Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goldfinger Murder Suspect Seeks To Be Sprung From Custody.

Los Angeles—Friday, August 29, 2008 there will be a federal court status conference on the pending charge against James Michael Fayed for operating his business without a license.

Federal prosecutors said that Fayed was operating a Ponzi scheme and that the LAPD believes he orchestrated the horrible slashing and stabbing murder of his wife, Pamela Fayed in a Century City parking garage last month.

Fayed’s attorney Mark Werksman has filed notices of appeal to challenge the rulings made so far in the case. The primary issue now is the custody status of Fayed who is currently being held without bond.

Werksman has filed a new motion to get Fayed released on a bail amount similar to what’s expected for a low-grade federal felony. I can’t predict the outcome of the motion but I suspect that a new federal indictment is in the works for additional charges and of course there is that strong possibility that the currently stalled LAPD murder investigation may yet yield state charges against Fayed.

As long as Fayed is being held without bail there is no urgency for prosecutors to file any new charges.

Here’s a copy of Mark Werksman’s latest 51 page motion:
Read this document on Scribd: Fayed motion for release

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