Monday, September 27, 2010

Only Birthers Care where Obama was born!

Washington, DC—Our founding fathers cared about the nation’s highest office since they were fresh out the Benedict Arnold Scandal. They required our Presidents to be Natural Born Citizens and there has never been an attempt to get the 2/3 majority of America required to amend that provision. We are, after all, a nation of laws to which even Barack Obama must submit.

Obama has steadfastly refused to produce his birth certificate or any pertinent records that would put this question to bed. Instead he’s spent well over $1.5 million litigating this issue in various lawsuits for some two years. It’s obvious that his birth documents don’t reflect his campaign’s claim of Hawaiian origin or he'd simply produce them. Obama has yet to say officially where he was born. The closest he came was when he told NBC's Brian Williams he can’t keep the birth certificate plastered to his forehead.

Once his foreign birth is exposed Obama can be counted upon to make a somewhat plausible claim that was never sure where he was born because he was a baby when that happened. That will not save his Presidency or legacy.

If Obama is not qualified by birth he’s simply gone for good. This is not a case for Impeachment. Along with the nullification of his Presidency, every official act or appointment he has made will be invalidated. For starters there will be two brand new openings on the Supreme Court for Joe Biden to fill.

The Birth Question Candle is now burning at both ends. The pending litigation is slowly grinding forward to force disclosure and now the real threat of Congressional subpoenas once the Republicans gain control of a single house of Congress.

With the exodus of so many key Whitehouse staffers exposure of the birth issue is very likely the catalyst for their sudden departures. Who wants to be associated with a fraudulent administration? This will be very humiliating to say the least. Bailing out before half of Obama's term was completed is a sure sign of something big and nasty happening.

I suspect that Obama’s political zombies somehow felt that their Socialist hero would be so popular by the time the birth certificate saw daylight that nobody would care. They now realize that Obama’s popularity is dropping at critical mass speed. There will be one sad reality and that’s because big city, African-American, entitlement addicted folks will absolutely boil-over with anger when their Messiah is removed.

The hard corps Socialist revolutionaries will only see their idea of an American dream through force and violence. I for one would have no difficulty helping in the extermination Socialist revolutionary parasites on our streets. Perhaps these folks need to emigrate to North Korea or China where they would be happier.


  1. Obama is nothing but a flim-flam man, but he will never be held accountable for his misdeeds. When the truth about him finally does come out, Capitalism will undergo a dramatic resurgence -- billions of dollars will be made on books and movies about the Flim-Flam President.


  3. The first thing obammy did after he was sworn in illegally,was to sign his first Executive Order(EO),#13489 effectively sealing his and his families personal records,except from SCOTUS.

    Does this look like the act of transparency???

  4. Nullification of a fakir-president and his acts would be an unprecedented scandal for the United States political system. Even those opposed to Obama might reel at the implications and shudder at how this might fundamentally change the future.

    I think it more likely that a conspiracy involving both major political parties will develop to keep Obama's birth details forever secret, and that he will resign early in 2011 as part of that agreement but, in his resignation, Obama will state other reasons. The question of his birth will not be mentioned.

  5. Just anotha Krazy KrackaSeptember 29, 2010 1:57 PM

    An interesting video which questions the "vetting & certification" process....

    This is the second time since he took office that I have heard questions regarding this process...

    I believe that politicians will still not act to remove him in fear of the social repercussions.

    The ghettos will alight like they did in 68 after ML King & 92 after Rodney King.....


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