Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Both Sides Have Rested In O.J. Simpson’s Trial

Las Vegas, NV—You can never guess what a jury will do. Jury’s logic is nearly always beyond predictions.

That Las Vegas Armed Robbery/Kidnapping case against footbal great, O.J. Simpson that should never have been filed in the first place will enter the phase of Jury Instructions and Closing Arguments. There may be a verdict as early as Friday.

The jury will be charged with sorting out the stories given by a wide assortment of thugs, thieves, liars and even a pimp, most have which have been given get out of jail free cards by prosecutors.

Watching televised trials cheats viewers of one very important insight to help predict the outcome. The faces, interaction and reaction to the accused and various witnesses with jury members provide loads of tell tale information.

Televised trials never show jury members unless they agree to give interviews when the trials are over and the verdicts have been returned.

Even with the ability to observe the jury, their verdicts often still defy predictability. One statistic remains constant, over 80% of Americans who are forced to stand trial get convicted.

O.J. Simpson’s odds are not good despite ample reasonable doubt. The best I’d hope for is a hung jury and mistrial. I’m sure O.J. Simpson would agree with my assessment that being a criminal defendant sucks.


  1. I get podcasts and the blog from,

    The precept that the charges filed oj, should never have been filed, I contend.

    Las Vegas cannot operate without strict conduct rules. Vegas is held to a high standard. Consider if this happened on a cruise liner.

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    I like the information about CourtTV.

    Above all, the rapid information is appreciated.

  2. It has been said that there are going to be three bizarre twists in the oj trial. One, Riccio, yesterday afternoon, bursting into the media room and giving a speech to reporters about O.J.'s innocence. Two, Scotto's wife intimidating prosecution witnesses and being removed from the court room. Three, not determined, of course, the verdict and possible punishment.


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