Monday, December 06, 2010

Homeland Security Recruiting Neighborhood Busybodies as Informants

Washington, DC—There were the infamous Gestapo, Stazi and Red Guard. They all sought and maintained civilian armies of snitches to help their rogue governments maintain absolute power. These government thugs wanted any information they could use against the victims they selectively targeted.

Today we have the Department of Homeland Security that is quickly stepping into this role in the United States. They are massively expanding their authority, reach and budget to smash dissent, and any resistance to government repression and violation of our Civil Rights.

If you have not noticed, our government has suspended the Fourth Amendment
in the name of anti-terrorism. If you haven’t noticed, It’s our own government that has become the terrorist.

Now Homeland Security is beginning a massive recruitment drive to get people to snitch on their neighbors. When this happens they suggest they want information about crime or terrorism but this always degenerates into what these criminal regimes really want, a hideous form of Thought Police. What they truly want is information about Americans resisting the Police State.

I’m not suggesting that people not report actual crimes as they have always done. We all have the responsibility to warn our neighbors if their house is on fire.

The Homeland Security program is about allowing the government to employ neighborhood busybodies to spy on all of us. Homeland Security just recruited Wal-Mart as a spying partner.

By the way, if you’ve not noticed, Homeland security is not a law enforcement agency staffed by trained cops. American law enforcement officials are all required to take an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps that’s why nearly 60.000 TSA screeners and their bosses have no problem violating the civil rights of American travelers.
Read Homeland Security’s new snitch program press release here.


  1. Hunh? Wal-Mart?? How have they been recruited? (Not that I go there ... at least, not without my "carry".)

  2. I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I have to tell you....after all that "stop snitching" nonsense I've dealt with in the ghetto, it would be refreshing to have people step forward.

  3. One of the freedoms Americans have lost is the right not to prosecute others that have victimized us. This is particularly egregious in domestic dispute cases. Prosecutors should not be able to proceed without a cooperative victim.

    The Stop Snitching campaign in the ghettos of America is not necessarily a bad thing. Nobody likes a snitch.

    There is a difference when someone calls 911 to report an in progress crime where someone’s life is endangered. But for government to solicit snitches is a dangerous commonality with every tyrannical police state in the world.

  4. Here comes 1933.

  5. The State slowly poisons relationships between people, getting them to trust the State over each other, getting them to look to the State for all things.

  6. Ghetto folks seem to be smarter than the rest of us, since the snitch is usually the first person arrested by our brave boys in blue. It's a great way to clear up unpaid parking tickets. Also, it can get a brutha killed, and poor folks have the same idea as the policia, namely CYOA.

  7. I've got news for you.

    1933 never left.

  8. This is a 'nail on the head' article. Spying on each other is exactly what the DHS wants. As for Walmart, a magnet for "family values" shoppers, unless they are a target for a terorist attack, I don't see the justification for entering into a security agreement with DHS. Makes one wonder who DHS really wants to spy on. Attention all Walmart shoppers...please give a collective middle finger to the nearest security camera!

  9. I would really like to think that even the Amoricon sheeple masses have by now awakened to the fact that the "Warren Terra" is the granddaddy of all scams and that they will ignore this latest agitprop nonsense. Even congenital stupidity has limits to what it will tolerate or swallow.

    (By the way, let me repeat what I've been saying on my own and other blogs: I would like to apologize, as an Arizona resident [something I'm not proud of, BTW], on behalf of my entire state for foisting that fascist bitchtard Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano onto the rest of the nation. Electing her governor of this state, much as we collectively deserved her, was inexcusable enough, but letting her loose to cut a swath of police-state destruction across the entire nation was a simply unforgivable move on our part. A boycott against Arizona by the rest of the country for that reason alone is fully justified.)

  10. Adopt a snitch today! Take the snitch to the promised land and allow them to witness the tyranny that they serve. Educate the snitch and allow the snitch to understand how their actions is destroying the U.S Bill of Rights - not only for them but their families, friends, and future generations of Americans.

    Fight tyranny by educating the masses.

  11. The only way to deal with this is to find the snitches and string them up for all to see. They want to bring on Nazi Germany, fine... we will reenact the Warsaw Ghetto.

  12. What this article talks about is how Homeland Security is going to have telemonitors in almost every Wal-Mart with "BIG SIS," head of Homeland Security, instructing you to report to a police officer or, believe it or not, the Wal-Mart manager if you see anything suspicious," which is a totally McCarthy-era endeavor and a crock of crap!! It is one thing to be aware of your surroundings, but a totally different thing to constantly report "suspicious" goings on. What? The guy in Aisle 5 is farting??? Maybe he had something suspicious to eat that day. The woman in aisle 13 suspiciously is breathing heavier than the rest of the Wal-Mart customers??? Maybe she is hiding something in that great big bosom of hers. What country are we in? My memory seems to be fading...

  13. ...string them up for all to see.

    I like it!

  14. Sorry to say, this is nothing new, not even in America. Maybe 20 or 30 years ago DEA (I think) had a program, maybe still has it, called D.A.R.E., where the schools advised children to turn in *their own parents* for smoking a little pot. Of course they didn't bother to tell the kids how this would ruin their families.

  15. why is everyone crying that we are loosing something? all i see is a big open door because they are asking everyone from 5 to 95 to run to the closest cop and tell them every time a politicin breaks the law (there oath) everyone of us every day all day long to every cop we see over and over and over get the picture? they will have to do something right? and when they stop tacking action they are breaking there oath and can i report someone in another state if i go to the fed level? big big door

  16. What else is new in the U.S.? Homeland Security Dept. employs nearly 60,000 people and has enormous budget. They need to justify their budget and their paychecks. We became the worst and most totalitarian country on Earth. We keep harassing and violating civil rights of our own people and we bring grief and sorrows all over the world. I'm ashamed to be American.

  17. What else is new in the U.S.? Homeland Security Dept. employs nearly 60,000 people and has enormous budget. They need to justify their budget and their paychecks. We became the worst and most totalitarian country on Earth. We keep harassing and violating civil rights of our own people and we bring grief and sorrows all over the world. I'm ashamed to be American.

  18. The idea is that government has no right intruding into our private lives whether they've been doing it for years or not. Now, it's out in the open. With fusion centers and massive databases some one reporting that you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, want to audit the Federal Reserve, or are storing food will get you placed on a round-up list. This is what happened prior to the mass arrests and murders in Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, Stalin's USSR, and Pol Pot's Cambodia. If we don't stop it now, we're next.

  19. Where do I sign up? I would like to perform data mining services that will fuck over the common American citizen and force them to lose their rights. I am disgusted by how stupid Americans are. It is time for them to swim in their own shit. I can't wait to help them. Remove the shitty DNA from the planet.

    I would rather work for a corrupt central banker than serve an American public that regularly pukes on itself.

  20. I can't wait for them to "come around" to "get my things"....I got something special for them.

    As for a snitch, the .50 cent solution works great. After one or two of them get popped, the others will begin to think about snitching.

    No more peaceful efforts to work things out. It's time for total, unrestricted violence against the government, and all it's little alphabet agencies. Period.

    Fuck you peaceniks. It does NOT work. Get it? No, you don't get it. Morons.

  21. This site has been designated DHS hostile. Posters here will have their terrorist status reevaluated for possible homegrown terror and violent radical influences. To protect yourself and your family from a full department inquiry leave this site immediately. This is a DHS advisory. Help keep America free by doing your part in fighting terrorism. For more information, call our hotline, at 1-800-323-8603.

  22. DHS hostile site? Tell you what DHS you are altogether UN-American as the UN... DHS Was Ben Franklin UnAmerican hwen he said:

    "Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security."

    Take your safety and shove it up ur ass! I'm American bit$%^!

  23. DHS Hostile! Stop trying to frighten the masses! We are free red blooded freedom loving people and believe what Franklin said.

    Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.

    DHS YOU are UNAMERICAN!!!!!!!!!! U are bushes greatest failure to his people!

  24. I guess anyone who disagrees with Dept of Homeland "Security" or the so called Patriot Act and sides with are 4th amendment or 'ol Ben Franklin are now considered a terrorist. I tell you what, there are enough free thinking Americans out there that will not be swayed by DHS threats. My fathers have died to preserve liberty and I'm ready to lose my life for the same ideals. Go ahead and blackball all those who feel the same. You will have a revolution on your hands. That is probably what you want to preserve the agenda of the Bilderberg and call in martial law, to abolish our 2nd amendment rights, as Hillary Clinton is trying with the signing of the UN Small arms Treaty Agreement to subjugate our right to rise up against a tyrannical government and bear arms for that purpose. Hell with you DHS. Our BRAVE military and law enforcement officials are not all subject to corruption as you. They/We have taken an oath to preserve US and our great freedom loving nation. Until the rapture and the coming of Christ, I promise you I will pray for this nation and its officials and many others will too, and you DHS will fail in your plot to undermine freedom in US until that glorious day where every tongue will confess and every knee bow. The rapture that is both "by" and "for" his people, saved by his grace, his righteousness and his POWER, not by corruptible man!!!

  25. you know when i was 7 years old there was a man who took over my country, guess what he had neighbors spy on neighbors and they got killed. the man is fidel castro, I LIVED THRU THAT AND I WILL NEVER FORGET... ITS STARTED ALL OVER AGAIN.

  26. This is for the second poster who is whining about the people in the ghetto. They know what time it is. They know that the pigs are NOT there to protect them. They have figured this out a long time ago.
    ANYONE who supports this nazi crap is a mental midget who probably wets his bed and blames it on the arabs. Phony tough guys. Your as dumb as dirt, and are going to be as poor as dirt and a slave before you know it scum.
    I hope you die a horrible death rat boy!
    Eat shit.

  27. Stop, Snitch and roll. Its fun, boost your self esteem and gets you noticed.

  28. Sounds like a "Saturday Night Live" skit...."Shoppers, please go to the produce aisles as oranges are 50% off and don't forget to report any suspicious behavior to you Wal-Mart manager..."

  29. Sounds like a "Saturday Night Live" skit...."Shoppers, please go to the produce aisles as oranges are 50% off and don't forget to report any suspicious behavior to your Wal-Mart manager..."

  30. The terrorists have revealed themselves. They are the "so-called" security agencies.
    sic semper tyrannis

  31. "Integrity, Team Spirit, Innovation" is sewn around the border of the newest TSA patch.
    Have you EVER seen an organization that had to SEW A REMINDER not to STEAL, LIE, and CHEAT on their own shoulders!!!!
    "INTEGRITY" ........... STEAL from the passengers.
    "TEAM SPIRIT" ....... BACK-STAB your CO-Workers and the PASSENGERS
    "INNOVATION" ........ IN CHEATING on their own tests.
    Supervisors padding their hours to make house payments.
    Supervisors staggering in drunk.
    Supervisors yelling all NON-Christians should leave the country
    Supervisors expressing their desire to see certain U.S. Senators DEAD
    The FORMER "HEAD" of DHS/TSA - "SKELATOR" Chertoff now makes money selling these scanners to his old Department.
    The CURRENT "HEAD" "DYKE" Napolitano flat out REFUSED to go through the "safe" scanners that "she" demands YOUR CHILDREN go through.
    DHS is a SH-T organization.

  32. Man George Orwell must of had some kind of insight to the future. "1984" is here and should be slapping people in the face by now

  33. Snitches are a dying breed.

  34. Sound like profiling and of course Red China, I mean Wal-mart agrees with DHS... America, we had better wake up!!! The fight is on. Don't back down: pray, fast and watch and don't forget your tithe!.. AND, let us NOT forget the power of the BOYCOTT! Boycott Wal-mart and pay the extra 1 or 2 dollars for the sake of our nation, for the sake of our children, for the sake of FREEDOM!... I've already started and I will continue to Boycott China products and the infiltration of their lead loaded products for Christmas anemias and the masses... I wonder what other more insidious poisons they are kindly gifting us with.


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