Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sorting Through Lies While Saving Careers With A New Tool

Today being a cop is tougher than ever. With GPS Big Brother gizmos on your patrol car checking on and reporting your driving habits there are surveillance video and other devices spying on your every move.

The days of quietly slipping out of your district to enjoy lunch elsewhere are over. Now every traffic stop you make provides opportunities for the malicious neighborhood wildlife to make you a YouTube star.

Police dash cams are a pain since you have to choose between picking your position for tactical safety advantages or a better camera angle.

No more, the Flip Mino HD camcorder is here! No you can turn the tables on violators since you can have crisp, clean, clear video and audio of those you suspect may be the source of trouble.

The camcorder gives you one hour of high quality .mpg video you can quickly preserve on DVD’s with most laptop computers.

When things start to happen, you can deploy the Flip and actually be recording within three seconds.

Aside from using this camera for my investigations, I’m using the flip to capture great video for this blog. Being as small as a cell phone the Flip is hardly noticed. The quality of the video far exceeds today’s cell phones.

The cost of the Flip Mino HD camera is around $200.00

Some departments prohibit personal cameras and this should be addressed by the various police unions.


  1. Better to have it and not need it,than need it and not have it.

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