Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mayhem Retold In A San Diego Courtroom Of Shelly Mailil's Horror Fest

VISTA, Calif. –-Shelley Malil, 43, was ordered by a San Diego judge held on a $10 million bail in connection with the maniacal stabbing and slashing attack of his estranged girlfriend, Kendra Beebe, 35 in San Marcos last weekend.

Malil was identified by Bebee and some neighbors who intervened possibly saving her life. Beebe is reportedly in critical condition with both lungs punctured, disfiguring facial slashes among the over 20 knife wounds she received.

So far, Malil is facing life in prison.

I can’t even imagine Malil’s criminal defense strategy here. Insanity no longer works in our courts and diminished capacity won’t buy much either. I don’t see prosecutors offering anything in the way of a plea deal in a case of this kind.

The promising acting career and good life of a young man seems tragically over. The life of a pretty and young mother of two children has also been forever changed.

My question here is how could this mad act been prevented? What warning signs were missed? What can we learn from this human disaster?

The man who can answer this best is Shelly Malil, and so far, he’s not talking.

Most of the San Diego news outlets falsely reported that Malil entered a Not Guilty plea to the charges. This was an initial appearance for bail and neither the time nor places to enter any plea since the charges have yet to be formalized.

One report offered that the defendant showed no remorse at the court appearance. Since Malil was not given any opportunity to speak I’m wondering how any reporter could draw that conclusion?

The news business has systematically dumped their older, more experienced and expensive news men and women for kids that work for a lot less money. You get what you pay for...


  1. My heart goes out for this poor woman. No matter what happens to him, he will never feel the pain she has and will continue to feel. Of course we must make sure this monsters right is protected. Maybe we will get lucky and one of his cell mates will get him to talk.

  2. Anyone who injures, kills, or threatens to harm a person who they say they "love" is a control freak. They apparently don't understand that you cannot "make" someone love you. He should have just let it go. There are always more fish in the sea. Now he's gonna be Bubba's plaything for the next few decades.


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.