Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chicago Police Recruit Weapon Uniformity

Glock is the current winner of this contest. Officers are limited to using the Glock at least until they complete probation.

Superintendent J-Fed wants everyone to use the same weapon and there are valid reasons to do that for a military infantry unit. However it’s not so necessary for street cops as long as the firearms are functional and safe.

Officers will be stuck using the crap 9MM round so we can count on hearing people complain and demand to know why the cops are firing so many rounds at suspects.

My only concern is every officer knows how to use their own gun and that of any partner they may have. Chicago cops must locate and purchase their own firearms using fund from their uniform allowance.

I’m surprised Daley did not allow the local reverends decide what the officers could carry. The problem is that both Alderman Ed Burke and Daley have taxpayer funded bodyguards they don’t want to see equipped with rubber guns.

Here’s more about this story.


  1. From everything that I've heard (here and SCC) the CPD is a POS department and this just solidifies it!

    I'm not talking about the coppers themselves, I'm talking about the dept. and admin.

    I've never heard of such a f*cked-up thing (having to buy your own duty-gun).

    What a joke!

  2. June 04, 2008 3:40 PM

    It does sound a little messed up, but Im sure that the CPD's uniform allowance is probably 3 -4 times that of whatever thebronze department is.

  3. Who will get the "contract" to sell these guns? A friend or relative of King richies, of course.

  4. It does sound a little messed up, but Im sure that the CPD's uniform allowance is probably 3 -4 times that of whatever thebronze department is.

    I'll bet it isn't, but someone from CPD could probably tell us what it is.

  5. My uniform allowance is 3-4 times what a Block costs. And Paul, being a BTDT kind of guy, I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with the 9 in it's modern day loadings. Put the bullet where it's supposed to be and it will do what it's supposed to do. It is no better nor worse than any other round. Would you like to hear the story about the young copper that shot the guy smack dab COM the other day and the bullet didn't even slow him down? Guess what calber was involved. Yes Paul, it was a .45. Point is they all work on occasion and thay all fail on occasion. Shot placement pal, shot placement!

  6. I'll bet it isn't, but someone from CPD could probably tell us what it is.
    our Uniform allowance is $1,800 every year (paid out 3 times, $600 A check) and we have a Duty availability (which everyone gets no matter the watch or assignment) of $2,920. But im sure thebronze will lie and say his is more

  7. Big liar, yep you found me out...

  8. Big liar, yep you found me out...
    you never did say what your uniform allowance is


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