Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rod Blagojevich Is Now marked For Death

Chicago, IL—There can be no doubt that Rod Blagojevich knows too much about Barack Obama and his nefarious activity. They both moved in the same corrupt political organization where those on the inside help each other into various shady deals. From well-paid, no-show board appointments for spouses to quid pro quo campaign contributions there are no ethical bounds for Chicago Democrats. There are however laws that these criminals redundantly break.

When one corrupt politician gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the code of silence is strictly obeyed. Now that code is threatened by the beleaguered former governor.

When Rod Blagojevich was arrested every politician that had aggressively supported and endorsed him for governor began calling him corrupt and crazy. They had little choice but to discredit Blagojevich because he could have flipped on them in a heartbeat.

Instead of turning on these criminals, Blagojevich patiently waited for US Attorney Eric Holder to soft peddle the case and set him free. The unthinkable happened and now Obama knows he must act quickly or revelations and evidence will surface ending his presidency. That ominous specter was made clear by some not so discrete and very public hints by Blagojevich yesterday.

Rod Blagojevich has zero protection, as he poses a danger to the political future of Obama and other criminals in his administration. The Whitehouse occupants have just two choices. They can get Blagojevich a free ride on some technicality or have the former governor murdered. I’m betting on the latter.

Some deranged Obama supporter will do the deed out of misplaced loyalty and Obama will simply shake his head and say, “Oh well.” Others within the Obama Administration are rightfully nervous that they will be sacrificed along the way.

In any event I think Rod Blagojevich is a dreadfully poor risk for any life insurance company right now.


  1. While Rod is no angel and part of the Machine.He could redeem himself somewhat in my eyes if he blows the whistle on barry and company and produces the smoking gun.

  2. Glad you had this viewpoint CrimeFile, I thought of it the same way and was wondering if i was getting far too conspiratorial, but this stuff IS going on , here in Chicago, and nationwide, as you well know. The trail does lead to the top, no doubt, and is already astrew with numerous additional coverup type crimes. Our system has no more justice or integrity in my opinion, and sorry to say, our country is officially destroyed with debt and political corruption.

  3. I agree with CF.Rod was playing ball and protecting the lie as per the machine playbook.Then he found out the hard way when the music stopped he didnt have a chair.

    Barry should have just given him 50 million in a Swiss account to take one for the team.

  4. Paul....Help me!

  5. Here's a complete chronicling of all things Blago - Enjoy!

  6. I don't know how familiar you all are with "Operation Board Games" but if your not you can search it by author Evelyn Pringle and John Batchelor of Human Events wrote a couple of articles as well...
    Did anyone notice that the defense filed a request for the 2 hour meeting Fitzgerald had with Obama just after Milorad's arrest? They were denied by Judge Zagel becuase there was no direct testimony connecting Obama to the case....that is until Tom Balanoff testified that he spoke to then Senator Obama directly....BUT the defense NEVER refiled their request for the minutes to the meeting when they could have used it in their cross of Balonoff...and DOES anyone really believe the "letter" excuse of the prosecution for not calling Rezko??? REALLY???Everyone of their witnesses in this case and every case they have ever prosecuted is a self confessed liar...

    The Blagojevich/Obama connection goes to the Companion Security deal where Rezko and his partner Daniel T. Frawley purchased the use of a military base in Savanna Illinois...There intention was to bring 150 unvetted Iraqi militants here to train to use AK-47's...there other partner was Aiham Alsammarae who was convicted in Iraq for stealing $650 million dollars and escaped back to Chicago...It has been long suspected that it was Senator Obama who helped with his escape...It is also suspected that Obama is the one responsible for getting Nadmi Auchi (arms dealer to Saddam) into the country, OUR country...

    This is far more heinous than your adverage Pay to Play...and as strange as it all sounds it is all true, research it yourselves...Please


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