Friday, April 02, 2010

Why We Must End The Police State

What is a police officer anymore? Why nothing more than a government extortionist! Outrageous accusation you say? Not really, let’s examine the facts.

Since this country was founded we have been making laws non-stop to reduce freedom. We went on an orgy of making laws for victimless crimes. Gambling, prostitution, alcohol and drug bans are at the top of the list. We have placed speed limits on our wonderful and safely constructed highways that only contribute to accidents by creating unnecessary congestion.

In recent decades we have criminalized self-defense as we allowed for laws that directly defy the Second Amendment to our Bill of Rights. Police are seen as a party to this systemic rights violation.

We’ve done the same with privacy as we now require police to invade our possessions, personal records and body cavities in direct contradiction to our Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. Frisking Americans like prison convicts has become the accepted way to greet airline passengers and those taxpayers entering public buildings.

What we’ve done is change the direction of law enforcement from dealing with real crime and appointed them as government tax collectors. Instead of dealing with a limited divide between police and criminals we have a divide between police and citizens.

The problem with this is that cops are no longer considered the people to turn to for help. The cops are really here to find ways of raiding your wallets and bank accounts. The problem is only getting worse as big spending government officials look for new and creative ways to fund their unchecked spending on things nobody wants or needs.

We need to turn police back into what they were intended to be someone to count on during an emergency. The policeman was your friend, but not anymore. He’s the skunk and your family picnic. We need to start repealing laws while we still can. We need to get runaway government under control.


  1. Boy, Crime-y, you sure have forgotten your police roots, sadly. Your comments smack of anti-police staements made by the criminals on tv news when they claim police brutality.


    P.S> Despite that, haver a Blessed and Happy Easter.

  2. I have never forgotten my roots, government politicians have instead forgotten their function and put cops smack in the middle of their tyranny. They are the ones that divided police from the citizens.

    Cops are just like every other productive taxpayer as they have families, hopes, dreams and don’t want to be hate objects.

    We must separate criminals from our law-abiding citizens. Our politicians have given a voice to the freeloaders and criminals as they have silenced the productive good folks.

    We need to get out of the pockets of the good guys that should never need fear an encounter with the police. It’s not the cops but the politicians that are victimizing the public through oppressive laws and policy.

  3. Lefty's comment reminds me of the National Socialist and Marxist parties: "We are not taking away your freedoms, we are making life better for you. Trust your government!"

    Lefty can't respond now, too busy kissing pictures of Obama and Hitler.

  4. Paul, as a P.O. for over 28 years I agree with you.It's sad what happened and there is no way to fix it.I feel for poor "LEFTY" he ain't got a fuckin clue what's happening.On a better note I am getting out of dICTATOR dALEY's town and going to Arizona so I really don't give a fuck about shitcago.

  5. Spot on CF.I have been fighting this battle for a long time in the LE world.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Boy, Crime-y, you sure have forgotten your police roots, sadly. Your comments smack of anti-police staements made by the criminals on tv news when they claim police brutality.


    P.S> Despite that, haver a Blessed and Happy Easter.

    April 02, 2010 2:14 PM

    Lefty,how is the hot frothy enema working??Has it helped clear your obtuse mind??

  7. Paul is right, the US Government is now nothing more than the worlds largest and greediest "Mob". LEOs are the foot soldiers of their self sanctioned and illegally legalized thuggery. The Justice branch of government has become the big stick carrying collections division of the other two. You will obey and you will pay is the lay of the land ahead as engineered and directed by the tyrannical policies born and bred at breakneck speed in the halls of the Legislature by treasonous and self serving elected officials.
    The whole lot of them should to be taken out onto Capital Hill and hung in mass for their unforgivable treasons and their corpses then drug and thrown into the Reflecting Pond to rot for eternity. These scumbags have been raping every orifice of "America" (us) the truest and most beautiful maiden of freedom the world has ever known for their own self gratification far too long.
    We the citizens of this once great and prosperous nation must turn back this overwhelming tide of third world criminality/mentality that erodes our shores at a heart sickening pace.
    Capitalism, democracy and freedom only works while in the deft capable hands of honor, integrity and real patriotism. Otherwise we just become just another enslaved third world shithole......
    Let us speak loud America, if then "they", our government still does not want to listen or to care, the we all know what we must do. History repeats itself.....freedom lost.....freedom won.

  8. I went to get fingerprinted for a govt job at a north Scottsdale police station. Except the doors are locked. Gotta talk on a phone to some faceless voice that says come back in 3 days at 1:00.

    I can walk into a fire station any time. I can walk into a post office 6 days a week. It's not important that the police are not my friends, but how about not being strangers?

  9. Paul I agree and have also warned others for years now. Taxation by citation is also a scam. I say ban the CHP and save us billions a year. I'm on a blackberry right now. But later Ill Face book your post.

  10. OK ur on live on my facebook

    Paul Hubel Is retired Chicago PD, now a reporter / PI in Calif. I agree with Paul re the role of the police. I call it “Taxation by citation.” BTW LAPD does have quotas. I have said for years that we could save billions by shutting down the CHP (Like Gov Wilson did with State police.) Citations have NOTHING to do with defending the Constitution.

  11. Last month I got a parking ticket in Redlands for no front lic plate. I wrote a check for the 60.00 fine (a tax.) What really got my blood boiling was when I went to the police store front to have the cite corrected, she charged me another $20.00 to have it signed off. I thought I was in Mexico. “Give me 20 bucks and Ill sign it off for ya.” I may jam this place soon with a camera. Perhaps I’ll cowardly use my wife’s car when I do this?


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