebl,
    I book guests for The Susan Murphy Milano Show and, once again, extend an invitation to you to appear on her show to discuss this case.

    If you wish to take her up on the offer, you can reach me at contact@imaginepublicity.com and I'll be happy to make the arrangements.

  6. Personally, I think Peterson is guilty as sin. The cops who investigated his wife's drowning death didn't conduct a thorough death investigation because Peterson was a cop, one of their own, and they assumed he couldn't possibly have killed her. I think they were wrong. Having said that, I don't believe there is any evidence linking him to her death or the disappearance of Stacy. Because of that he should never have been arrested in the first place. Save the arrest for when you actually have a winnable case. Glasgow just wanted to get his ugly mug on TV as many times as he could. When this case goes to trial he will come out looking like the incompetent, grandstanding fool that he is. His actions remind me of disgraced prosecutor Mike Nifong from the Duke Lacrosse Team incident.

  7. Its all done at Drews expense, anything to make money from him. Funny so many things were not mentioned that should have been. Its a smear of the first degree.

  8. As a retired career police investigator in a large metro area, I find myself feeling that Peterson has been one of the most politically Sand-Bagged persons in Illinois history, and even if he is guilty, there is no proof whatsoever of anything yet. I have to ask myself that if this Violation of Constitutional Rights can happen to Peterson, it could happen to anyone, including myself. During hundreds of investigations in the past, I found it just as fullfilling to prove that an accused person didn't commit the crime he was charged with, and finding the real criminal, as I found it to catch the guilty ones before anyone was accused. For this [and many other things] to be happening in this country leads me to believe that our Country truely IS completely Corrupt, like Chicago/Cook county/Illinois. This is even scarier to me than chasing a gun armed inner-city gang-banger down a dark alley used to be. Sad. Strange. I'd be the first to want to see the guy locked up if there was any real evidence, but there isn't, and I don't think being an Illinois Suburban policeman in a medium sized, fairly low crime suburb turned Peterson into a master Criminal capable of getting away with Murder. Autopsy results were inconclusive. All else is hearsay. No real evidence exists, unless thers something I don't know about. Peterson should be under further investigation, but should be a free man until the facts that support him being imprisoned are there for real.

  9. I don't like him, and I think he's a sleazeball. As the father of a pretty young girl who has grown up to be a beautiful woman, I would have been more than a tad bit upset if someone like him had been sniffing around her when she was 18 and he was old enough to be her father.

    But....you're absolutely right Paul. Our criminal justice system is supposed to be about rules of evidence, due process and the like, NOT about who likes who.

    This sandbagging has to stop and until a case is proven against him, he should be released. If not, one of us will be next.

  10. Welcome to Illinois!!!The land of political corruption and gross incompetance.

  11. I read "Analyzing Monsters - Family Cures" and Dr. Dan who was on the show presents your concerns in full detail. Our nation is deeply troubled by the larger issues in the Peterson case - no evidence to support the methodical destruction of a military and law enforcement family,
    ignoring all the mental illness, addictions and family baggage of Peterson detractors and accusatory family, ridiculous and possibly criminal prosecution that while transparent in the Peterson case, has become commonplace throughout our justice system. The book is right, our modern systems do need rehab.

  12. Will County States Attorney James Glasgow has a host of false prosecutions on his record. Little Riley Fox was found murdered and Glasgow put her father in prison only to find out years later it was a know sex offender who was responsible. Glasgow placed charges too early against another former police officer in the "Honeybee" murders earlier this year only to find out he had an alibi and now another person is believed responsible (killed during another stickup attempt by one of his victims). The list goes on.
    He is Americas most dangerous prosecutor!

  13. "Anonymous said...

    Will County States Attorney James Glasgow has a host of false prosecutions on his record. Little Riley Fox was found murdered and Glasgow put her father in prison only to find out years later it was a know sex offender who was responsible. Glasgow placed charges too early against another former police officer in the "Honeybee" murders earlier this year only to find out he had an alibi and now another person is believed responsible (killed during another stickup attempt by one of his victims). The list goes on.
    He is Americas most dangerous prosecutor!

    December 22, 2010 10:02 AM"

    WRONG! Glasgow wasn't in office at the time Fox was charged. In fact, he was responsible for getting him freed.

    Check the facts. Fox's lawyer, a proven advocate for wrongly charged individuals, is 100% behind Glasgow for his work in clearing her client.

    As to Dorian, he was off work on medical leave for an injured shoulder, but word is he was doing "rehab work" while on this medical leave. He's not in a big hurry to sue Will County because it will open up another bag of worms.

  14. After observing Will County Illinois State's Arttorney Glasgow in action, it appears to me that he may very well be the most incompetent States Attorney in the United States.

  15. Anonymous said...
    After observing Will County Illinois State's Arttorney Glasgow in action, it appears to me that he may very well be the most incompetent States Attorney in the United States.

    December 22, 2010 3:51 PM

    There are plenty more in Illinois,especially in Crook county.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.