The child was playing with other children when the suspect described as a 30 to 40 year-old white male with blond or gray hair, 5-feet-8- to 5-feet-9-inches tall, 180-190 pounds, wearing a gray shirt and peach knee-length shorts snatched the child.
The suspect was seen driving a Ford Ranger Pick-up truck. Witnesses supplied two license plates 3HG774 and 3HG377 both plates however are not on file with DMV in Arizona. The plate is believed to be made up of similar numbers that witnesses did not get quite right.
KTVK-TV (3-TV) is all over this breaking story and will be keeping us updated.
PHOENIX – A 5-year-old girl was found safe over seven hours after being abducted from a Phoenix apartment complex, and police have a suspect in custody.
A Phoenix police officer spotted the suspect's vehicle around 9:30 p.m. A chase ensued, stop sticks were used, and the vehicle came to a stop at the intersection of Thunderbird Road and 21st Avenue. The suspect was captured and Natalie was found in the vehicle unharmed.
An Amber Alert had been issued after Natalie was taken from the Saddleback Mountain Apartments in the 12400 block of N. 19th Avenue at approximately 2:15 p.m.
Natalie and her two sisters, ages 7 and 9, were playing outside when a man parked his truck in the parking lot next to where the girls were playing. He grabbed the 7-year-old and took a picture of her, attempting to pull her pants down. He then grabbed Natalie, put her in his truck and sped off, hitting a parked car in the process. One of the sisters ran to a neighbor's apartment, and that neighbor called 911.
The girls are living with an aunt -- who has legal custody of them -- and the aunt's boyfriend in an apartment at the complex. Their parents live separately out of state.
We've got real HEROes here in Phoenix!
The abduction took place in an apartment complex that borders into progressively declining neighborhoods. There is an elementary school within easy walking distance and a high school a bit farther but both less that one mile from the complex.
Recovery was about five miles away but many hours later suggesting that the perp either drove around the immediate area for that length of time -- possibly trying to decide what to do or, worse, that he lived in the area and was took his victim there for some time. (God forbid.)
I just did Jury Duty and won't be called for another year but, as the court system here goes, that might be just about right for this sicko's trial.
"Yes, your honor, I can serve on this jury."
Parents: Watch your children when they are playing; don't just send them out without adult supervision. And learn to use a concealed weapon and have it ready.
Correction: Point of abduction to point of rescue -- less than one (1) mile.
Hero: Phoenix Police K-9 Officer Mike Burns was watchful for the vehicle and perpetrator from the Amber Alert and, when he saw them along with a little girl, he gave chase which resulted in the rescue of this little girl and the arrest of the perp.
Villain: 45-year-old Larry Jon Ladwig, convicted felon who has served time in California and Arizona on drug offenses.
Victim: Five-year-old unnamed little girl, snatched while at play with siblings but not monitored by any adult. Few details of her condition have been reported other than alive and well but she was in the villain's hold for eight hours and was recovered less than a mile from the point of abduction so it's unlikely he kept her only in the truck for that entire time.
Let's talk about the death penalty again, Paul. This guy should be exterminated so the courts don't let him loose on little girls again.
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