Monday, December 08, 2008

Another Non-violent Gun Owner Goes To Prison

Phoenix, AZ—62, year-old Prescott resident, Gerald James Brown is going to prison for two years. Why you ask? He had a simple semi-automatic shotgun and a silencer. Since he evaded the bogus $200.00 tax on each item taxpayers will house, feed him and take care of his medical needs in a federal prison.

His "crime" is no crime. He possessed arms. They tried to tax another right but our courts said taxing rights was unconstitutional. Remember Poll Taxes? How is this different?

What threat is this old fellow? Who did he kill, injure or threaten? Unconstitutional gun laws have just claimed another American.


  1. speaking of this...

    the NRA lost round one today along with Alan Gura... the Jugdes in the gun ban cases saying they cant over rule the 25 year old appeals court ruling saying gun bans by local and state governements were constitutional...

    Really starting to wonder about this...

  2. The way I see the whole NFA 1934 thing is as a business offense.Ok,he didnt pay the BS tax on the items,so why not let him pay the fees or if he refuses fine him.Why is this a criminal offense with stiff prison time??

    If I dont buy license plates for my car or get a building permit,do they put you jail??


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.