Friday, October 02, 2009

How Embarrassing

Copenhagen, Denmark—They all came to grovel before the International Olympic committee. Barack & Michelle Obama with Mayor Richard M. Daley along with Billionaire Obama hanger-on, Oprah Winfrey. Yep, they all brought their knee pads.

Despite a city evenly split for and against hoisting the games, an African-American community actively engaged in a self-genocide campaign and the reality of local taxpayers paying off debts for the next five decades, Chicago’s worst whined, begged and probably bribed a bunch of the IOC honchos for the corruption opportunity of a lifetime.

How much money was ripped from the pockets of American families to fund that nonsense?

Will Valerie Jarrett now have to file bankruptcy? She owns all that land they planed to condemn for the games. Maybe she can donate the land for those midnight basketball programs!

I guess Obama and the Chicago Mob have lost their clout. How many setbacks will it take before these parasites let go? Will we have to use force and violence to stop the extortion and non-stop efforts to enslave taxpayers?

Hello Rio!


  1. I am so happy we won't have the Olympics. The crowd downtown looked like a bunch of idiots.

  2. A lot of tax payers in the Cook County / Chicago area can now breath a sigh of relief.

  3. Karma is fantastic....... Obama has no clothes, the stuttering prick was YELLING at the IOC about Da Games... I stayed up and watched the whole thing. At the end of it, they chanted YES WE CAN in the films....... Ummm well no you can't Obama, you are a king without a crown, the WORLD has spoken!

  4. We just found an election that a Daley couldn't rig

  5. plus according to the above attorney and his client, Obama is a coke snorting bi-sexual

    Part 1 is above link

  6. Thank goodness, now all those crooks will stop committing crimes, the minorities will stop shooting each other, and the corrupt politicians will ... ...

    What? You mean they won't stop just because they didn't get the Olympic games?


  7. OBOMA,OPRAH, & Vallerie could not get the Games to come to Chicago! I guess the games sent some people to look at Washington Park, on the south-side home of that animal ass last lady - and what they found is what it is - a ghetto park filed with crime and a lot of ghetto folks burning up the woods with their bar-b-q as they eat that pig & wonder why they get sick and need free health care! So glad this site was avoided by the Games - only folks crying are the muggers who strong-arm the squares who would even dare to drive through this park let alone walk it! Amen! Oboma and his bunch of commies are on their way out - Americans got wise to their giving away the free stuff to bums who just refse to work! Poor Valerie will have to pay back those bucks and favors another way! hahaha A former Chicago taxpayer who worked!

  8. Antartica had a better chance at hosting the 2016 games than Shitcago!

  9. You can take Obama out of the ghetto. But you can never take the ghetto out of Obama.

  10. There will be no 2016. That antichrist prick should be rising momentarily. Here I thought I was going to continue having sex with young ladies for another 25 years, ski..enjoy the third phase.

  11. What vengence will shortshanks take out on Chicagos residents???

  12. Congratulations Rio!

    There is a celebratory mood herein Chicago tonight, a huge victory for the taxpayers.

  13. Chicago has finally been exposed on the world stage as the capitol of Corruption in AmeriKa.

  14. Now is the time to strike hard!

    We need to march on City Hall while the media is hungry and the Mayor is weak. The FOP/PBPA will not stand for us, we must stand for ourselves.

    The next City Council Meeting with Mayor Richard M. Daley present will be this Wednesday.

    Lets march on Wednesday October 7, 2009 @ 10:00AM

    Please pass the word and circulate flyers,emails,text messages,phone calls,additional web posts,etc. Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers. Retirees please step up and back your brothers and sisters in blue. We need your help now.

    The international and the national press are still focused upon Chicago and will pick this up. It is going to be cold soon, now is the time.

    Now is the time! Please pass the word and lets welcome the Mayor home.

    The Mayor has declared war upon us, so be it. Lets show Duggan that we are truly warriors!!!

  15. What a pathetic arrogant narcissus pig this president is.

    And they put a Hitlers mustache on Bush?

    I'm ashamed in anyone who is more loyal to their political party, than a free capitalist America.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.