Saturday, September 18, 2010

We Need to get Out of Lindsey Lohan’s Personal Life

Los Angeles, CA—Actress Lindsey Lohan is a talented young lady with personal problems that need to stay personal. She may need help but what she’s getting from the public, press and the government is simple torture.

Lohan’s has been turned into a Los Angeles Superior Court show pony that receives punishment in an ongoing, bizarre entertainment news freak show. Do we really need to know the contents of this woman’s urine?

Lohan is partially a product of the ill-advised and insane Drug War. We have no business jailing anyone for simple drug use. If Lohan can be helped it won’t be by some court ordered treatment but something she seeks on her own.

I’d like to see Lohan and so many millions of other Americans freed from addiction so they can lead productive lives. The failed Drug War needs to end.

Lohan needs to deal with her demons. Right now the public, press and government have Lohan on a fast track to major depression. Do we need to see Lohan hanging from a noose in her apartment before we learn?

I’d love to see the media have the decency to end the unnecessary coverage of Lohan’s and other celebrities’ addiction issues.

As for Lohan she bears responsibility for her problems and needs the privacy to work them out or not. There have been some great musicians, artists and even physicians with life-long drug addictions that have avoided the kind of humiliation Lohan has suffered in her short life.


  1. Absolutely right. If I never hear about Li-Lo again, it'll be too soon.

  2. Time changes everything. Judy Garland was a huge substance abuser who was put up for sainthood by Hollywood. Of course that was before our, War on Drugs.

    I agree, leave Lohan alone.

  3. Screw this Lohan. What person has she worked hard for or made life better for aside from Mexican drug dealers? She and her kind are the people responsible for the violence in Mexico, that same violence that will soon be crossing the border into the United States. The voracious demand for drugs in this country is responsible for all of this and until we as a society are able to understand that and stigmatize goofs like Lohan, this cycle of violence will continue. People like Lohan make me sick. They should disgust all right thinking people worldwide. They are scum and deserve no special accolades. I would not mind one single bit or lose one micro second of sleep if she were found in the gutter somewhere one day dead with a needle sticking out of her arm or her straw in her nose. She deserves nothing better after abusing all the breaks she has received.

  4. You missed the point and that is Lohan’s personal addictions problems should not be of public interest and so much media attention.

    The violence and massive crime wave is a direct result of the failed Drug War, not Lohans addiction problems. We could end a lot of crime in a day and put the drug lords out of business through legalization. The price of drugs is not more than coffee or tea without the prohibition.

    Yes, Lohan made her addiction bed and must lie in it today. What does punishment have to do with treatment?

  5. from the comments of September 19, 2010 6:22 AM:

    "The voracious demand for drugs in this country is responsible for all of this...."

    no, the demand for 'drugs' is no different than the 'demand' for booze.

    prohibition of booze created the 'roaring twenties' and prohibition of 'drugs' has created the hell of the past three decades, both thanks to the support of imbeciles such as this commenter.

    "People like Lohan make me sick. They should disgust all right thinking people worldwide. They are scum and deserve no special accolades. I would not mind one single bit or lose one micro second of sleep if she were found in the gutter somewhere one day dead with a needle sticking out of her arm or her straw in her nose. She deserves nothing better after abusing all the breaks she has received."

    if this is 'right thinking, which it is not, then our freedoms are more at risk from this perversion of 'right thinking' then they are from all of the liberal, quasi socialist thinking we are currently plagued with.

    the criminalization of personal freedoms, including the freedom to dope yourself into the gutter, is merely an artificial price support system that enriches those who satisfy the 'voracious demand' and burdens our society with all of the various side effects of said artificially high prices.

    remove all legal controls of all substances and let Darwinian principles restore the natural balance to human society.

  6. I think people should start to consider the well being of Lohan as an ordinary person not as a star that they can use as media circus freak. After all, giving her all this "bad attention" was more of a torment to her. I couldn't agree more on you, she is getting sucked by depression right now.


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