Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Boomer Please! Stay Out Of Chicago!

Boomer is a two year-old African lion who ran away from home. His home was with a resident of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Indian Reservation near Ottowa Canada.

The cat’s owner claims Boomer is only a harmless pet. I suspect that the “harmless” claim has fallen on deaf ears as police aided with helicopters are searching for Boomer right now.

I heard Boomer was on his way to Chicago where he wants to become the mascot for any winning sports team.

Please Boomer! Turn around and go home before it’s too late! I sure hope history does not repeat itself again...


  1. i think the police in kitigan zibi need to move somewhere else cause they dont listen to the people gordon mcgregor over did it. he is the only one who blew the lion insadent out of the sky. I guess he wanted more publicity so he can get more money for his policing

  2. um i've considered that closest observation on the man claimed as float me your bonera


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