Friday, September 18, 2009

A Visit With Hi-Caliber Investigations

Hollywood, CA—I’m not the only licensed PI in L.A. I’m not the only PI that came from the ranks law enforcement to become and PI and operate an active Internet blog. In Cyberspace the stars collided as Hi-Caliber Investigations and Crimefile News finally met for the first time in person. Just like me Hi-Caliber Investigations CEO Bill Rhetts loves guns, cameras and gadgets.

The scene of this event was at a book signing for long time Arizona journalist turned true crime writer, Camille Kimball. Kimball was selling her book that exposes two serial snipers that paralyzed Phoenix, Arizona in 2006. Before that reign of terror ended there were 37 victims including eight dead. You will see a review of Kimball’s Book called, A Sudden Shot as soon as I read it.

As for Rhetts, his office is located inside the Inland Empire near one of the busiest criminal courts in the nation. Rhetts cut his teeth as a copper for the LAPD and now enjoys the life of a private eye that brings with it the ability to turn down those assignments so many cops hate.

Today we decided to introduce each other to our respective readers. We also enjoy many of the same people visiting our blogs.

Bill Rhetts’ blog.

Meet Bill Rhetts:


  1. Paul it was great to have finally met you, as well as Camille. I have my video completed for you as well.

    I did seize one opportunity to get back at ya a little (see – I mean HEAR for yourself.)

    It was fun, and hey we don’t even need teleprompters.

    Click on above link.


  2. Paul here's an interview of a victim here. Or click on above link.

    Bill @ hi-caliber


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