Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weis Cowardice Makes the New York Times!

Chicago, IL--At least here the Daley/Burke Crime Family controlled Chicago media has obviously put a blackout on this story. The New York Times has not swept it under the national rug however as they covered this and other problems facing Chicagoans bracing for a very violent summer.

Chicago cops loath their police superintendent and city administration more than ever. It is not a good time to live or work in Chicago. Avoiding all city events such as the Taste of Chicsgo is advisable in this climate.

The NY Times left out some important and highly relevant facts that can be counted on to contribute to violence such as wholesale prisoner releases and the skyrocketing unemployment rate. Of course self-defense has been outlawed in Chicago for three decades of a gun ban so only criminals are armed.

It was Good Friday when Chicago police superintendent Jody Weis fled on camera from an in progress fatal shooting. The killer of Reggie Myers escaped because not enough police made it to the scene quickly enough. The shots could be heard on tape and Weis' now legendary sound bite, “Gotta run!” was made. That, as Weis fled from a CBS2 reporter and any personal danger.

You can read the New York Times article here.

Here is the “Gotta run!” video:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Paul. This creep can run but he can't hide.


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