I'm sorry to tell you that the SCC site has been disabled for as long as four days. Feel free to post information here as an open post at least until the site is operational.
I’m not sure just what’s going on but I won’t rule out sabotage by Daley and J-Fed. I’m sure they don’t want the daily body count information along with the failings of the department getting publicized. SCC is needed to keep the heat on in order to keep them honest.
Keep the comments clean please.
Update Second City Cop is back in good order.
Something very strange is going on in the Chicago police blogosphereworld. BCC,Burbs Chicago Cop,just vanished with no warning on Sunday. HSCC,Honorable Star Chicago Cop,hasn't posted in weeks and now SCC is out of commission for four days. SCC said something about a robot being sicced upon him,what the hell does that mean in layperson speak,not blogspeak?
I hope you can focus on CPD issues for the next few days,this could get real nasty with SCC, the city will not hestitate to suppress 1st Amendment Rights,they openly deny the 2nd Amendment exists.
Can you use your extensive media connections to focus some light upon this trajesty of justice? SCC was the only voice for the "cloutless" officers on the CPD and was a true sounding board for positive change on the CPD.
The NYPD Rant had similar problems and I believe litigation that resulted in Mayor Blooberg openly endorsing their 1st Amendment rights to free expression.
If someone is denying officers their civil liberties we are in much greater peril than anyone could perceive. The ACLU and the lefties would even agree that this is CRIMINAL.
SCS has a post on his blog about this topic:
Anonymous said...
They know who you are and are trying to figure out what to do. Careful.
6/25/2008 10:28:00 PM"
Someone sicced a robot on us and we've been locked out of our account for "up to four days" until such time as Blogger gets around to making sure we aren't a "Spam Blog."
We are screwed for updates for the time being. We'd apologize, but it isn't our fault.
6/25/2008 10:54:00 PM"
The mayor and his crew of criminals are pissing their pants.
First it was the 2nd Amendment, now it's the 1st Amendment that this petty dictator and his miscreant minions are in the process of shitting all over.
Wed Jun 25, 11:25:00 PM
Something very strange is going on in the Chicago police blogosphereworld. BCC,Burbs Chicago Cop,just vanished with no warning on Sunday. HSCC,Honorable Star Chicago Cop,hasn't posted in weeks and now SCC is out of commission for four days. SCC said something about a robot being sicced upon him,what the hell does that mean in layperson speak,not blogspeak?
I hope you can focus on CPD issues for the next few days,this could get real nasty with SCC, the city will not hestitate to suppress 1st Amendment Rights,they openly deny the 2nd Amendment exists.
Can you use your extensive media connections to focus some light upon this trajesty of justice? SCC was the only voice for the "cloutless" officers on the CPD and was a true sounding board for positive change on the CPD.
The NYPD Rant had similar problems and I believe litigation that resulted in Mayor Blooberg openly endorsing their 1st Amendment rights to free expression.
If someone is denying officers their civil liberties we are in much greater peril than anyone could perceive. The ACLU and the lefties would even agree that this is CRIMINAL.
SCS has a post on his blog about this topic:
Anonymous said...
They know who you are and are trying to figure out what to do. Careful.
6/25/2008 10:28:00 PM"
Someone sicced a robot on us and we've been locked out of our account for "up to four days" until such time as Blogger gets around to making sure we aren't a "Spam Blog."
We are screwed for updates for the time being. We'd apologize, but it isn't our fault.
6/25/2008 10:54:00 PM"
The mayor and his crew of criminals are pissing their pants.
First it was the 2nd Amendment, now it's the 1st Amendment that this petty dictator and his miscreant minions are in the process of shitting all over.
Wed Jun 25, 11:25:00 PM
The 2nd Amendment will hopefully be restored in Chicago tomorrow,lets hope and pray that the 1st Amendment is not denied to working coppers.
SCC was the only link many retirees had to the CPD. Worse case scenario is that a retiree needs to operate the site from outside of Illinois.
I will do all I can to keep the information flowing in Chicago. Don't be afraid to e-mail me and call me.
I will be watching and ready help the boys and girls who are still stuck working for the CPD.
I know they want to shut down any communication becuse they are afraid of a job action as they start their summer, anti-crime program.
Well we're new but we're still up. We'll keep you posted if they get to us too. ;)
Thanks for pickin' up the slack, Paul!!
Thank GOD for people that still believe in the 1st & 2nd Amendments.
I'm afraid it's reality that the Social Media monopolist $ billionaires are now strongly curtailing freedom of speech on the Internet for pretty much anyone that is:
Pro President Trump
Opposes urban criminal anarchy
Opposes open borders mass illegal immigration
Opposes Political Correctness in any form
We're talking de-platforming (no Twitter, Paypal, Youtube, Facebook) of someone like Milo Y - a Gay Libertarian Comedian with more Conservative views who gave a (very funny) negative review of the God awful Feminist remake of Ghostbusters!
The ethnic/sexual background of the Social Media $ billionaire monopolists is the same as the media monopolists in the mainstream media (CNN Jeff Zucker, New York Times all Hollywood studios)
All should understand that we increasingly live in an occupied country where basic Constitutional rights (1st Amendment, 2nd, Amendment, 4th and 5th Amendment) are being taken away on College Campuses and just in everyday life. If you/we are outed as being politically incorrect, complaining about Chicago's real criminal anarchy 3,000 plus shootings, 500 plus murders a year practically every F#*$&@ year for the last 40 years, expect to get doxed, lose your job, lose your social media accounts or worse.
Read Orwell's 1984 or talk to old folks who lived under the worst forms of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe.
Also consider supporting the Dissent Right and getting more of your news and entertainment from now free countries like Hungary, Poland and yes Russia.
Lennigrad has been reChristianed "St. Petersburg" and Russia's tough leader Vladimir Putin is basically the Czar returned.
Mother Russia is eternal.
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