Sunday, January 03, 2010

Selling Communism And Socialism To A Free Society

Karl Marx promises under his ideal plan for government that everyone will share the wealth and dream of being part of a great society.

The Communist revolutions all begin with words, music and art along with good hearted and idealistic young people. Romance, enjoyable parties and the fine poetry set to beautiful music in the musical masterpiece, Guantanamera is a great springboard. I can’t argue that the concept is inviting but unfortunately it always ends the same way.

Even for that great song, Guantanamera there is no shortage of intrigue and controversy surrounding that anthem. José Fernández is said to have composed the music and written the lyrics. Cuban communist history revisionists now credit their hero, Jose Marti with creating the most popular song of the Cuban revolution. I guess if the supreme Communist authority declares it, it must be so.

After the revolution peaceful or otherwise property is confiscated by force from some and given to others. Resistance always results and is soon met by mass executions. No individual rights can remain. Speech and religion gets regulated to death. The Communist criminal justice system is nothing more than a pretend show as authorities convict and condemn the lucky ones to the Gulag but far more are put to death.

By far the most corrupt governments are under Communism/Socialism where officials don’t have to answer to anyone. They plunder their nations wealth relentlessly.

Liberals and those sympathetic or tolerant to communism/Socialism all claim to want to see the death penalty abolished. The cruelest mass murders have all been carried out under the Socialist/Communist flag. There really is nothing Liberal about eliminating Liberty.

The Socialist dream is always a holocaust.


  1. By far the most corrupt governments are under Communism/Socialism where officials don’t have to answer to anyone. They plunder their nations wealth relentlessly.

    Liberals and those sympathetic or tolerant to communism/Socialism all claim to want to see the death penalty abolished. The cruelest mass murders have all been carried out under the Socialist/Communist flag. There really is nothing Liberal about eliminating Liberty.

    As opposed to what, Crime-y? Corporate America who plunder this nation and add to the mounting debt? The rich have plundered this country for ages and continue to get away with it.

    Who is talking about eliminating liberty? Socialists want to give more voice to the poor and downtrodden.

    Finally, you cannot compare opponents of the death penalty to a dicatorship. Lets not forget the genocide committed in the history of the American government.


  2. the musical masterpiece, Guantanamera is a great springboard. I can’t argue that the concept is inviting but unfortunately it always ends the same way.

    That's probably the truest thing you've ever written here, Crime-y. It always ends with the rich in control.

    I'll leave you with the final lines of Guantanamera:

    With the poor people of the earth
    I want to share my fate



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