Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Goldfinger Murder Suspect Demands Return of Some Seized Assets From The Government

Los Angeles--The government seized considerable assets from murder suspect, James Fayed in connection with his Indictment for operating without a license. Those assets are considered by prosecutors as ill-gotten gains and also evidence of the crime for which Fayed is charged.

As always, defense lawyers in similar cases try to get either a portion or all of the assets returned to their client. Often those assets contain the defense attorney’s only hope of being paid to defend their clients.

So what may be a very protracted fight has begun with a motion to regain money claimed to be needed for the defense to protect potential defense evidence.

Additionally there is a list of subpoena witnesses and a proposed court order to release funds that has yet to be signed.

Prosecutors will have to respond and undertake a serious fight to keep all assets locked up. I fully expect the prosecutor’s argue that the money belongs to investors who were hoodwinked into Fayed’s unlicensed and illegal Ponzi scheme.

For investors of Fayed’s companies it’s important that those assets are protected so they can be returned to these innocent victims at some point.
Prosecutors will be responding to the motion in short order. That response is expected to shed more light on Fayed’s business practices.

In the meantime the LAPD investigation into the stabbing and slashing to death of Pamela Fayed still appears to be stalled. Police have been still unable to locate Anthony Fayed who is wanted on unrelated felony arrest warrants.

Here are the latest documents filed
Read this document on Scribd: Mayed money motion

Updated! Click here for the very latest information on this investigation

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