Monday, February 16, 2009

Feminine Protection Of A False Sense Of Security?

A Beretta 950BS, .25 Jetfire semi-automatic pistol with genuine Mother of Pearl grips seems like a great accessory to any woman’s wardrobe. Nine shots may be an edge but it well may require all those shots hitting the target to stop a determined attack.

The gun is small, pretty and woefully inadequate unless you’re hunting small mice and your aim is true. Most ladies know that bigger is always better. Don’t call on a little boy to do a man’s job. Women should rely on nothing smaller than .357, .40 or .45 in self-defense situations. The reality is the placement of shots is what really counts. Shock and awe is always a big help too.

The grips are from Eagle Grips


  1. Send your children to college so that they can be brainwashed and indoctrinated into liberalism.

    One thing that today's college academics seek to do is limit critical thinking ability and demean conservatives.

    This professor deserves to be fired and banned from the profession of academia.

    Student: Prof berated me for gay marriage stance,w-gay-marriage-same-sex-free-speech021609.article

  2. Hey,

    I just bought my wife a Colt Mustang .380 ACP for Valentines Day. It is highly concealable and it packs a punch too.

  3. true, the big guns are best, but compactness has it's place. I have one of those myself for when I retire and no longer have to follow CPD rules. One in the melon should work.

  4. Anonymous said...

    I just bought my wife a Colt Mustang .380 ACP for Valentines Day. It is highly concealable and it packs a punch too.

    February 16, 2009 2:11 PM

    Nice gun,.380 better than a .25.I wish Colt would make these again,one of there many screwups.They need to hire me for marketing and sales.

    If you havent handled one of Colts .380 govt/mustang series very compact and ultra concealable gun.Less recoil than other .380s because it uses a locked breech and not blowback like a ppk.

  5. I finally convinced my wife to get a CHL and carry a 9MM Glock 26 with the Pearce + 3 and carry it hot with one in the pipe every time she leaves the house. I also spent the time to teach her correct grip, stance, sight picture and with some practice she develooped the speed and marksmanship to compete in local IDPA shoots in the marksman division. I settled on 9MM for her because with defense rounds it gives her the most knock down she can effectively control and the Glock because it always goes boom. Now I pray she doesn't have to use it for protection.

    I strongly believe all females should carry for protection but they first need adequete training to safely handle the gun. I also suggest they compete in pistol shoots often enough to maintain or even improve their gun handleing skills.

    Just my two cents


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