The Left Wing Fringe Democrats have fought voter verification or identification tooth and nail blocking every bit of anti-fraud legislation or enforcement.
ACORN is an organization created to destroy America has been funded by America’s enemies foreign, domestic and our own Congress. ACORN’s efforts to hijack our elections has not gone unnoticed.
The fact that Barack Obama won’t condemn ACORN is strong evidence that he approves of their fraud on his behalf. That alone should swing any undecided voters that Obama is unfit to hold any American office. The Obama campaign has also been openly funding ACORN and their fraudulent efforts.
ACORN has been at the forefront of voter fraud for decades. Acorn is a cancer that must be stopped at all cost. This is a criminal organization with the goal of destroying our economy, form of government and way of life. Acorn is as dangerous as any terrorist that ever threatened America in its history.
In the case of Acorn and their workers I hope that American patriots use the same violent tactics employed by Barack Obama’s friends at The Weather Underground to combat this terrorist organization.
There has been a breakdown of basic protections for Americans with unchecked illegal immigration and this massive destruction of our electoral process. The enemy is here and must be destroyed. Perhaps it’s time for a militia to do what our government won’t, and that’s to protect America.
The goal of ACORN is to steal this election for that Bolshevik, Barack Obama. We cannot allow that to happen.
You wrote: "In the case of Acorn and their workers I hope that American patriots use the same violent tactics employed by Barack Obama’s friends at The Weather Underground to combat this terrorist organization."
Please tell me you aren't encouraging the bombing (or shooting) of Acorn members or facilities.
I will always encourage Americans to do the patrotic thing and protect America and our way of life!
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