Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Meet an Angel Who Wears A Police Uniform.

New York, NY—So many fine men and women went to war protecting our freedom only to return to an ungrateful nation. Some of the old vets outlive the important people in their lives and are all alone. 68th Precinct Officer, Susan Porcello responded to a 911 call only to meet someone that would change both of their lives, an elderly marine.

Susan, you did not risk your life or take a bullet but you are every bit a hero. Your story made my day and I think many of my readers.


  1. Paul,

    What a wonderful, heartwarming story. It so touched me, that I just sat and cried. Cried at the caring heart of this young woman, and cried at the fact that this nobel gentleman, who fought to keep our country free, was all alone with no one to care about him.

    Officer Susan Porcello is a true American hero, Bless her kind and giving heart. She and this Honorable elderly Gentleman have surely earned their place in Heaven. God Bless Them.

  2. What a great story. You are right, Paul. This officer is a hero and an example of what any police officer should try to be.

  3. I posted a story and link to your blog for tomorrow.

    Sounds like a lot of our MOS

  4. I wrote about her a few months ago....................This is an amazing story.................... So few good cop stories that are heart warmers as i titled my post. She is truly and angle. Thanks for posting it

  5. thank you officer, that was real nice of you to do. may this life bring you much happiness as you brought that marine.

  6. thank you susan, from a fellow cop down the block that used to work at the bat. some say dont take anything personal but if we didnt who care.

  7. Thank you. Officer Porcello, you are an angel. No soldier forgotten.

  8. Not to take anything away from Officer Porcello, but for all you non-Police personel this is not that unusual. As a matter of fact, it's common. It's what we do, who we are. It just never get's any press coverage. Officer Porcello is an angel for doing this but she represents thousands of Officers who have done the same thing.


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