Chicago, IL—A woman is raped, robbed and left for dead in a Chicago alley. A reliable witness comes forward and gives police a solid description of the criminal they need to capture. Police give the full description to the local news reporters.
The reporters in their zeal refuse to provide the simplest identifying characteristic of the assailant, his race. In Chicago race alone can eliminate perhaps a million potential suspects. Political correctness and the criminal are protected so others may be victimized.
Political correctness and racial sensitivity is much more important to Chicago’s journalists than public safety and the truth.
If the suspect is a White man much less attention needs to be given to local Black men.
Filtering of news is what they do under Nazi or Communist governments. Perhaps if the criminals are apprehended and the crimes cease there will be less news to be report.
Each identifier eliminates droves potential suspects, sex, race, height, weight or build, eye and hair colors are important. Clothing descriptions are also helpful.
Please give the entire description so the public will know who to report or watch so they are not victims.
I have never heard of a single valid journalistic reason to withhold this important information from viewers and reader. This has just been a pathetic practice that needs to end.
Revolvers don't leave shell casings behind.
Use a stolen, used, pawned, old or black-market firearm, (Most crimes are committed by these anyway) rendering millions of dollars in laws, databases and regulations completely impotent.
Use a patched ball in a muzzle loader. A 47" Hawken .50 Caliber with a Minieball is a great 'sniper' rifle even at 300-400 yards! This would render millions of dollars in laws, databases and regulations completely impotent.
Don't leave your shell casings behind. A 15.00 'catch-bag' can solve that problem, or you can make one with a wire coat hanger and a baggie in about 10 minutes for about ten cents. This would render millions of dollars in laws, databases and regulations completely impotent.
Buy a .59 cent steel brush and spend 10 minutes scratching up the chamber of the gun, rendering millions of dollars in laws, databases and regulations completely impotent.
Two minutes with a Dremel can render any firearm 'fingerprint free.'
Spend 1 minute with a nail file and scratch up the firing pin and distort the firing pin guide. This also makes millions of dollars in laws, databases and regulations completely impotent.
Use Reloaded Ammo.
Replace the barrel.
Not reporting the race of a suspect has long been a problem.
In Los Angeles, there are reporters who refused to give the race of suspects as described by witnesses and the detectives.
The reason, as weak as it is: Newspapers only reported the race of people arrested if they were "negro" or "mexican." Clearly this added nothing to the story or was in any measure necessary. So, the publishers and editors got together in the late 1960's and agreed the new guideline would be to add the race of the person ONLY if it was important to the story.
Over the years as journalists, editors and publishers became more Liberal, they began to leave out the suspects race all together in the FALSE belief they wouldn't be racists.
Weigh the public's right to know, their safety against political correctness!
And people still ask if I miss being a cop or a reporter.
Rod Bernsen
Street Stories
"Weigh the public's right to know, their safety against political correctness!"
You are absolutely correct, Mr. Bernsen!!
Well said!
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