Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chicago Firefighter Gets Four Years In Prison

Chicago, IL—The Gulag has yet another political prisoner tonight. For engaging in constitutionally protected activity a political hack in a black robe, appointed by the Daley/Burke crime families ordered honorably retired firefighter Ted Kozak off to Stateville Prison.

Kozak never hurt, threatened, stole from or otherwise victimized anyone. He held two prize collector’s items for a Chicago cop who was hospitalized and later died. The items were a Thompson sub-machine gun and a Sten gun. Both are banned in Illinois but may be owned in most of free America.

The guns were never used in crimes and were kept locked in a vault. Kozak had a stellar career and is a genuine hero.

The jailing of Kozak is a huge waste of money, prison space and serves no good purpose. Kozak would have merely continued his life as a good taxpaying and honest American.

Next will be the appeal which will take longer to litigate than Kozak will spend in prison. Four years will get Kozak little more than a year behind bars. The rub here is that Kozak will be unable to care for his ailing mother.

Kozak should have been allowed to remain free pending appeal. The gun convictions involve anything but settled law. But the slime that contaminates City Hall want an example made of the fireman the same way that Adolph Hitler’s People’s Court did with those who dared to disagree with the Third Reich. Are we somehow going to feel safer tonight?


  1. Kozak's case will be hitting the taxpayers more and more as time passes. Here's hoping they say, "Enough!" Some positive change, in public office holders and in laws, can then follow. But sadly for Kozak, that's likely going to take a while.
    Good people get hurt by bad laws. Case in point.

  2. I'm CPD and this case sickens me. This man should never be in jail. I swore to uphold the constitution and that includes the second amendment. I have stopped many law abiding citizen over the years who have had a gun on them for protection. I am proud to say I have never locked one up or took their gun. I cannot wait until the SCOTUS overturns our handgun ban in Chicago. The look on Mayor Daleys face alone will be priceless.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I'm CPD and this case sickens me. This man should never be in jail. I swore to uphold the constitution and that includes the second amendment. I have stopped many law abiding citizen over the years who have had a gun on them for protection. I am proud to say I have never locked one up or took their gun. I cannot wait until the SCOTUS overturns our handgun ban in Chicago. The look on Mayor Daleys face alone will be priceless.

    February 11, 2010 6:14 AM

    If you are really CPD I applaud you!!Not many coppers in that PD think that gun ownership is allowed.The anit-gun mentallity is absolutely mindboggling in Illinois,especially in da Shitty.

    This case is Daleys way of fighting the NRA on the federal lawsuit.

  4. Hey Paul...

    My offer about a great tv series idea is real. Let me know.

  5. And yes, I think this firefighter got railroaded too. What a shame...

  6. "I'm CPD and this case sickens me. This man should never be in jail. I swore to uphold the constitution and that includes the second amendment. I have stopped many law abiding citizen over the years who have had a gun on them for protection. I am proud to say I have never locked one up or took their gun."

    Thanks for using your head and following your oath to uphold the Constitution, CPD officer. I am retired Illinois State Police and I can say the same thing as you. I've found quite a few motorists carrying firearms for personal protection and never arrested anyone that didn't deserve to be locked up. There are good, honest folks out there who refuse to be victimized and carry for their own protection, as per the 2nd amendment. I wish more good people would do the same.

  7. Anita Alvarez needs to be thrown out of office!

  8. Truly sickening! Please join the NRA today and fight these Communistic Anti-Constitutionalists.

    I pray that this firefighter's case is tossed on appeal.

    We live in very scary times!

  9. Det. Shaved Longcock said...
    Hey Paul...

    My offer about a great tv series idea is real. Let me know.

    February 11, 2010 8:46 PM

    Uh oh!!

  10. Does anyone know if the NRA is aware of this case. How about the Il. state rifle association???

  11. To 1:03 PM on 11Feb10-
    If you actually think that not many coppers in the CPD support the entire Constitution, your wrong. With the exception of a few clout heavy punks who work on gun teams, the vast MAJORITY of us support CCW.


  13. Anonymous said...
    To 1:03 PM on 11Feb10-
    If you actually think that not many coppers in the CPD support the entire Constitution, your wrong. With the exception of a few clout heavy punks who work on gun teams, the vast MAJORITY of us support CCW.

    February 12, 2010 8:04 AM

    I wish I was wrong but lets take a little test first:

    You say you and the majority support CCW.

    What about Assault rifles(the semi auto branded types) and high capacity magazines,like a Beta-C mag.

    What about REAL assault rifles like FULL AUTO AKs/AKM,M16s??

    How about silencers/suppresors??

    Belt fed machine guns.

    Grenade launchers like a M203 or a M79.

    Just so you know.I own a small home and property in Wisconsin(I live and work in Illinois).I own a real full auto M16A1.A real M79 40mm greanade launcher and a suppressed Ruger MKII .22 pistol.

    Its amazing what you can afford when you give up drinking.


  14. T0: Feb 13 at 7:49

    From: Feb 12 at 8:04

    Subject: Your test

    I thought there was going to be a test. If that was a test, all the Officers I gace it to passed with flying colors. While some did not understand why one would want to spend all that money on some of the items in your "test", all agreed that it's your RIGHT to possess them as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Next time give a harder test.

  15. dont agree with the verdict but the law is the law we cant pick and choose which ones we want to obey. i keep a gun in my house knowing that i can be jailed for it but, its a risk im willing to take. i would rather be jailed for protecting my home and family than to have someone break into my home and hurt/kill me and my family. mayor daley needs to read and uphold the constitution

  16. Un-Constitutional laws don't require or deserve any respect at all. The courts have said repeatedly that these are not crimes. Of course until the courts follow the law we will be political prisoners.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.