Saturday, September 11, 2010

Drug Test Politicians?

Washington, DC—We claim we’re fighting an all important War On Drugs. As a result, in order to qualify for most jobs, a urine and blood test is required to screen out criminal drug abusers. Somehow our elected officials and Czars they’ve appointed somehow escaped that scrutiny.

I’m convinced that a surprising and shocking percentage of the current occupants of the Whitehouse and Congress are themselves drug dependent criminals. Wouldn’t it be great if they were all tested? Their radio-active, drug laced pee could be a newly discovered source of energy.

We know today that Adolph Hitler was under the influence of a daily morphine IV cocktail. His judgment and conduct was shaped by his drug use and so many millions died as a result. .

If it is important enough for a mailman, fireman or bus driver to submit to drug testing why are elected officials entrusted with our precious tax money exempt from such testing?


  1. Obama is still using narcotics. The bluish tint around his lips is indicative of smoking crack cocaine.

    After each haircut, Obama has his secret service agents collect all the cut hairs from the floor. The secret service agents can't even dispose of the hair clippings. They clippings must be given back to an assigned Obama staff member.

    Testing hair for narcotics use is one of the best ways to detect narcotics in a person. Unless you can tell me a reason why Obama has all his hair clippings recovered by the United States Secret Service other than he is worried about it being tested for drugs... you let me know.

  2. Unless you can tell me a reason why Obama has all his hair clippings recovered by the United States Secret Service other than he is worried about it being tested for drugs... you let me know.

    September 11, 2010 12:14 PM
    The excuse for that is simple Shaved; Obama has the contract with Mattel to supply them with miniature suspension systems for their "Hot Wheels" cars. They use his hair clippings for springs!

  3. This sound great in theory but what about real world application.There needs to be real accountability and severe penalties for betraying the public trust.

    If this was to become law,in Illinois/Chicago it would be all smoke and mirrors.Kind of like having the nazis investigating themselves for any war crimes.


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