Sunday, December 06, 2009

Why Are We Letting Obama Operate Our Government In Secret?

Washington, DC—Barack Obama ran on a campaign promise for transparency and openness in running our government. Again that was just another of his countless campaign lies.

They held a conference on the Freedom of Information Act and openness of government on Monday. Of course it too was closed to the public and media!

This administration has been operating on secrecy. They are doing our business behind our backs. That alone should make Americans fighting mad. We should be breaking down the doors and using violence against anyone who dares plot against American’s right to know.

Obama has not been held accountable as he has operated his shadow government; not with the Senate approved Cabinet but with that cozy group of out-of-control Socialist Czars that hate the American form of government. They’ve been formulating policy and legislation behind closed doors. They know our lazy Congress won’t even read the crap they are asked to vote for or against. It’s all about party line and party discipline.

The only thing Socialist governments have ever been efficient about is the mass murder of their own citizens.

At first blush I’d say American’s don’t deserve Government by Conspiracy but if we let these bastards get away with it then we deserve exactly what we get.

If our founding fathers were alive today they would have arrested, tried and hanged these scoundrels long before now.

Learn more from an Associated Press article published today.


  1. Your being an ex Chicago Cop and PI gives you greater insight into the mechanics of accessing the power players? I hear Evelyn Rothschild is worth $500 trillion.

    Evelyn married the American zionist lawyer and entrepreneur Lynn Forester, who was the head of the Luxembourg-based wireless broadband venture FirstMark Communications Europe.

    Royal Dutch Shell board of directors would also be a good group to share information about?

    Which is better arrest the Obama's, Pelosi's, Reid's of DC or the entire Rothschild family and any corporation board of directors they control?

  2. Executive Order #13489????

  3. At first blush I’d say American’s don’t deserve Government by Conspiracy but if we let these bastards get away with it then we deserve exactly what we get

    What about the Patriot Act under Bush? Where was your outcry over that?

    You have to realize Crime-y the American government, no matter the party, is for the rich. not the working stiffs.



Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.