Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Hire Worthless Unarmed Security Guards?

Seattle, WA—There was a time when American security guards were all armed. The crime rate was really low but if you’re going to hire someone to prevent crime he needed to be properly equipped to do so. Otherwise, why bother at all? Insurance companies began penalizing businesses with armed guards for profit rather than risk.

The gun haters could not handle the sight of anyone armed anywhere like EBAY’s Meg Whitman who is now running for California’s Governor’s office. Whitman had unarmed security and also banned the marketing of firearms on EBAY.

The disarming of Las Vegas casino guards has led to numerous takeover robberies and killings of tourists. Slowly guns have been returning to some casinos security departments. I guess they learned guns save lives.

Schools all across America have unarmed people in security uniforms that are incapable of being more than potential hostages. We protect cash with guns but are most precious children get unarmed, pretend police and zero protection.

A Seattle bus platform became the scene of a horrible videotaped beating of a 15 year-old girl while three uniformed, observe and report bozos simply watched the girl get kicked in the head repeatedly. These security guards facilitated the crime rather than interfere and help a victim. Tax dollars were wasted on these worthless dopes.

This is an issue of political mindset that created this condition. The people that truly deserved the beating promulgated the gun free pretend security policy. It’s not too late to visit some serious punishment on the gun hating criminal enablers. They are far worse than the criminals.


  1. Unarmed security is an oxymoron.

  2. I work part-time for a security firm but since I'm sworn (CPD) the assignments I get are for Armed Security. Many times I am paired with a Unarmed Guard who, for the most part, are real good people trying to make a living. Almost to the person they either have been fired from a firm or know of someone fired because they took action when a crime was being committed in front of them. They get the message real soon that they are just window dressing and if they do anything they will be terminated. That is why you have incidents like the one you show. Its unfortunate but they have bills to pay like the rest of us and they know no one will stand up for them.


  4. Not to mention unarmed officers at the chicago airports! What is the deal with this? There uniforms say police (not even security)!!! They were the only people in uniforms i seen in the airport with the exception of the tsa screeners. Why are they unarmed? Every other airport i have been in had armed airport police...and not all of them were the airports city police!

  5. Thats the same thing i was thinking about chicago airport police. I was flying out one day out of o'hare and had to ask a airport police officer a question about an individual that was homeless and i realized he was not armed. What are these guys going to do if someone pulls a gun on them. Homeless people are desperate and some will do anything not to get arrested. I noticed there badges and patches say police not security how can they protect me if someone goes nuts like at colleges and starts shooting people there gona run like i will. I heard cpd are at the airport but i didn't see theme at all the 5 hours i was there. Daley makes ridiculas decisions one is not to arm the airport police officers.I hope the taliban doesn't try anything at o'hare or if they do it's when i'm not flying.

  6. With all the crime/criminals and terrorism around, I cant believe one of the biggest and busiest class x international airports in the world has unarmed law enforcement officers in place!! Traveling in and out of Ohare weekly, I see these officers on foot and in police vehicles (unarmed)!! I tell you 1 thing, I sure feel much safer in other airports! Only in Chicago would this be allowed I guess!! Paul, some1 should look into this before its too late!

  7. I have to agree with the last three posted comments. I live in chicago and travel frequently and I have noticed the only law enforcement I see at o'hare are unarmed airport police officers. How can this be true in such a big city as chicago especially after the tragic events of 9-11. When I travel to other big cities such as new york or L.A., those airports are swarming with fully armed airport police along with municipal police "chicago doesn't compare". Sadly I feel safer in other airports than my own.

  8. How can an unarmed security guard defend himself from armed robbers, terrorists and other lawless elements? Disarming them would certainly give the bad guys easier access to perform their illegal acts.

  9. You do have a point. In hiring unarmed guards or not providing guns to security guards, you are also putting them at even more risk.

  10. Yes they should arm The Chicago Aviation Police...

  11. im a security guard that works in a hospital. I've been an Aircraft mechanic for the last twenty years. I got fired from my last two jobs, one my fault the other not my fault. I fell into a state of dispare for a year, when I tried finding a job working on aircraft nobody would hire me. I was forced to work security because nobody else would hire me. I work in a hospital and its a borderline hostile environment. after several months of being looked down upon and even a few times being treated lower than dog crap, I wouldn't piss on one of these people if they were on fire. I wouldn't put myself in danger to keep their arrogant rude asses from being beaten. One thing ive learned is when I get my life back in order, im going to show these guys a little more respect.


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