Monday, September 15, 2008

GoldFinger Murder Investigation Yields Two Arrests, Husband now Charged!

Los Angeles, CA—As Reported here last night, Jose Luis Moya, 47 has been charged with the July 28, 2008 slashing, hacking and stabbing murder of 44 year-old Pamela Fayed in a Century City parking garage.

Today the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office announced that in addition to Moya, James Michael Fayed, 45 has also been charged with capitol murder.

James Fayed reportedly paid Moya $25,000.00 to arrange the murder of his wife. The complaint also lists the involvement of at least one additional co-conspirator who is not yet in police custody.

This adds considerably to the legal troubles of James Fayed who has already been charged in connection with running what federal prosecutors called an, unlicensed Ponzi scheme involving gold investments and trading.

The Murder complaint already alleges death penalty eligible, “special circumstances”. These are aggravators that enhance the nature of the crime beyond simple killing. So far they are claiming that the crime was committed for financial gain and that the killers were lying in wait. More factors may lead Fayed and Moya straight to the lethal injection room at San Quentin Prison on the San Francisco Bay.

This ongoing murder prosecution, will most likely cause the gold trading businesses owned and operated by the Fayeds to be placed in a court appointed receivership. That action would facilitate investors getting repaid with any company assets located and placed under control of the government.

Initial court appearances for Moya and Fayed are set for today and tomorrow respectively.

It's also expected that James Fayed will be moved from the somewhat posh Federal detention Facility to the Los Angeles County Jail.

The actual Court Complaints:
Read this document on Scribd: Fayed Murder Complaint


  1. I'm very sad about the murder of my friend Pam Fayed. It is sad to see her husband accused of the murder, but I think there is a case to be made. We'll see how it turns out. I never did like him.

  2. what's going to happen with everybody's money??


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