Monday, October 05, 2009

This is The Future Of Chicago’s Law Enforcement

Chicago, IL—A violent purse snatcher is captured by bystanders as a professional news photographer documents the criminal’s resistance to a citizen’s arrest. Before it’s over the unidentified thug is bloodied.

Had Chicago police officers caused that incidental injury they’d be stripped of the stars, firearms and police powers perhaps for months until they are cleared of wrongdoing or are suspended or fired.

As for the hapless mutt, he was eligible for release for a $100.00 cash misdemeanor bond. This fellow is undoubtedly free right now to do his deeds until he gets caught killing someone or gets killed.

If you live in Chicago you’re used to avoiding these predatory savages. They are here to stay. Don’t ask the police to risk their lives but also the ability to feed their families by confronting and arresting criminals.

Chicago police have been transformed to observe and report rather than actually enforce the law.

Go ahead brush up on your unarmed combat skills so you can waste a whole lot of your time in court.

See all the pictures and hear the photographer describe the event.


  1. Wednesday's City Hall March

    I expect to see Cook County Board President Candidate, Lt. John Garrido, to be upfront and leading the troops if he expects a single police vote.

    Mike Shields was elected by us to represent us, he had better be upfront leading. Mike loves to tell the story about how his brother led the troops into the Mayor's office during the last contract march. Talk is cheap, lets see you lead us now. No more talk about taking Daley out. Talk is cheap, we demand action.

    Jimmy Maurer can now lead us too, now that he got a taste of City Hall. Jimmy it's time to ante up and lead the mean and women like a real General would do.

    I also expect to see all of the FOP & PBPA officers leading from the front. If you expect us to vote for any of you, LEAD!

    The time is now, the media is keenly focused on Chicago and the Mayor is weak.

    Lets saddle up and get er done!

    October 4, 2009 6:48 PM

  2. Come support the Men & Women of the Chicago Police Department and the Chicago Fire Department.


    Are you sick of taxation without representation, Dictator Daley, skyrocketing crime, children killed in the streets daily, the worst schools and mass transit in the USA and no contract?

    Lets Welcome the Mayor Home

    Wednesday October 7th 2009 at 10:00am at City Hall, 121 N La Salle St
    Assemble at the Daley Center at 9:45am in front of the Picasso Sculpture

    All Labor Unions & concerned citizens are Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bring friends, neighbors, relatives, children and anyone and everyone who has had enough of the Chicago Corruption Machine.

    Please dress accordingly, anticipated weather 60°F with sun

    Bring tastefully worded signs and let your voice be heard!

    It is encouraged to travel via the CTA

    It is time for change in Chicago!


    Spread the word, now is the time. The national and international media are still focused on the folly of the 2016 Olympic bid.

  3. Can you imagine a similar scene with a white perp and a black victim? I know it's a stretch, but if it did happen, do you think for one minute the black rescuers/Samaritans would hesitate to reduce the white skel to a bloody pulp? Instead of reaching in with his hand and getting bit (what did he expect, the crim to fight fair?) and now needing an aids test, he should have gone right for his balls and dropped him. But, because most whites have become enslaved to political correctness, he probably felt he would be criticized by the other whites, and so refrained from doing what needed to be done, assuming it even entered his mind, admittedly a big if. And the truth is, he was probably right, the other whites would no doubt have seen hi as part of the problem, not the solution. When are we going to wake up and fight fire with fire?

  4. Can you imagine a similar scene with a white perp and a black victim? I know it's a stretch, but if it did happen, do you think for one minute the black rescuers/Samaritans would hesitate to reduce the white skel to a bloody pulp? Instead of reaching in with his hand and getting bit (what did he expect, the crim to fight fair?) and now needing an aids test, he should have gone right for his balls and dropped him. But, because most whites have become enslaved to political correctness, he probably felt he would be criticized by the other whites, and so refrained from doing what needed to be done, assuming it even entered his mind, admittedly a big if. And the truth is, he was probably right, the other whites would no doubt have seen hi as part of the problem, not the solution. When are we going to wake up and fight fire with fire?

  5. Paul, I'm sure you know that this guy has been arrested several times for this. He once actually challenged a Police Officer to a fight which he lost. Plus, in this incident the victim refused to sign complaints so he's free to rob again. I hope he robs the same victim next time only this time does some serious physical damage. The only thing that will put an end to this POS's criminal ways is a 9mm right between the eyes. Hopefully I'll be around when that day comes.

  6. This is just another savage Chicago animal. I think it is good that the world is beginning to see what is happening here. Chicago is turning into Detroit.

  7. Is there any truth to what was posted on SCC that the victim refused to sign complaints?

    Bad enough an animal is running loose on the streets, but the "victim" then lets him go by failing to prosecute?

    If true, why put yourself out when the victim doesn't give a damn?

    This can't be real!


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.