Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Final Nail In Obama’s Political Coffin?

Here is a shocking video of a Marxist dictator who was and is publically supported by Barack Obama. Redistributing the wealth, genocide, Islamic Law is the platform supported by both men…


  1. I just pray that McCain wins,this election is so pivotal in the future of the USA. Will we steer towards a free country or towards bondage and further erosion of freedoms and the bondage of Marxism???

    History will dictate that Ron Paul was the candidate of freedom and conservitativism.

  2. I only posted once on your blog and I stated that Obama is the anti-Christ, and I still belive that. How is it that this man could be idolized and protected by the media with all his negative actions (and in actions in Chicago)? I hate to say it, but as Americans, we must really be stupid to believe Obama's crock of shit. Have we forgotten 9-11? God bless America and please vote McCain/Palin!!


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.