Thursday, December 31, 2009

TSA Worker’s Assault Caught On Tape At LAX

Los Angeles, CA—I’ve never been fond of the FAA or the TSA because of the inept and horrifically wasteful way they deal with airline security.

The searching of passengers without probable cause or a search warrant is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution. The system they put in place is un-American but accepted by the sheep, but that does not make it right.

The TSA was nothing more than a jobs program that was established through the exploitation of fear in America.

The TSA has been ineffective, intrusive, rude, unnecessary, expensive and illegal. That being said today I wanted to capture some footage of the TSA in action for this blog and did so without incident.

After I got the video I wanted, I left the terminal and saw LAX police making a routine arrest. I started taping and then a large Black woman wearing a TSA worker’s uniform began to order me around and when I rebuffed her commands she began shoving me with her hands and aggressively pursuing me. That finally ended when the police that were on scene intervened.

I have no interest in seeing this federal employee who acted stupidly arrested for assault. I have avoided identifying this woman as the face time she will get may be adequate punishment.

Had this been a white TSA employee and a black victim this would have resulted in a Whitehouse “Beer Summit” with the President Barack Obama. I have no illusions that the Whitehouse will have any concerns about this incident at all.

I want the TSA to train their help to deal with terror issues and not insult or assault Americans at our airports. Using terrorism on Americans is no help.

Warning! I used some strong language as the situation escalated. I had an absolute right to threaten or even use violence to stop her assault. Thankfully because of this video nobody must guess what happened or rely on “witnesses” with agendas.

Information about the law and TSA regulations are posted below the video.
In case anyone was wondering what the law and TSA regulation are about photography at California’s airports…

California has no laws prohibiting photography at airports. Permits are required for commercial film projects. News gathering photography is also protected by the First Amendment.

TSA Regulations RE: Photography.

A. TSA does not prohibit the public, passengers, or press from photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations unless the activity interferes with a TSO’s ability to perform his or her duties or prevents the orderly flow of individuals through the screening location. Requests by commercial entities to photograph an airport screening location must be forwarded to TSA’s Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs. Photographing EDS or ETD monitor screens or emitted images is not permitted.

B. TSA must not confiscate or destroy the photographic equipment or film of any person photographing the screening location.

C. Whenever possible, x-ray machine images must not be visible to the public or press. When physical constraints prevent x-ray images from being fully protected from public viewing, TSOs must ensure no member of the public or press is in a position to observe an x-ray monitor for an extended period of time.

Passengers and other unauthorized individuals must not be allowed to view EDS or ETD monitors and screens.

D. In addition to this policy, local laws, State statutes, or local ordinances may prohibit photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations. TSA management must ensure that TSOs are familiar with these State or local laws. However, State and local authorities must enforce such laws. TSOs must alert an LEO to individuals who may be violating these State or local laws, but must not confront these individuals.


  1. You should have knocked her ass out!!

  2. Wow you should take this to the news...maybe Fox or the local stations.

  3. Good for you Paul.These worthless affirmative action irish welfare hires make me puke.They are so useless.

  4. Had I been on the scene she would be going to jail.

  5. I guarantee you, if you would have thrown her down the stairs, as you claimed, your ass would have been arrested. I just love how large your head is with Your rights. Yes we have rights. Yet you love to push the boundaries.

  6. Another example of "Equal Opportunity Employment." Retards of all ilks haunt the TSA--especially those of minority persuasions.

  7. What a mutt! You should have cleaned the bitch's clock the second she pushed you!

    She does not belong on the taxpayers payroll. She must think she on a jehad!

  8. She needs to go back to the ghetto where she came from!

  9. You should have put her lights out cold.

  10. You had cuffs on you, Paul. Slap those Peerless on her and may the judge give her 1 yr county jail. Fired from TSA. It's not too late.

  11. Nasty bitch needs beating.

  12. I refuse to fly anywhere just to avoid these TSA lowlifes. The TSA will continue to bankrupt the airlines while destroying our economy. The airline will seized and become government run under Obama’s Socialist government

  13. If nothing else, send a copy to the head of the LAX TSA.

  14. This attack seems race based. The TSA worker hates White people.

  15. A question here?

    Do you think that maybe she was trying to be a friend to LA officers? Please be honest in your answer.

  16. That POS needs to be identified and made very public. Last time I passed thru LAX I was verbally assaulted for having three bags. Yes lady, one carry on, one personal item (laptop), and one EXEMPT CLEARLY MARKED MEDICAL DEVICE.


    From now on I go thru security with my iPhone set on audio record.

  17. Paul please reveal her name. Also I will Facebook and Twitter your video (via your Youtube link below.)It deserves more hits... Stand by

    My friend and colleague Paul Huebl videos his run in with a TSA Agent

  18. Paul I can almost read her name tag. please zoom in on it and post it

  19. Looks like the LAX coppers were none too pleased to see you filming their arrest. As a former cop, I'm surprised that you would do that so brazenly. I'm retired state police and I was always annoyed whenever someone stuck a camera in my face while trying to do my job. Usually it was some douchebag trying to get evidence of wrongdoing on my part (which never happened) but still, it is an annoying situation and clearly distracts the coppers from the job they were doing.

  20. Video of police in action is nearly always beneficial. Many a bogus allegation has been cleared by captured video. Witnesses especially in inter-racial matters nearly always lie. The video has no bias.

    This LAX police arrest was a very routine and the officers were treating their prisoner with obvious dignity and respect.

    The ignorant TSA worker on the other hand was caught in the act of what may still cost this woman a trip to the unemployment line.

    I’m sympathetic for the concerns you described but as a news blogger I feel a duty to bring as much video as I can to my loyal visitors most of which are themselves cops.

    In closing the most damaging camera is the one you’re not aware of. I could not stand being a cop in the new video and data surveillance society we created.

  21. she needs to get back on welfare!

  22. Just remember that when the TSA was created after 911 one of the stipulations was that they hire some of the old $7.00 security guards that already were employed as screeners. I'm will to bet that this "ignant" bitch is one of them. Paul do us all a favor a send this to the media and most importantly the head of the TSA!

  23. Old school copperJanuary 02, 2010 9:36 AM

    Do you think that maybe she was trying to be a friend to LA officers? Please be honest in your answer.

    January 01, 2010 8:41 AM

    If you were the police you would be thinking: Please don't be "my friend" and commit a crime on someone who is filming me. It makes me look bad, too. If you had any brains you would know that.

    The last thing I need is some arrogant racist bitch to be my friend. Look at the PO's involved and you will see why this cunt was though she could intervene.

  24. The problem this woman had is that you are a middle-aged white male. To this agent of President Barack Obama’s new social justice ideal you represent those who hate the TSA, progressive government, and needed concessions of your precious liberty.

    Your idea of liberty is to carry guns to control or kill blacks or those who wish to protect them.

    You should be imprisoned for disloyalty to our president as well as that threat to throw the TSA Security Officer down the stairs.

  25. This quote from Planet of The Apes says it all!

  26. When she gets fired, be sure and send her this link: (which is worth posting on its own).

  27. As a Chicago police officer for well over 20 yrs., I have many problems with this incident by both the TSA & you. I have also worked the O'Hare overtime deployment and seen 1st hand how the TSA operates.

    1st. There are SOME decent & good TSA employees, BUT there are many that are just shy of being in prison. this one obviously overstepped her 'so called' authority.

    2nd., I do NOT like it when I am on a street stop and a citizen produces a camera. My 1st impression is that they are some Liberal do-gooder and will attempt to provoke a negative response from the street stop. You know how editing can slant a story.

    3rd. You did NOT follow -up on your accusation of assault charges and prefered to let it go. This happens quite often. Some LIBERAL calling the Police for a crime. When the police arrive, THEY complain, 'what took so long', Then, will not file a complaint. (then why bother calling us. Is it to much of an inconvenience for you/them to go to court. I will show up to your call for help- but do the right thing when I/we come.



  28. When I was a copper in Chicago there were no do-gooder types or troublemakers with video cameras. Of course the media was there and filmed whatever they pleased. Now every shoeshine boy has a cell-phone video camera. They have the right to roll their cameras too.

    My blog is legitimate media and no cop has to fear me placing him or her in a a bad light. Cameras are everywhere and have saved more cops from false allegations than making cases against cops.

    The routine and very peaceful arrest by LAX police I was covering was newsworthy and relevant to this police related blog. I won’t apologize for getting video of good cops keeping the community safe.

    As for the TSA worker she got the face time she wanted by assaulting me by pushing me and trying to grab my camera.

    All cops need to realize that they are always on camera. I have tiny cameras that are not visible as such and the do-gooder troublemakers have them too.

    A camera is like a gun, good or bad depending on who has it.

    As for the follow up on the assault, this event was an on-view matter for the police. They were not called.

    Since I did not ask for the response that came I feel no obligation to sign complaints.

    There was no injury or property damage. I have been manhandled by people far more proficient than this woman both as a cop and private eye.

    The assault against me was cleared exceptionally as a result. I think a lesson was learned.

    This video would be great training material both for airport cops and TSA workers. The incident also provided an interesting story for my blog.

  29. Paul, you did the right thing here. Getting video of a cop protecting and serving and standing up to that nasty TSA woman was the right thing to do. I love your blog.

  30. Paul, I’m a 37 year veteran of the Chicago Police Department. I’m a Patrol sergeant in 016. We have to get used to being put on video. It’s much better that you’re doing this than the accomplices of the criminals we arrest.

    You should have signed a battery complaint on that stupid woman and followed up in court.

    The TSA needs to use that video to train their workers about what they should NOT be doing.

    I have enjoyed reading you blog and watching the videos you post since I found it two years ago. Please keep up the good work.

  31. no guns for these slackers!!!

  32. That bitch needs a better lesson that you gave her! You should have thrown her down the stairs!

  33. Imagine that woman doing that to a white man at an Alabama airport in 1960. The price she’d pay would be very high.

  34. That bitch needed to be prosecuted and sit in jail for about 90 days. I hope she gets fired but under Obama she will be the next head of the TSA.

  35. Submit this tape to Alex Jones, Mark Dice and others. I would turn the tables and immediately file a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit. The tyranny must end or the American people will become prisoners in their own country.

  36. Too bad you didn't knock that racist bitch's teeth out!

  37. Paul while I've worked surveillance I've seen the police respond to unrelated incidents near my vehicle. I have covertly aimed my lens at them. However never in hopes to catch them do wrong, but to give to them later if I thought it would help them.


  39. She is way out of line...I'll mention this on other websites so it spreads. I've heard a lot of bad stories about TSA employees overstepping their boundaries and that has to STOP. Thanks for posting this.

  40. Nice work capturing this. TSA is a joke.

  41. The TSA douchebag had no business confronting anyone with a camera for shooting video. She became a criminal when she pushed you and tried to grab your camera. You should have thrown the bitch down the stairs instead of retreating from her and had her charged with assault.

    If they try manhandling me they are in for some serious injury. I’d have given the racist Nazi bitch a chop to the throat with the edge of my hand.

  42. That bitch belongs in a prison jumpsuit. Who'd did she think she was?

    The TSA is hated and she is exactly what's wrong about that outfit.

  43. They just do their job.. im sure some one in a higher authority told that women that she need to get the man to stop filming... TSA workers are just trying to get a paycheck... so hate on the Gov. that makes the laws not the people who have to enforce them... seems to be the same with cops... u hate us, but all we are doing is enforcing laws that were made by others

  44. You must work for the TSA and can't read either!

    Here is your higher authority!

    California has no laws prohibiting photography at airports. Permits are required for commercial film projects. News gathering photography is also protected by the First Amendment.

    TSA Regulations RE: Photography.

    A. TSA does not prohibit the public, passengers, or press from photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations unless the activity interferes with a TSO’s ability to perform his or her duties or prevents the orderly flow of individuals through the screening location. Requests by commercial entities to photograph an airport screening location must be forwarded to TSA’s Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs. Photographing EDS or ETD monitor screens or emitted images is not permitted.

    B. TSA must not confiscate or destroy the photographic equipment or film of any person photographing the screening location.

    C. Whenever possible, x-ray machine images must not be visible to the public or press. When physical constraints prevent x-ray images from being fully protected from public viewing, TSOs must ensure no member of the public or press is in a position to observe an x-ray monitor for an extended period of time.

    Passengers and other unauthorized individuals must not be allowed to view EDS or ETD monitors and screens.

    D. In addition to this policy, local laws, State statutes, or local ordinances may prohibit photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations. TSA management must ensure that TSOs are familiar with these State or local laws. However, State and local authorities must enforce such laws. TSOs must alert an LEO to individuals who may be violating these State or local laws, but must not confront these individuals.

  45. Before you start running around claiming a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights, Know that no one is forcing you to present you or your bags for screening. It's called consent and you are doing so when you show up to the security checkpoint.

  46. Let me fist congratulate for you emulation of a sheep or perhaps a goat. Your disrespect for your own privacy and dignity tells me that you’d gladly drink Kool-Aid as the sheep at the famous Jonestown Socialist Utopia.

    Your idea of consent is like accepting that government job requires you to get naked and put out to a donkey. The second choice is that you and your children starve. You'd call that consent.

    Next you will tell me that you could be forced to consent to a search before you leave your house. Mr. Sheep please tell me where the line is drawn in the sand as to where your rights begin or end.

    If you wish to live in a Nazi like police state there is always North Korea. Surrender your rights any time you wish, coward but don’t you dare surrender mine or you may get hurt.

    I put this response in as polite of terms I could think of and if you’re offended, I’m delighted


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.