Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fixing Our Presidential Election

The likeminded national media has shamelessly carried Barack Obama as their standard bearer. The time for even pretend fairness has ended.

Every conceivable smear was unloaded on Sarah Palin whose entry into the Presidential mix brought real excitement and total fear to every Obama supporter in the land.

Armies of Left Wing TV producers loaded Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson with every trick question they could dream up as a way of discrediting Sarah Palin for their interviews.

The media stacked the deck of tonight’s Vice Presidential debate with a moderator who is a ringer. She has a financial interest in the outcome of the debate and election with her pro-Obama book she’s publishing. The debate will give every possible advantage to Joe Biden. After the debate the media can be counted upon to declare Biden the winner.

Obama supporters will do absolutely anything to get their way with this election. Every conceivable fraud, dirty trick, lie or threat is not off limits.

Acorn has been busy with other groups creating millions of bogus voter registrations facilitated by voter registration laws that encourage fraud. This election will find the ballot boxes filled with fraudulent votes.

Billionaire George Soros and every other Communist has overloaded the Obama Campaign war chest with propaganda funds used to mislead voters.

Will they use bullets to achieve what their money and phony ballots can’t achieve? I think the answer is obvious. This will prove to be the most polarizing election of our collective lifetimes. I fully expect to see the worst.


  1. I would like to see all the Sarah doubters and detractors in the Beltway/Manhattan corridor eat their words.

    Eat them.

    Sarah Palin is the real deal. Five weeks on the campaign trail, thrust onto the national stage, she rocked tonight’s debate.

  2. Will they use bullets to achieve what their money and phony ballots can’t achieve? I think the answer is obvious. This will prove to be the most polarizing election of our collective lifetimes. I fully expect to see the worst.

    The government collects taxes at the point of a gun, That is why it is called government.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.